I was able to get the 2 options for my proposal, but the system has yet to notify that the proposal has failed to pass.
The whole thing was, and is highly experimental, and temperamental. But I don't think I marketed it as a DAO, as it's a little too centralized at 2 points to call it that. The account owner has ultimate control, and this code was designed to allow a community owner to yield that control over to a community. The account owner can at any point decide to no longer yield control, and remove authorization. (the 1st point of centralization)
This hasn't happened yet...
What has happened is that the code hosted on my server (the other centralized point) is dated, and in need of an update. But as I've stated before, getting 51% of stake to vote on it is going to be very difficult, so for now fixing this is lower on my priority list.
So, SportsTalkSocial community will not be able to use the "DAO" since you are not able to fix this?
Oh I am certainly able, and even willing, I'm just saying it's lower down on my list of things to do
Ah ok.
We will wait.
Can you notify me When you fix the node?
Continue to gather support for your idea, I'll have it fixed before you finish gathering the required support, and if I don't finish before you have it, I'll move it up the list.
EDIT: But yeah I'll try to remember to let you know when it's working. You can be my test subject.
fixed the problem that had my proposal stuck, and found your problem.
#sportsproposals you used #sportsproposal, edit your post, add #sportsproposals, notify me, and we should get this to work
Thank you a lot, so much for the effort.
I have already updated my post.
Now, everything it is working fine.
Thanks again for the support.
I am confused about what proposal system is this running on?
Anything here? https://tribaldex.com/tokenfunds/SPORTS:SPORTS
SPORTS is running 2 proposal systems. One that I wrote a couple years ago, and one that the hive engine team wrote.
The hive-engine one allows control of a fund of SPORTS, people can propose whatever, and then get funding in SPORTS to do that...
The one I wrote allows control of an account (sports-gov) by the community. People can propose fundamental changes to the community, propose a use of any funds in the account, control how hive power is used, ect.
The hive-engine system is much more stable, but is limited in its abilities, it can either give out SPORTS, or not... My system is a lot more unstable, but allows for a lot more options....
Anyways sports is running 2, probably the only tribe with both setup...
Need to have a look at your one if open source. Fetch me a link if you can.
There it is only proposals to receive funds and not to governance
Got it now. Tks