Nobody's Climbing To The Top Of The Mountain, Especially For Climbing Sports.

That morning the sky was clear. Even though the clock showed 10:30 WIB, thick clouds of fog still covered the hills of Tangse, Pidie Regency. The cool air feels very piercing bones.

While sipping a glass of Tangse's typical liberica coffee, my eyes gaze up at the top of the Halimon mountains. For the people of Aceh, especially the former ex-combatant of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), Halimon was legendary and was an important witness behind the history of the birth of the GAM struggle. It was here, the GAM declaration, Allahyarham Teungku Hasan Muhammad in Tiro together with his peers waged a fight with the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on 4 December 1976.

I finally took the initiative to see the peak of Mount Halimon up close. Nasrullah, a resident of Blang Dhod village, Tangse sub-district, said that getting to the top of Mount Halimon was not easy. This is because all along the hills are very steep and rocky. If during the rainy season, along the trajectory of this hill is very slippery.

"Siat teuk geutanyoe asked u Blang Pandak, Sinan Leubeh Toe Takalon Gunong Halimon (soon we will go to Blang Pandak, there we are closer to seeing Mount Halimon)," Nasrullah said.

Blang Pandak is a village located in the interior of the city of Tangse. When the conflict raged, the village located at the foot of the Halimon mountains is known as the black zone. The village, which is flanked by hills and valleys, is a GAM protection base.

Along the way, rice fields and hilltops combine with the valley. Splashing sound of clear river water clearly visible at the foot of the hills. However, access to the village of Blang Pandak is not easy. This is because the streets are rocky and potholes so that the motorbike ridden by Nasrul can only crawl slowly. Although the distance is about 15 kilometers from Blang Dhot village, it took 40 minutes for us to arrive at Blang Pandak village.

"The umu hudep lon gohlom ever used me to meihigo pih uuhuh. Peulom watee ujeuen that glue, as long as it supposes kayem in the Ujeuen sinan. Bahpih musem khueng (in my entire life I have never even been up there. Especially during the rainy season it is very slippery, when it rains frequently in the afternoon. Even though it is in the dry season), "Nasrullah said.

Mount Halimon has now become a legend for the people of Aceh, especially ex-combatants. This mountain has its own historical value because it is a traces of the history of the birth of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). Quoted from various sources, Mount Halimon is a place where Dr. Muhammad Hasan in Tiro together with his peers had proclaimed an independent Aceh in 1976. It is said again, at the top of the mountain, Hasan Tiro had founded an ideology school.

"At the height of Nyan, the late guardian na geuglong sion buleuen star flag. Until the jinohat mantong na and hana were damaged, (on top of the peak, the late guardian (Hasan Tiro-red) had raised a star flag. Until now there was still no damage at all, "said one of the former GAM combatants who declined to be mentioned. the name.

This tall man with a short crew cut admitted that to reach the top of Mount Halimon was not easy. Besides the steep and slippery terrain, the view is a bit limited. This is because throughout the trip is always shrouded in fog. Such is the case with defects, a type of blood-sucking animal that needs to be watched out for. It is said that again, a variety of stories and mystical experiences that have been felt by the local community. For example, if someone climbs a mountain whistling and joking, he will surely experience things that are not desirable, such as getting lost and will even encounter wild animals such as tigers or large snakes.

"Peulom meunyoe na ureueng nyang niet broek, watee like teungoh the road will be centered and hana meurumpok lee. "Watee tateupeu sigoe ka meubee jeut keu mayet watee diteumeung lee ureueng (especially if there are people who do not mean well, when traveling will get lost and never be found again. When we know it will decay into corpses when found by residents)," he said.

The same thing was also expressed by Samsul Bahri A. Wahab, a resident of Blang Dhot village. The former combatant and also a member of the DPRK Pidie from the Aceh Party Faction admitted that Mount Halimon had its own legend and historical values ​​for him and his fellow comrades. Because the mountain, which is familiarly called "Gunong Aulia", is the safest home and has never been touched by government forces during the Martial Law. He claimed, the TNI / Polri were only able to hunt GAM guerrillas when they wanted to go down to the Blang Pandak village. So no wonder the local village became an open battlefield between the TNI / Polri and GAM fighters when it was still at odds with the ideology at the time.

"Likewise, if there are people who have good intentions, when they get lost they will find a village with friendly people and a harmonious life. They will help those who are lost by giving then nan and a ride in their home. Because in terms of history, this mountain is a place of the aulia and sacred. Moreover, there were many Acehnese who were martyred during the Dutch colonial period, "Samsul Bahri said.

The sun is leaning towards the western horizon. Nasrullah and I said goodbye to local residents. On top of the motor that writhed slowly through the slippery and muddy terrain. Imagine the names of the villages of Blang Pandak and Mount Halimon as legendary historical traces. In the past, this area was a defensive castle, but now it has begun to be forgotten and only leaves history.


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