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RE: Gravity

in Kindness Rockslast year

Let's Be Inspired and Stay Happy 🙃🎶

Oooooooh, this is good!!!! 😍

Now I should change the messages on my rocks hahaha. Or make new ones, before my tomorrow morning gig maybe? I don't know what those would look like... many zzzzzzzzz letters would be there 🤣

Mr Gravity - he played a nice influence here, so the rock stayed in this gravitated version 😉 (adding him to the family?)

 last year (edited) 

dear mrs piano lady,
please be so kind NOT to attend to kindness rocks this evening.
we would not like you going nuts over them.
that said, we like people being nuts.
uhm, feel this is going to be a never-ending circle.
NJOY the keys tomorrow and the zzzzz later tonight
kind regards

ps Mr Gravity says: He needs to be added. He insists.


Dear Mr Gravity,
you are kindly added to the family gang.
You will need a welcome rock
but I am kindly asked NOT to touch the rocks this evening
so I hope you can meet Miss Patience
and have a nice chitchat
maybe even a dinner.

kind regards are kindly received
