Beast Gardens, Hashkings, Blockchain RPG, NFT Panda, & Nefty Quest are the topic of todays write up. To be more specific each of those projects newest updates & of course related WAX / Weedcash NFT airdrops. If there is time ill add a section concerning my own Weedcash NFT colection & my prizes for #stashpass Raffle this May.
Beast Gardens
A WAX play to earn game I have been playing since it launched last fall. In that time Beast Gardens has progressed from a simple 3v3 TCG P2E to a complex game which is almost nothing like what it started out as.
Recently the evolution system along with a connected fruit & plant NFT systems where added. No resembling their whitepaper systems outlined they added the weather & grow function to your plant NFTs in game.
Each Plant NFT grows portions of Fruit NFTs which are sent to your wallet when you reach 1 whole fruit. How many portions of the fruit produced a day depends upon the growing conditions the type of plant NFT & its rarity.
The Games new weather forecast now shows you the Weather & what fruit productions favor those conditions.
Your produced fruit NFTs can be used in the games evolution system or simply sold once produced.
BGWATER produced via owning Spring NFTs 👇which you can claim hourly, is now used to water plants as was originally intended.
Previously you used BGWATER in Trainer Battle to change enemy team line ups or recharge your Beast NFTs to fight again sooner.
This is now done with BGALPHA instead of BGWATER, so the plants solely get the BGWATER.
You get plant NFTs to grow fruit NFTs via Plant Packs these Plant packs you can mint in game via the crafting menu.
To craft the 1 count plant pack you require 600 BGALPHA won in game & 60 SHARDS.
To Get SHARDS you basically burn your beast NFTs via a process dubbed Disenchanting in game.
You obtain Beast NFTs either from my giveaways LOL 🤣or you can bid on in game auctions for them paying in BGALPHA.
I have quite a bit to cover today so ill cap Beast Gardens here, if you have any questions let me know in the comments.
Blockchain RPG
Many likely lost faith in this WAX play to earn game but they have made major updates their priority. The game plays almost the same but they are now minimizing CPU usage & have a new Level System.
Basically the leveling as of yet does not seem to affect the game all to much but it is active.
Blockchain RPG is now One of the first WAX games with a live server chat other then Galactic 123.
CPU usage is the Play to Earn Game killer on WAX, so like many games Blockchain RPG has implemented an in game wallet not requiring wallet conformation for game functions.
As many know CPU usage on WAX is a deal breaker even if the game is free to play wallet conformations add up quick. So while this change seems small its literally going to save this game.
Check it out via the link above its made with the unity game engine so it updates fairly quickly & its potential is yet to be realized.
Hash Kings
Hash Kings is a HIVE blockchain game that has undergone substantial changes as of late. For Starters their token BUDS has added a Staking option unlike any other on HIVE.
Typically when you stake the funds are locked in, the BUDS when staked instead send you BUDSX.
I have stakes around 12,000 BUDS resulting in being sent 12,000 BUDSX.
Now this is where I stumble a bit, to be frank I dont know how to earn the rewards for staking, my guess is 12,000 BUDSX isn't enough.
A little shameful to admit as my design got used for the BUDSX coin & I dont understand the staking rewards system.
So cool they used my cannabis art for the design of BUDSX coin. I have always seen cannabis / cannabis extracts as art & its fun to be able to have that vision realized.
While I couldn't understand the staking system of BUDS due to ineptitude on my end, what I have had much more luck with is their delegation system.
For those unaware delegation & curation are an important aspect of HIVE. This helps bloggers like myself, by allotting funding to a curation account, our posts about their project when deserving get boosted via a substantial upvote.
Above is another screen shot from this post further explaining curation & delegation full details can be found here.
Bang Defense is another HIVE play to earn in the beta phase which is going to be part of the Hash Kings ecosystem.
The Hashkings HIVE DHF
Now the Hash Kings DHF Proposal is basically their means of HIVE funding their project & their teams expenses for the foreseeable future.
I for one voted for their proposal which can be found here.
The folks at Hashkings like myself truly want to see HIVE & its users succeed. Its for this reason when they ask for users to help by voting for their DHF Proposal they have my support 100%.
HIVE does best when the people & projects on HIVE are given opportunity to succeed. Given the cyclical nature of the HIVE ecosystem we all benefit from others succeeding on HIVE.
Hashkings team has shown talent & commitment I am looking forward to seeing just what their project is capable of if it continues to grow.
Please if you can vote for the Hashkings DHF proposal.
Their posts explaining their DHF proposal
Nefty quest market
Nefty Blocks a WAX NFT market has been over the last few months shifting focus to rewarding its users for utilizing their market.
At first they introduced NEFTY rewards for buying & selling NFTs on Nefty Blocks.
Recently they launched a feature called Nefty Quest awarding users with prizes weekly for using their WAX NFT market.
Now placing High enough on Nefty quest awards you with RUBIES a currency now used in their Nefty Quest market which was just added.
The rubies are used in Blend systems now & at 5 Rubies a piece with the 60 RUBIES I had I was able to produce 12 chests.
To keep things simple the chests have a probability of which rarity is produced via the blend.
So the ODDS are the same for everyone each chest blended requires 5 RUBIES but if your lucky you can get a rarer chest.
I only thought to get a screen grab after I blended a few but I have 20 RUBIES left in the image above.
I got lucky & received a silver chest on one of the blend attempts.
If you cant read that Screen shot the silver chest contains 5 NEFTY Nothing to big but its free. While for the most part 1 or 2 NEFTY isn't worth much. The top chest is worth 25,000 NEFTY that is worth a little over $2,750 USD at time of writing.
Not a bad incentive for simply buying or selling WAX NFTs on their market.
NFT Panda
Another WAX play to earn game & like Beast Gardens NFTs
NFT Panda NFTs have made up many of my recent NFT airdrops.
Wow I wrote NFT like 60 times already today.
Not likely to stop anytime soon...
NFT Panda 🤨is a WAX play to earn that surprisingly has been fairly profitable lately. I make the most by crafting jewelry NFTs materials for which (NFTs) I earn playing the game missions.
This is just recent sales each jewelry NFT minted in its base form sells for a few WAX.
Recently they have drastically increased efficiency by introducing a Resource NFT exchange.
This is important as you can now trade 2 of 1 type of gem for 1 of another. Why do you need this? It takes 5 wood NFTs & 5 of the same Gem NFTs to craft a jewelry NFT.
You then spend 20 BAM a little less then $0.07 USD at time of writing to attempt a crafting with 80% chance of success.
NFT Panda is far from perfect but those that stick with it can begin to reap the benefit over time with a single Hero NFT. This is why I airdropped so many if your new to NFT panda please consider using my referral.
Stash Pass
For the 2nd months prize of my chubbs Stash Pass NFT raffle system I will be giving away Dcity WEED Farm NFTs.
In the game Dcity when you own the proper citizen & House NFTs these WEED farms will generate the owner WEED daily.
Personally I feel that the token generation of DCITY is an overlooked gem of the HIVE ecosystem. Winners receiving the WEED farm NFT will in effect have some of the cost of future Stash Pass Weedcash NFTs covered by it if properly used.
You can expect a pierre Rising Star NFT as well if your one of the raffle winners in May.
For the most part you will notice I try to make the prizes for Stash Pass Raffles something anyone can utilize without having to pay anything.
Also a little awesome I designed the coin art for BUDSX so I feel its an apt prize.
My art style is basically a popular culture image parody made into forms of cannabis & concentrates. That's not to say I dont have wholly original work but its less common.
Its for this reason many of the upcoming prizes with #stashpass will be crypto for May 20th Raffle winners I will send you BUDSX. How much BUDSX each of the Winner(s) receives will be based upon how many winners we have in May.
See like these two above are originals & I think they turned out Awsome but its tough to keep up any meaningful pace without using parodies of pop culture images.
You may have noticed I cap my production at 10 NFTs of each minting now. This includes the free airdropped #stashpass NFTs as well. Meaning that the #stashhpass NFT I send you for participating in my airdrops will only have 10 in circulation total.
I will not sell the Airdropped #stashpass NFTs & you basically can set the price as it may be required to win in future raffles.
You can buy or sell those here 👆, I am so happy with the reception of #stashpass, its been more then I would have thought possible thank you.
What I'm trying to accomplish now is promote economic stability for the Weedcash ecosystem. Secondary sales of Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass NFTs is a rather important part of that.
I will continue to produce a few NFTs a week, the reason for producing so many in the beginning was to establish a variety of the #stashpass NFTs. Its likely at some point ill introduce another means of winning something more realistic like 1 NFT from the whole colection due to the odds degrading over time.
The Requisite NFT pass would be different & a little pricey but its likely to function as a NFT loot box of sorts tied to the raffle system.
This is just something I'm looking into for now, the reason I'm making so many types is to encourage trade. I make nothing when you do sell my NFTs but it helps the markets overall health.
You can also Stake WEED use it in the Weedcash store, there is a WEED / SWAP.HIVE liquidity pool with rewards. You can also of course buy the Weedcash NFTs with WEED & Some Hashkings NFTs for WEED here.
Commence some cannabis themed commerce Weedcash & Hashkings FTW.
WAX NFT airdrop Instructions
Ill still do a single airdrop link on my HIVE (1st) post only. After the Airdrop link has been claimed the first 5 people to leave their twitter or WAX address in the comments on the HIVE post get a single WAX NFT gift sent via the WAX NFT gifting system or Nefty Blocks WAX NFT transfer system.
So if the link has been claimed the first 5 to comment their Twitter or WAX wallet address on the HIVE post get a WAX NFT sent via the WAX NFT Gift system of or WAX NFT transfer system of
WAX NFT airdrop
Every NFT I airdrop has a use case todays airdropped NFTs are used in the following.
I still have 5 more WAX NFTs which are going to the first 5 readers to comment their WAX wallet or twitter account 1 NFT each.
Specifically the other 5 NFTs airdropped will be Bronze Chests from Nefty Blocks. As I covered in the write up the chests contain some NEFTY a WAX alt.
You can open the Bronze chest here
Stash Pass NFT giveaway
For HIVE users only.
This is how to get your hands on an exclusive #stashpass NFT which is a part of my year long monthly airdrop NFT program #stashpass to qualify to receive one simply...
Re-blog this HIVE post & comment #stashpass
Be sure & do both just a re-blog or comment alone does not count
First 5 users to do so receive an exclusive #stashpass Weedcash NFT.
Each month I will do a raffle for NFTs / crypto from HIVE games & Dapps to HIVE accounts that own the Pass NFT + the 3 correct #stashpass NFTs randomly chosen each month.
Buy or sell Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here
Weedcash NFTs are sold for WEED a HIVE alt available for trade here
So just Re-blog this HIVE post & comment #stashpass to participate, if your 1 of the first 5 to do so get a #stashpass NFT sent to your Weedcash(HIVE) Wallet.
Paying it forward
A simple premise that is far to rare when it comes to blockchain in general. So rare in-fact many first great even giveaways like mine with skepticism.
Its an understandable reaction which is why I always try to share the wealth paying it forward so to speak.
Attempting to show HIVE users new & old not everything is a scam nor does every offer have strings attached.
Over the last year I have given away thousands of NFTs & done my best to explain how to use them to profit from ownership.
With the market conditions as of late many feel like cutting & running. It can get risky I get that but personally I hope with HIVE we are building something more then an economic system.
The social element of HIVE gives us the opportunity to show crypto users not everything blockchain is purely driven by profit motives.
HIVE helped me start my crypto & NFT portfolio.
This is why I always try & pay it forward.
#stashpass i miss the beast nft damn
You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here, apologies for the delay.
thabks u ;) any way to change stashpass for nft playable ? i never try beat garden
Liked and reblogged. Always a good read.
If I’m early enough for the airdrop my wax address is 3qcrq.wam
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below

You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here
Thanks for your support of my content & NFT airdrops
I asked same in discord, Do not sell BUDSX as they are proof of ownership to claim your rewards.
Staking rewards are getting added daily on your balance, I started with 20K BUDs a week ago, I guess I got now 46o Buds as staking rewards as i see increased count of my staked Buds.
#stashpass obviously, I am in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for clarifying on the BUDSX staking I had thought BUDS where awarded but I wasn't sure
As for #stashpass you where sent the following to your Weedcash(HIVE) wallet
You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here, my apologies for the delay thanks for supporting #stashpaass & participating in the giveaways.
Not sure if I’m late to the party, but I’d love to pick up an NFT, WAX is mzrhi.wam.
Also reblogged for #stashpass ! And picked up a few new #stashpass NFT from your marketplace!
Keep up the good work, you always provide great info!
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below

As for #stashpass you where sent the following to your Weedcash(HIVE) wallet
You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here
I appreciate your continued support of my posts & my NFT giveaways enjoy the NFTs
Thank you very much, really appreciate in!
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We are called the Algebros.
Credit: theabsolute
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(10/10)@chubb149, I sent you an on behalf of @agog
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Hey @agog, here is a little bit of from @chubb149 for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
Hi broh sorry, I forgot this is my
wax: ofhwa.wam twiter:@AllonyxNgs
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below

You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here, I just did both airdrops with a single reply thanks for your support of #stashpass & participation in the giveaways, my apologies for the delay.
Thanks for your always interesting posts about the world of NFT games. Immediately after reading your post I delegated 100 HP to hk-curation ;)
Thanks also for the airdrop i was the lucky one to arrive first
!discovery 25
In the Stu-Stu-Studio
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ.
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(2/8)@chubb149, I sent you an on behalf of @libertycrypto27
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Enjoy the NFTs & thanks for letting others know the link had been claimed awesome to see you delegated to @hk-curation already.
And thanks as always @chubb149 , you are amazing
That's amazing!! at this moment the APR for curation is around 28% so enjoy it :) !!
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libertycrypto27 tipped chubb149 (x1)
allonyx.ngs tipped chubb149 (x1)
chubb149 tipped skybuds-gaming (x1)
silver-edge tipped chubb149 (x1) @trentonlundy1 tipped @chubb149 (x2)
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Man beast garden has to be the one wax game with the most potential IMO, I am lacking on everything the game can do but I am loving the battles, Gonna get me some plants as that is the next thing I need to do.
Yeah it is actually my second best seller by far up there with Splinterlands, Beast Gardens is my favorite WAX game as its just so fun to play. Hell they introduced 2 new cards since yesterday. As for getting plants look into the crafting system as it costs roughly the same to buy a small plant as it does to craft a 1 count plant pack, give or take a few WAX.
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
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Yay! 🤗
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Delegate HP and earn more, by @chubb149.
the new nfts look great to me, i'm going for them.
!PIZZAI think it's great that BUDSX is going to be sent in the May raffle #stashpass
Discord Server.This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our
Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.
Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.
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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.
You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here, my apologies for the delay
thank you very much!!