I echo @mirroredspork's comment. These types of posts really help a lot. I've been playing the game for over a year now and I still don't really understand all the different dynamics that go into the income and the governance. I think I've got a pretty good handle on most of the actual mechanics with auctions and combining and the entry shop and loading, etc. But the way the tax rate works with income is still pretty complicated. I think that might actually increase the fun factor though.
It's kind of like hearing a song you love. You sing along and eventually learn all the words so you can belt it out at the top of your lungs in the shower. lol But after you know all the words, it starts to lose it's shine and slowly turns back into just a really good song. Where you once wished you could hear it over and over, now you just enjoy hearing it once in a while.
dCity does an incredible job of keeping things fresh while at the same time making it time-friendly. You can enjoy going in every day or you can enjoy going in once or twice a week. Either way, it's always fun to see what's happening.
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