Man, this sounds amazing! I have heard about these racing games, there are a few others coming out as well. You could the entire racing niche of blockchain games, that is popping out now, if you like. Bit by bit as most of them are not yet playable as far as I know.
Very exciting subject. After getting a better overview of the market in your cartel posts we can make an investment choice to buy some assets there as well.
Posts are published via the @oneup-cartel account, with you as author and you 50% beneficiary. We do the editorial, text styling and graphic design. Weekly or bi-weekly.
Please get on Discord and contact @spiritsurge, to set up a schedule for your articles and please drop me a friend request. I will create a template for the post in the next week but you can get started anytime. We need all the info about wallet and account access for a new cartel account.
A whole racing game niche is brilliant! Off the top of my head I know there is ZedRun which has a working game now, and DeRace which is coming very soon. There is also a car racing game that is partnered with DeRace. So if you have a great race horse NFT on DeRace, it will translate into a hot racing car in the racing game.
I sent you a friend request on Discord.
I'll get researching tonight and tomorrow and get in touch with @spiritsurge.
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