That's a lot in a single post :), thank you directing us to all that income/investement branches, appreciated!
As for the contest, I have questions
Founder Gamer Title NFT Gun design challenge: We design some Cyberpunk gun design and post the art, am I right here? And is there a limit to one user how many designs? I think putting a limit would be wise, than people know that they should spend some t&a into it. And we won't have clusters of rubbish out there. And having all those under this post, I'm not sure you might get more attention than you are expecting ;)
A PsyberX logo design (as in the Ragnarok logo design) we design and post logo graphics, is there a limit to how many? As I said should be limited to 3.
Social Share is cool, is there any source point for current PsyberX graphics, fonts (Gifs, logos etc) you are using? For example what are the fonts used here, and is there svg versions of these?
I can prepare a detailed materials post for using in PsyberX posts, I'll look into that.
I will make some posts about this genre and how should (in my opinion) the PsyberX can allocate itself. Because in my opinion the game should not be a solely shoot to kill, 3rd person thing, there should be some managing(like football manager games), I should have some bots/chars work for me etc (like a boss😁). I'll expand my ideas in several posts if I can.
Great looks and ideas, I have faith in you and you have my %100 support!
Have a great day!
As for you ideas for the game and getting more information look at my "how to enter" section of the contests I include a discord link where we have a resources room of plenty of PNG, posters and videos to use. We agree, the token holders are constantly working with the game devs, we give ideas, they say if feasable or not and vote on things, so far there will be plenty of what you are seeking yet not in the alpha version, we will get an arena style 50 vs. 50 brawl to begin the pew pew and tournaments etc while developing the metavers openworld RPG side of the game with all those extras we want.Great comment! for 1 & 2 I will edit, the payment for participating is for 1 entry on each contest, submit all you want yet good idea to add a limit of 3. As for 3. fonts I am not 100% on this as @laritheghost made this promo video and might be able to shed some light on the font name and where to find it, likely once the name we can find it and share.