At Hive Motors, our motto is "Mechanics is the engine that drives the world" and we are very excited to see the acceptance of our Hive community.
We are already 74 subscribers and every day we work hard to keep this community growing.
Today, April 3rd, we are performing the second curation of this week's 8 entries.
To carry out the curating in our community we take into account some things like, that the publication is original, therefore free of plagiarism and is written in English or English and your native language.

Curated Publications
[ESP-ING] 1er Concurso de la comunidad @Hive-motors. Cuenta tu historia./1st Community Contest @Hive-motors. Tell your story

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement to publish in our community
Thanks to the projects that support our community.
You can write us any doubt or question in the SMILE server in discord, in the Hive Motors channel.
thanks for taking me into account, it's exciting to be in the top 5, I'm usually in the top 100 :vv
Gracias por la mención amigos!
Thank you for your mention friends!
Esperamos leer más de cada uno de ustedes.
can i make a post in your community