Focus Chests - Silver vs. Gold day 3

in 1UP3 years ago

OK for those just joining us I am running to accounts to see how gold vs. Silver chests compare , Quality vs. Quantity kinda of situation.

Quick recap, I have a Gold 3 account I want to get back to Gold and a Silver 1 account I want to get back to Gold.

OK so as discussed I took it easier yesterday and let the ecr build up a bit so I only went for a small number of chests.

Silver !

Let's start with silver. 5 rewards chests which is cool caus either used to get 4, so we are already ahead of the old style. Nothing huge but a rare is nice, pretty decent haul




OK onto gold, as you can see much harder to grind theses ones out compared to Silver rank and since both accounts are in Silver its pretty equal. Not a huge haul but again not to bad



what about Tomorrow

Well with both of my accounts in silver 1, and my Gold starting to break through I saw some real traction, I am still keeping my ecr lower then I should but its fun so I am happy

We have 11 silver chests and 4 gold, and I think I can keep this new rate going which is fun!

