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RE: Law of attraction?

in Kindness Rocks8 months ago

That is something exciting series you've been capturing from real life. Nice, 2x the same, and yet another one using the same spot. And then yet another one. Oopsy that was already you 🎶 🙃 This was a few days ago. Have you had the chance to revisit the location? Wondering if yours is still there, or perhaps replaced with yet another one. As you say, there is some kinda of attraction going on. Maybe some mysterious force, kind of like gravity? Perhaps the cousin of gravity, or closer, a brother or sister? Or perhaps gravities best friend, or just an acquaintance. Who knows. All in all, a great little Kindness Rock memory that may even evolve, past, present, future, a story not finished yet.


Gravity and Attraction could be cousins, yes, or even siblings. Twins - better said... Definitely twins. :))

My little rock was placed on Sunday, so I hope to get there somehow and check if it is still there or if a new rock appeared instead. The chauffeur needs a chauffeur 😂 just for the rock route.

Kindness Rock memory that may even evolve, past, present, future

Kindness rocks live an everlasting life 😋

at your service