With the new year, comes New Years resolutions, mine is to have greater faith in Blockchain projects that show promise.
Many of us are freaking out, panic born of fear, fear is by far the worst emotional state. Like our fear can be perilous around animals, fear can be just as dangerous with Blockchain investing.
Humans tend to also function like heard animals, when you combine this mentality with a volatile market, mistakes can be made, markets crash, & ultimately projects fail.
Bear Market phrase origin 👇
The traders, would contact fur trappers while the market is flooded with minimal competitive offers, which where then flipped for a quick profit where pelts supplies are scarce, & demand high.
Bull Markets are thought to get their name from the manor in which a Bull gores by thrusting its horns upward like a rising stock.
In these market conditions instincts can be problematic to say the least, & for this reason my New Years Resolution concerns the concept of faith.
Faith being a social construct, in its base form faith is used to traditionally curtail instinct for the greater good of a populous or society.
Please dont get the impression that what I refer to with the term faith is Religion, Religious practices can be a form of faith yes, but faith needn't be religious.
In todays write up ill attempt to explain why my New Years Resolution concerns Splinterlands & Faith.
Its all fun & games
The following section is a few consumer market observations related to why I have faith in Blockchain games & Media specifically.
Last year was crazy for a number of reasons, one bombshell was Microsoft shelling out $80,000,000 on various game publishers, chiefly Activision Blizzard with its record breaking price of $68.7 billion.
Nintendo purchased its own film studio.
Sega is a company once more, as are Blockbuster, & GameStop.
Intellectual property specifically TM or Trade Mark content had some legislation changed regarding it in the US which began taking effect in 2021.
Dubbed the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA), the aim seems to be increase the efficiency & streamline the prosecution process for Copyright violation.
By creating additional avenues for enforcement and updating rules pertaining to trademark prosecution and maintenance.
The TLDR is the TMA is a newer more specific DMCA with new avenues for TM enforcement, nerds like me the following article does a far greater job explaining the TMA.
Its this authors humble opinion that Microsoft IP shopping spree & the
TMA taking effect are connected.
Like the TMA being signed into law caused Microsoft to pursue this massive acquisition, the timing lines up & Sony is already beginning legal action as now Microsoft could potentially be a FPS Game genre monopoly.
Greedy Companies how does this effect me personally?
Its more the what is being purchased you want to focus on there purchasing existing IP for iconic or recognizable franchises. Much like Disney bough all of Marvel, its a safer bet then an original idea.
Blockchain games happens to be the one section of gaming where wholly new innovation is the norm.
Amusing Blockchain survives it will likely be due to gaming, or other media / social media. Defi much like the Bear Pelt fur traders is a necessary evil, but ultimately meaningless without a reason for that market to exist in the first place.
So when we see the Blockchain games overtake Defi, I'm inclined to think this is far healthier for the market long term.
What gives a currency or an economic system value?
Our faith in that currency gives it legitimacy, value / power, this is subjective, & subjectively the global economy seems to crave nostalgia.
The trick is our collective faith in projects like Blockchain games will be tested, since blockchain gaming is relatively new, not to mention incredibly complex to new users, it scares the ignorant.
Fear either our own or societies fears, I believe will ultimately be the biggest test of our faith in the Blockchain industry.
Though up to this section I have kept everything annoyingly vague, todays write up is about my faith in HIVE, Splinterlands, & WAX.
While the market isn't being particularly nice lately, there is as always a silver lining or 2 that many may find helpful.
My years of playing Splinterlands & selling Splinterlands assets gives me a wealth of experience / knowledge many may find helpful.
Splinterlands has made my life significantly better, without HIVE, Splinterlands, & WAX I would have never gotten ahead of bills, which legitimately fixed my life.
This can not be understated Splinterlands changed my life, our market may be down, but this game is far from dead.
Splinterlands requires a few things to play assuming your totally new, here's what you will need.
1st- you need a free HGIVE account / wallet, Splinterlands has game functionality on a few different Blockchains, However HIVE is its Native Blockchain.
Info on HIVE
My HIVE ecency (HIVE Dapp)referral
Be sure that you save your account keys they are very important, & if you successfully set up a HIVE account congrats you just passed AP Intro to Blockchain.
No2- Splinterlands Spell Book $10 Fee
Splinterlands while free to play is only monetized when you purchase a Spell Book allowing the player to earn NFTs & crypto.
Best $10 I ever spent worth every penny, they accept many forms of crypto or Pay Pal / Venmo.
No3- WAX Web Wallet
Not required but its free & highly recommended you sign up for a WAX web wallet by signing in with twitter Gmail or other social media it takes 30 seconds.
WAX wallet users get benefits like access to separate NFT markets, I also airdrop & giveaway 10 Splinterlands NFTs / Packs with every Splinterlands HIVE post.
New users may encounter a issue when setting up a totally new WAX web wallet.
Calm down, when we have questions no one thought to ask, like how to avoid WAX web wallets 5 WAX fee, reddit already has the answer.
You can send an email to WAX Support: [email protected], they would help you bypass the fee.
Bam problem solved, the full reddit post can be found below.
Splinterlands though originally created on STEEM later forking with HIVE has a few NFT portals to other Blockchains, being one of WAX blockchains NFT collections featuring a portal system.
Splinterlands has its own Atomic Hub Page Atomic Hub Is a WAX NFT market that also has WAX exclusive tools.
In the event I send you a Splinterlands NFT on WAX (given away thousands) then you need the tools on Atomic Hub to transfer certain assets like cards to the game.
Splinterlands & Alien Worlds a free WAX P2E title appear to be the most popular Dapps in the world according to Dapp Radar 👆.
It only makes sense as Blockchain games are now by far the most popular part of Blockchain.
Personally I tend to favor HIVE, WAX or EOS as the EOSIO builds like these have system resources not gas fees, making them far superior for gaming.
WAX is actually up to 112 games on WAX at time of writing.
WAX Gamer Is a new site actually keeping track of this aspect of WAX specifically with the most complete list I have ever seen.
Back to Splinterlands & WAX since WAX is basically an NFT blockchain its market is focused on NFTs.
When you list a Splinterlands NFT for sale in game this is a HIVE Blockchain market, this is separate from the WAX Splinterlands NFT market.
The times I wish to sell Splinterlands NFTs fast , then I sell in game, however this is usually much lower of a price, those willing to wait for sales on WAX usually get more 🤑.
My current method I flip packs on WAX that I originally bought on HIVE for around a $0.15 Profit margin regularly, while filling the card market that is slower, but has a higher profit margin usually.
When the price of the crypto I'm trading into is at a low point, in this case WAX, I sell Splinterlands NFTs at a slight profit.
The intention is to wait for a more advantageous price to sell my earned WAX, I'm realistic markets in our current situation dont change over night.
You must realize the complexity of Splinterlands various markets on a myriad of Blockchains presents opportunity to those that understand it.
My Preferred WAX NFT market is Nefty Blocks, they are relatively new but offer trading incentives in the form of their WAX alt NEFTY for buying or selling WAX NFTs.
While Nefty Blocks is where I trade WAX NFTs I have to admit Splinterlands has its own page on WAX Atomic Hub, with its own Splinterlands tools.
Atomic Hub also has a NFT airdrop URL creation mechanism which I use with every post to create the large WAX NFT airdrop 👆.
WAX serves as a great distribution mechanism for Splinterlands NFTs because the NFT or airdrop free for the recipient to claim.
WAX is powerful due to the simple reason(s) of being free & easy to use. HIVE while difficult to utilize is more secure & still free to game on.
WAX has attracted around 100 new Blockchain games over 2 years due to WAX Blockchains efficiency with NFTs & Dapp integration.
Removal of gas fees isn't even a discussion with blockchain games its a requirement WAX & HIVE are great solution to a fundamental problem with P2E. Network resources still exist & can be gained via staking either HIVE or WAX respectively not spending staking.
Very illuminating WAX Medium article on WAX Blockchain gaming.
Side Hustle or Hobby?
Personally when first playing Splinterlands & joining HIVE / WAX the reason for doing so was to have fun. Blockchain / NFTs / P2E games are rather fascinating, half the fun is just learning how to utilize Blockchain & Dapps.
Once you end up making thousands of dollars doing something fun many of us came to expect that, some only expect that.
While Splinterlands has changed my life with the over $20,000 in profit & heck the thousands of dollars in NFTs I have given away to readers, when I first started playing, it was just for fun.
This is how I had such a colection, when the market shifted, I was selling cards for hundreds, I bought for $10.
My Splinterlands fascination started with genuine fandom, & I still consider myself a fan of the series.
I even dig the #gaminglore of Splinterlands, check out Splinterlore its got a flushed out lore book online copy its simply fascinating.
Splinterlore tells you more about the various regions & kingdoms in the Splinterlands. You add that with the card #lore its a D&D TCG nerds best friend.
What I'm driving at is my interest in Splinterlands is genuine its a fascinating P2E & just a fun game in general.
So while yes you can make money buying / renting / selling / playing Splinterlands, ultimately that's not all I play the game for.
Market observations
You want to know the most idiotic barometer I use to predict Splinterlands market turbulence... Chicken
Typically Splinterlands NFT market info goes back a few months, my WAX sale records go back years.
Around 2.5 - 3 years ago that chicken card sold for $0.25, it now sells for near 15x that on a down market. This is not the case with all cards but that chicken is annoyingly useful, thus this grants it a higher utility value.
What this says is stubborn players requiring this card lead to an increased demand / scarcity lessening price reduction.
So when investing in a down market like this I obviously aim for cards I need or recognize how useful they are.
If you aim to profit passively from the popularity of Splinterlands, personally I notice the rental market does brisk business on high level summoners.
My guess is DEC may go through a bit of a spike in price with the new DEC-B burning function that I'm fairly certain will pass at time of writing.
(DEC-B) DEC Batteries can grant an immediate discount when used in place of DEC, in addition to being required for certain future events or functions.
The full most recent DEC-B SPS voters proposal can be found below.
These promo NFTs are OP Over Powered when past level 4 meaning I have been stocking up while I could.
Again while not rare its so useful everyone playing Splinterlands wants one in their colection.
Not an official colab but something unique to blockchain, Splinterforge is a new HIVE P2E using Splinterlands assets.
Splinterforge is in testing phase now you can check it out for free here.
A profitable colab for SPS Stakers on HIVE is Genesis League Sports, right now users that sign up to Genesis League Sports with your HIVE account you can earn GLX token daily.
Splinterlands game quality is what attracts its fans & collaborators this level of quality in a blockchain game is very rare. Having tested hundreds of blockchain games Splinterlands is simply a cut above the rest in my opinion.
For these reasons & so many more, I have faith this market dip is a temporary thing at least for Splinterlands.
What Splinterlands has most P2E games have to supplement, is on Blockchain social media IE Hive Tribes like SPT. This rewards fans with additional revenue for sharing their fan made content easily.
Media has been assuming that ETH fixing its gas fees spells doom for projects based off chains like BSC/ HIVE / WAX, but I think that's a bit of a oversimplification.
HIVE has a social component on a blockchain which can also facilitate NFTs & P2E creation, Is HIVE perfect hardly, does it have an equal no HIVE does not.
BSC is basically the same PoS under the hood as ETH with minor changes that drastically improved quality over all honesty. Rather new making BSC relatively sparse on projects.
WAX is complicated and both a DPoS build like HIVE while also running governance through ETH, that's the stripped down TLDR version of WAX functionality.
So like MATIC WAX is dependent on ETH to a certain extent, WAX however has a simple web wallet setup, & its gas fees are temporary system resources which regenerate based on staked WAX. WAX gets rid of traditional gas fees & difficulty making it a great intro blockchain.
Crypto / NFTs needn't be predatory, we can work with one another to achieve something better for everyone involved. My belief is that HIVE & WAX are examples of the beginning of just that blockchains + communities built upon cooperation.
My faith in Splinterlands
A game that changes lives & industries alike, while I may exaggerate, only a little bit 🙃, that's partially what contributes to my faith in Splinterlands.
With an average of 175,000 daily players its rather obvious Splinterlands fans can be termed a legion for we are many.
With millions of transactions daily displaying perhaps the greatest strength of Splinterlands.
There is strength to our communities collective conviction, thus we the players are the source of my faith in Splinterlands.
Want to try this brilliant blockchain game known as Splinterlands?
Please consider signing up via my referral link below.
WAX NFT Giveaways
Every time I post on HIVE I do a few NFT giveaways, the first & larger 5 count WAX NFT airdrop URL which goes to the first user to click the link.
The next 5 WAX NFTs are given away to the first 5 users to comment their WAX wallet address, once I see the comment Ill send you a single WAX NFT followed by a reply stating I have done so. This is for the first 5 users only to leave their WAX address in the comments.
Splinterlands WAX NFT airdrop / giveaway
This link below is claimed for free by the first WAX wallet user to click it, if your the lucky reader that claims the Airdrop, please let others know via comments it helps.
All WAX NFTs given away today are Splinterlands NFTs used in the following P2E game Splinterlands.
WAX Splinterlands tools
Please understand the reason I give out Splinterlands NFTs using WAX & not HIVE is really to benefit everyone. A Splinterlands player has to pay for a Spell Book $10 in Splinterlands to get all the games features like asset transferring, a WAX wallet user can claim my giveaway for free regardless.
Miss the Airdrop? I have another 5 Splinterlands WAX NFTs going to the first 5 readers to comment their WAX wallet address on this HIVE post.
Stash Pass Weedcash NFT giveaway
Every time I post anything on HIVE I do several NFT giveaways, one such giveaway is my #stashpass NFT giveaway.
How you participate in a #stashpass NFT giveaway is be one of the first 5 HIVE users to comment #stashpass on this post & then Re-blog, gets a #stashpass Weedcash NFT sent to their HIVE wallet.
My #stashpass Weedcash NFTs are part of a monthly NFT raffle taking place on the 20th with the #stashpass NFT ownership being used to determine who wins the raffle.
Full Instructions on #stashpass raffles can be found via the URL below
You can view, buy, or sell Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here
So the first 5 HIVE users to comment #stashpass & then re-blog this post gets an exclusive limited #stashpass NFT sent to their HIVE wallet.
Splinterlands referral
Want to try this brilliant blockchain game known as Splinterlands?
Please consider signing up via my referral link below.
Splinterlands is going to require a HIVE account & a WAX wallet would be in your best interest, as the giveaways I host for WAX wallet users weekly.
Thanks for the gift 🥳😍 !PIZZA
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below
You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here https://www.weedcash.network/nfts/
While reading your posts I always think I should give a look at WAX and start learning more about it and its markets... but than I never find the time :/
Also I should start buying some copies of that bear, as it surely will rise in price... but again my lack of funds stop me from getting even my first copy !LOL
At least I'm in time for your giveaway!
Wish they would patch the Arkemis the Bear NFTs so I could send them to WAX for giveaways.
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below
Thanks! Is the bear bugged right now? It can't be sent through wax?
yeah has been since launch
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
It's riveting
Credit: reddit
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
(5/8)@chubb149, I sent you an on behalf of @arc7icwolf
Wow that was an intresting read regarding your experiences on splinterlands and Play2earns in general
here is hoping we get some more bear movements for all :)
Always a good read.
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below
You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here https://www.weedcash.network/nfts/
Time will tell, of course, for Splinterlands. imho they need to focus on executing their gameplay and having it feel rewarding and fun rather than exploitative to start as a new player. All the token launches and million pack drops have really diluted the value of the ecosystem.
I was too slow for the aidrop today, but I love your posts!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Let that sink in
Credit: reddit
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
(1/4)@chubb149, I sent you an on behalf of @pregosauce
Yeah the markets gotten a little oversaturated & I personally would have held off on Tower Defense packs with the land plots finally becoming active + 3 pack launches was a bit much. Just major changes happened to line up with a market crash or several market crashes.
I'm late as usual!
Also, interesting article. 👍
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below
You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here https://www.weedcash.network/nfts/
counted 4, hope to still make it :D #stashpass wax is n3gqw.wam !PIZZA !PGM
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below
You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here https://www.weedcash.network/nfts/
I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
silver-edge tipped chubb149 (x1)
blitzzzz tipped chubb149 (x1)
jdike tipped chubb149 (x1)
curation-cartel tipped chubb149 (x1) @circlebubble tipped @chubb149 (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
!1UP Good work!
You have received a 1UP from @underlock!
@monster-curator, @oneup-curator, @leo-curator, @thg-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @fun-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕. The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:
Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.
please count me in for the giveaway.
Wax: pbnbc.wam
!PIZZA Hive: @circlebubble
To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

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