Storytime of my new bike and my mechanical odyssey of 2024../🛵🔧🔩🛵/Storytime de mi moto nueva y mi odisea mecanica de 2024.

in Hive Motors5 months ago

Hi hivers - Hola hivers

How is this beautiful hive community? Today I am here to tell you about a personal achievement that I had seen as a goal since the new year, and that is that I finally managed to buy my new motorcycle. As some of you know, I work as a delivery person in the city of Mintevideo, which means that my motorcycle must be in optimal conditions, not only to guarantee that I can provide a good service, but the most important thing is my safety.

Como se encuentra esta bonita comunidad de hive? hoy paso por aqui a contarles sobre un logro personal que tenia visto como objetivo desde año nuevo, y es que porfin logre comprar mi moto nueva, como ya algunos saben yo trabajo como delivery en la ciudad de Mintevideo, lo que significa que mi moto debe estar en optimas condiciones no solo para garantizar que pueda brindar un buen servicio, lo mas importante es mi seguridad.



During the first few months of this year I was suffering with two 110cc skirts that had engine problems, consequently a long stay at a mechanic who tried to steal one of the two motorcycles, when I could I worked to pay my expenses and once it was repaired I sold one of the two skirts, the other after 4 months in the workshop, I rented it to a friend and he was robbed where I lost my vehicle forever.

Durante los primeros meses de este año estuve sufriendo con dos polleritas 110cc que sufrieron problemas en el motor, por consiguiente una larga estadia en un mecanico que intento robarme una de las dos motos, cuando podia trabajaba para pagar mis gastos y una vez reparada vendi una de las dos polleritas, la otra luego de 4 meses en el taller, la alquile a un amigo y este sufrio un robo donde perdi mi vehiculo para siempre.



As a result of selling one of the skirts, I bought a retro scooter which I worked with for a few months and managed to save enough to buy my new motorcycle, however, as is expected from the purchase of a used motorcycle, it had faults and had details of use, shortly after buying it the exhaust pipe broke, it also had electrical failures so I decided to change all the wiring, the stator, the spark plug, the voltage regulator and the battery, thus getting rid of the problem at the root.

Como resultado de la venta de una de las polleritas, compre una scooter retro con la cual trabaje por algunos meses y logre ahorrar lo suficiente para comprar mi moto nueva, sin embargo como es esperado de la compra de una moto usada, presento fallas y tenia detalles de uso, poco despues de comprarla se partio el caño de escape, ademas tuvo fallas electrocas por lo cual decidi cambiar todo el cableado, el estatotor, la bujia, el resulador de voltaje y la bateria, arrancando asi el problema de raiz.



The time had come, they had just opened a Zanella dealership near my house so it was easy for me to go and see the bikes and choose which one I wanted, although to be honest I already knew which bike I wanted because a few years ago a friend had one of the same model and it seemed like an excessively comfortable bike, a necessary quality to be able to spend several hours working.

llego el momento, justo habian abierto un conscecionario zanella cerca de casa por lo cual era facil para mi ir a ver las motos y elegir cual queria, aunque para ser sincera ya yo sabia cual era la moto que queria porque hace unos años un amigo tuvo una del mismo modelo y me parecia una moto excesivamente comoda, cualidad necesaria para poder pasar varias horas trabajando.



My choice was a Zanella Styler RT, 125 cc, with a fuel economy of approximately 25 km per litre, automatic, with plenty of space under the seat, front disc brake and rear drum brake, USB 3.0 charger for the cell phone and LED headlights that shine spectacularly.

The bike has worked very well, I had some details in the front end with the suspension bars but due to the warranty the part that failed was replaced in the first few weeks.

mi eleccion se trataba de una Zanella Styler RT, 125 cc, con un rendimiento por litro de aproximadamente 25 km por litro, automatica, con mucho espacio bajo el asiento, freno delantero de disco y freno trasero de tambor, cargador USB 3.0 para el celular y luces led de faro que alumbran expectacular.

La moto ha funcionado muy bien, tuve algun detalle en el tren delantero con las barras de suspension pero debido a la garantia fue remplazada la pieza que fallaba en las primeras semanas.



As of today it already has 6000 kilometers and I feel that it has been a good investment, its base price was 1700 dollars, however due to a discount that the store had for its opening, I ended up paying 1600 dollars, the services to make the warranty valid must be done at authorized Zanella offices and have an approximate price of 1500 pesos, I feel very happy with my decision, it feels good to achieve the goals you set for yourself no matter how small they are, I just wanted to share my experience with you and recommend this vehicle if you also want a new scooter.

Al dia de hoy ya cuenta con 6000 kilometros y siento que ha sido una buena inversion su precio base fue de 1700 dolares, sin embargo debido a un descuento que tenia la tienda por inauguracion, termine pagando 1600 dolares, los services para hacer valer la garantia se debe hacer en las oficinas autorizadas de zanella y tienen un precio aproximado de 1500 pesos , me siento muy feliz con mi decision, se siente bien cumplir las metas que te propones sin importar lo pequeñas que sean, solo queria compartir mi experiencia con ustedes y recomendarles este vehiculo si es que ustedes tambien desean una scooter nueva.


Esto ha sido todo por hoy, si te gusta lo que hago, siente libertad de ayudarme a seguir

This has been all for today, if you like what I do, feel free to help me continue

El ingles no es mi idioma natal, me ayudo de traductores para realizar estos post
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con Honor magic lite 6

English it is not my native language, I help myself with translators to make these posts
All photos are my property taken with Honor magic lite 6

Muchas gracias por leer
Ten un bonito y feliz día
Con amor Carla Gonzalez Venezolana en Uruguay

Thanks so much for reading
Have a nice and happy day
With love Carla Gonzalez Venezolana in Uruguay

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️



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