There definitely will be!
The article (of an amazing quality, such great work here @proto26 !) actually does not cover the second half of last year with contents such as:
- colonization preview (the planetary map),
- game inspector and Away Teams challenge (and a lot more data and actions on roles etc)
- and Planetary dangers.
This is fully understandable as the guide covers the gameplay scenes. And we are still working on the "full gameplay version" of colonization to get all that.
I think it's even better this way for the guide and article, or it will be hard to maintain.
But for existing players, you are absolutely right: it gives this understandable reaction, because the accessible content and previews of colonization can't be shared in a guide yet.
And you are certain to discover all of it soon! and even before the time of our second anniversary.
Sounds like the Cartel started looking at Exode just at the right time. !1UP
Seems like there a lot of loose ends to tie up @elindos and @revise.spt has an excellent point: We are yearning for the game play!
Personally I think its coming and we will have an awesome time utilizing our NFT planets and assorted Packs and Cards with our fellow eXode Pilots!
Landing that crashing spacecraft onto a dodgy planet was fun and all but I have been itching to do something with it ever since besides scanning and surveying.
I guess that in short: I am eagerly awaiting more game play as well and am patiently waiting for it.
Yes, this is true, and justified!
We need to play, and I am all on it!
No more market, website, stuff or other things before we play some more.
Game game game this year!
There is even a ward spell vs covid.
(which apparently did not work early January because the other family humans are not endoctrined enough as cyberpunk geeks, I guess)
🤠 From your last video I could tell you were ready for it!
Its a lot for a single developer but I think you have done well so far!
Maybe the website could have something like what @PeakMonsters is for @Splinterlands. With the way the Starbase Market has been going it might remove some load off of you if such a site existed. Just an idea.
I am absolutely for a peakexode!
Good reminder here Jacob!
I thought we had to stabilize some content and game loop before they could hop in. I do hope they would be interested, of course. :)
It's true it's best if the service is up and ready before beta growth is there, to be able to scale on something tested.
But let's show some game first now!
Good to hear, I look forward to huge developments in 2022!