How can longing be described, can it be classified in the field of sad or happy vibrations?
It depends, some people know how to long with joy and that is the best, according to metaphysics. A longing as if one already has what one longs for.
I hope that these little flowers find a colourful background. Surely the colours appear right there because they are already there. I see that background full of colours.
🤗 Te mando un abrazo.
The little flowers on my rock are also longing and they do it somehow with that joy. I think - as I forgot to ask them before I placed them on that stone by the sea. 😁
Habrá que ir a ver si sigue allí o hay diferentes que otros pusieron. Maybe it become a meeting point for people who like to draw or paint on pebbles, that would be cool. 😎
There are seven Universal Laws - the one that is most talked about is the law of attraction, but it's not that simple. I mentioned another one in my comment, the law of assumption.
(You can listen or read to Neville Goddard) 😉