There are many cars, but today we will talk about two models of the same company, the old model Honda City and the new model Honda Civic. What is the difference between the old model and the new model? They used to have strong steel and they looked beautiful in that era but due to modern cars, old model cars look weird now but they are still strong like old model Honda City. It was a strong vehicle
Some people spend a lot of money on decorating their old cars to make them look new.
Maintenance is important to keep an old car looking new and maintenance is important to keep the car looking good. Vehicles can also be kept new but it is very important to follow for example there should be a single driver to drive the vehicle and then to clean the vehicle on a daily basis. And the engine oil of the car should be checked on a daily basis and the water should also be checked on a daily basis and apart from that, minor breakdowns of the car should have been done immediately so that the car can avoid any major damage.
And if you check the front part of the car, it has an engine, when the bonnet opens, the engine comes out from the bottom and the engine drives the car and the engine does not drive the entire system of the car, its engine is strong, yes, one thing. Care should be taken that this vehicle is slightly lower and the speed breakers are built on top of the roads. All vehicles of Honda company are low and look very low and beautiful on the road so be careful with the speed breaker
With the passage of time, the modern age is coming and people are demanding new car, a model which is beautiful to look and drive and the most famous and most loved of Honda. The upcoming model is Honda Civic and in this model which was launched in 2017 and the most demand of this car is still there today, it has been slightly changed but people are very impressed with its rear side light. They look very beautiful
And I also love such a big car, it is very easy to drive, this car is automatic and it also has a front side camera that shows the location of the car and the whole picture of the front of the car. It becomes easy to drive and drive and it also has a camera installed on the back seat when the car is reversed, the camera makes it easy to reverse the car and also the speed of the car is good and This 1800 cc car leaves small cars behind when it runs on the road and if we talk about its petrol and today, it travels from ten to fourteen kilometers in one liter of petrol and according to me this is a very good average. is a big car which is eighteen hundred cc
And finally, I will continue to talk about the modern era, modern cars are also coming and the cars that people like are being manufactured by the companies and they are making good cars according to their own calculations. May your name be bright and people like cars
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