the years don't pass in vain, and when you have a 12 year old car, if you don't keep up with preventive maintenance, it starts to take its toll
It really does! It really bloody does! Especially if you drive it daily! People don't think about that at all! Imagine keeping a pair of shoes for twelve years and then using that pair everyday to go to work and back! Then when it's 12 years down the line you expect them to look and perform as well as it did way back?
That is why I take extra care of my car, no exceptions! Mine is 10 years old now, oh wait 11!
Pure wisdom what you say brother, I struggle to keep the two carts I have up to date, it is difficult and sometimes I think about selling one.
You have two? You pay two car licenses?
On the other hand it might not be the worst idea... if one breaks down you'll still have a set of wheels...
It's hard mahn I know... I had to buy a 490 dollar clutch for my car now and that really hits hard 🫠🫠🫠