Some people are naturally just blessed with an ability to take a punch and others aren't. I have no idea what causes this but it does seem to be the case. We can see some professional fighters that actually lose this ability over time such as Roy "Big Country" Nelson, who seemed almost impossible to KO until Mark Hunt finally did it to him. Since then, his ability to be KO'd has been dramatically increased. I suppose that all of us only have a certain amount of mild brain damage that we can absorb before the ol noggin doesn't want to put up a defense anymore.
I know this isn't directly related to what we are talking about, but it will be interesting to see what ends up happening to a lot of these MMA fighters when they get up there in years. I think we are going to see a lot of them have very big problems in their 50's and 60's even if they haven't been in a fight in decades.
yep so true as these athletes hit their 50s and 60s. Same's going to happen in the NFL and rugby league as well. The hits just keep on getting harder as athletes get better
The difference being that a lot of the MMA fighters are dead broke before they even retire. I know a lot of NFL players are stupid with their money but most of them at least have a jump start of millions of dollars to gradually throw away. Most MMA fighters don't ever even get to 1 million.