my motorbike

in Hive Motors4 years ago


This is one of my trains that I have is branded CBR, 150 cc in 2018 this is one that I can buy from the results of my sweat And I have worn it for about a year and a half and until now, thank God there are no obstacles what train Cbr year In 2018, what I have, I usually use it for the garden and I use it between moms to the market, which I often use just for the garden



This is my friend from the Cbr 150 cc train friend, thank God, I don't have any problems, even though I made a lot of questions and educated him for a long time, but since it's been almost 2 years, thank God, I haven't had any problems and climb it smoothly and fast, the mountains are fast, the mountains are high, we can ride our teeth. three and the dance is fast which I have done is comfortable and the pulling is not slow and the pulling is fast which is good we wear it already the incline is comfortable and the oil is economical, we can also use it for long trips and the seat is very comfortable which I am most flattering to ask Its good, the times are fast and the train is not rolling. The train can't use it, how come the road is slippery. The fault is that we can't use it when the condition is slippery because the tires that are used are skid tires, not hoe tires


These are friends that you can see, so we can't use it on a wet road, so how come in my garden or the ground is still wet I never wear it because there are a lot of tire slips, how come we hurry the tires spinning there and will slip because of the tires not made to use in slippery conditions and the train I often use for long trips why do I go far using the train the first one feels comfortable and doesn't shake the second the gas is really economical


This is the train that you see now it's still safe, right, if my friends want to buy a train, buy a train, cbr 150, why don't I say that because I'm already wearing it so comfortable, how come we go far away and the most I am surprised that the gasoline is really economical and doesn't shake the train cbr 150 can also be used for us to climb and not shake, the point is that it is very comfortable, our friends lack cbr 150, we cannot use it when the atmosphere is slippery, it is a friend I can tell about the cbr 150 cc that I have used. that I can accept