Hello everybody!
It's been raining since last night. It doesn't stop for a minute.
Heavy black clouds hang over the Alps.
Someone really likes the rain, but I'm happy to see it in rare cases.
Just water my garden and vegetables.
Now filled with sweet strawberries, so do not want to spoil the berries from the rain.
When it rains a lot, snails come out of all corners of the garden and start eating vegetables.
They eat the young leaves of seedlings of cucumbers and zucchini.
So they ate my first plants 3 weeks ago.
I had to urgently sow cucumber seeds again.
Snails also like to eat strawberries.
Therefore, I have a competition with snails who will have time to harvest faster.
What snails eat, I don't collect; I leave them.
But they somehow choose the largest and red berries, as they understand it?
The rain must stop so I can harvest my first strawberry crop.
I sat on the balcony, covered with a warm blanket, and remembered last summer: the Mediterranean sea in Capri and the beautiful scenery of this amazing island.
How good that there are photos that help me dream and have a great mood despite the pouring rain.
Good luck!