in Hive Motors8 months ago (edited)

Buenos días amigos de hive motors espero se encuentren muy bien
Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un percance que tuve con mi camioneta el día jueves cuando fui a Porlamar a hacer unas compras con mi esposa y mi hija con su esposo y mis nietos .Después de hacer varias compras mi hija y su esposo se quedaron en Porlamar, yo fui a hacer otras diligencias y después me regrese a la casa.
Pasa y resulta que cuando venía de regreso por la avenida que va desde el Sambil hacia Cocheima la camioneta empezo a fallar, se apagaba y prendia nuevamente se apagaba y volví a a prender, esto lo hizo como 3 ó 4 veces y después se apagó y no volvió a prender le di por el suiche y ya no prendió con el impulso que llevaba busque un sitio seguro para estacionarme
Me baje abrí el capot, le dije a mi esposa que pasará el suiche y vi que la bomba sonaba y pensé que estaba bien luego saque un cable de la bujia y con un destornillador probe la corriente y también tenia corriente, ya me empezó a preocupar la cosa como el dia anterior había echado gasolina, tampoco pensé la opción de que me había quedado sin gasolina no había recorrido tanto como para gastar 50 litros.

Good morning friends of hive motors I hope you are doing well.
Today I want to share with you a mishap I had with my truck on Thursday when I went to Porlamar to do some shopping with my wife and my daughter with her husband and my grandchildren, after making several purchases my daughter and her husband stayed in Porlamar, I went to do other errands and then I returned home.
It happens and it turns out that when I was coming back along the avenue that goes from the Sambil to Cocheima the van began to fail, it turned off and turned on again, it turned off and turned on again, it did this about 3 or 4 times and then it turned off and did not turn on again I gave it by the suiche and it did not turn on with the momentum that I was carrying, I looked for a safe place to park.
I got off and opened the hood, I told my wife to pass the suiche and I saw that the pump sounded and I thought it was fine then I removed a wire from the spark plug and with a screwdriver I tested the current and also had current, and I began to worry about the thing as the day before I had poured gasoline, I did not think the option that I had run out of gas I had not traveled so much as to spend 50 liters.

nuevamente le di a prender y no encendió el motor, entonces desconecte la manguera que va desde la bomba de gasolina hasta el carburador y le dije a mi esposa pasa el suiche y nada la bomba prendia pero no mandaba gasolina, desconecte la manguera que va hacia el tanque y la sople y estaba un poco dura pero después aflojo, volví a conectar la manguera y le volví a decir a mi esposa pasa el suiche y nada no jalaba gasolina, bueno me dije no hay de otra tengo que comprar una bomba el problema es con quien.
Empecé a pedir cola y nada nadie se paraba, cerca de donde me había quedado accidentado había una venta de verduras y hortalizas, un joven que estaba ahí al ver que yo estaba pidiendo cola y nadie se paraba se me acerco y me dijo ¿que tiene el carro señor?, le dije que se había dañado la bomba y necesitaba comprar una pero nadie se para para darme la cola y esa no es una ruta donde pasa el transporte público y el joven me dijo yo tengo una moto si quiere lo llevo, le dije con un poco de nerviosismo si pero despacio que yo le tengo miedo a las motos, me dijo no se preocupe yo voy despacio, total que fuimos a una venta de repuestos que estaba como a 5 kilómetros y compre la bomba, llegue monte mi bomba nueva , espere que cargara , le di suiche y la camioneta prendió fino.

again I gave it to turn on and the engine did not start, then I disconnected the hose that goes from the fuel pump to the carburetor and I told my wife pass the suiche and nothing the pump turned on but did not send gasoline, disconnect the hose that goes to the tank and I blew it and it was a little hard but then loosened, I reconnected the hose and told my wife again pass the suiche and nothing did not pull gasoline, well I said there is no other way I have to buy a pump the problem is with whom.
I started to ask for cola and no one would stop, near where I had been injured there was a sale of vegetables, a young man who was there when he saw that I was asking for cola and no one would stop, he approached me and said "What is wrong with the car sir? I told him that the pump was damaged and I needed to buy one but nobody stopped to give me the queue and that is not a route where public transport passes and the young man told me I have a motorcycle if you want a ride, I told him with a little nervousness yes but slowly I am afraid of motorcycles, he said do not worry I go slowly, so we went to a sale of spare parts that was about 5 kilometers away and bought the pump, I got my new pump mounted, I waited for it to charge, I gave him suiche and the truck started fine.

Le pregunte al joven de la moto cuanto le debia y me dijo nada. Le pregunte el nombre y me dijo Carlos bueno le dije Carlos como tu no me quieres cobrar nada yo te voy a dar 5 litros de gasolina y me dijo bueno eso sí necesito además mi esposa le compro 4 kilos de berengena y 1/2 kilo de aji.
Nosotros super agradecido por su ayuda nos fuimos de regreso a casa.
Hasta aquí mi post de hoy gracias por su visita y apoyo.

I asked the young man on the motorcycle how much I owed him and he said nothing. I asked him for his name and he said Carlos, well I told him Carlos since you don't want to charge me anything I am going to give you 5 liters of gasoline and he said well I need that plus my wife bought him 4 kilos of aubergine and 1/2 kilo of chili.
We were very grateful for his help and we went back home.
So far my post today thanks for your visit and support.

Fotos documentadas por el celular hawei de mi esposa
Use Deelp traductor

Photos documented by my wife's hawei cell phone
Use Deelp translator


Thank God, there are still good people who are willing to help each other! The young man is very kind!

Gladly you and your wife can continue the trip.

Buenos dias, mi amigo!

Thank God, thank you very much for your comment and support.

That was so nice of the guy. I am really happy the problem was able to be located and solved successfully. Weldone

Thank you for your comment and support