Splinterlands - Let's talk, preparations for Modern Format and Building my Bronze Decks

in 1UP3 years ago (edited)
While Bronze League is rewarding players so little in Splinterlands, people are moving up to play in Silver League and rent cards.


Edited in www.canva.com

With the current reward pool, a lot of people have decided that it is not worth it to rent cards and get almost nothing in return, sometimes they are either short, gets so little profit, or just breakeven from their rentals.

Luckily for me I had a Bronze deck I could use in grinding silver with more or less reach 2000 rating and avoid some rents since I am sitting at around 25k power. I will show you how I build my bronze deck from the ground up when they released Chaos Legion, and potentially improve it to a Silver deck from something really unexpected that has happened, and the best one so far in my time in @splinterlands.

  • For me, the real Question right now for new players, actually is "Are you ready for the Modern Format?"

You might wanna ask me why? So I have a few answers and this is definitely my own opinion and does not, in any case, a financial/legal advice nor does it reflect Splinterlands and its company, the same as all the contents on this post.

  • Here's why:
  1. First, the Modern format is the future of Splinterlands and it is definitely something to consider for newcomers(yes, I am one of you). We cannot fight toe to toe with the OG's or the earlier people on this game since they are ahead of us for quite a long, long time and there is no way that we will be able to catch up with their power or cards which is the main asset to have in the game if you want to compete. Unless you wanted to rent crazily high and compete for the leaderboards, which I think is not feasible, thinking that most people that you encounter in those leagues, didn't spend a single penny to rent and to reach that certain league. Not unless you just really like to play competitively and be acknowledged as one of the best in the game.

  2. Second, this is our time to really showcase our skill in this new format where you will start from the ground up, and compete with all the newer players in this generation. If you are a small investor, you can invest some money in the game and you could eventually make a decent deck, maybe to compete in bronze and silver league, or maybe more if you decided to just go all-in on this new expansion, and we still have the chance to accumulate as many cheap cards as we want, as we go into the new expansion.

  3. Lastly, I can still see a great future in Splinterlands and we can all starts in the new Format, Chaos Legion/Modern whatever you call it, but I am optimistic that this is the start, this is where we can say to ourselves when the time comes. "I am glad, I am early" we may not be here earlier but we are still early. So think now, and get ready for the new format.

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With that being said, here are some of the preparations and moves I made to get ready into the Moderness.
  • I have sold some of my Beta/Alpha/Promo and some Dice cards which I have accumulated before through grinding, and I have been selling them for around $1 to close to $15 for common and rare, being some of them are summoners, I have only singles though since my goal before was to accumulate for power to avoid renting since cards were so much expensive to level up when I entered the game.
    You can see below some of the cards I sold off the market:

    Don't mind Silvershield Archers, I just sold off level 3 I am not sure why it is showing as LVL 5
    You can see that I got a good amount of DEC only from those cards (around 11,632.768 DEC), and I purchased a good amount of Chaos Legion Cards from those, from commons (some are gold) to at least epic, I also grabbed a few legendries along the way too.
    You can see the cards I have bought from those cards that I sold:

    The purchase total is around 9,843.85 DEC or close to 10k. I am happy to make this move because from my common and rare cards I have managed to get some decent cards plus the legendaries I grabbed along the way which is I am using on my daily grind, and I can see these legendaries soar again in the near future.

  • I have also bought few Chaos Legion Packs bought in the presale and general sale, just to satisfy my thirst of opening some packs, and to be honest, I am glad to have done this since I also opened some good legendaries from those packs, like Legionnaire Alvar, Djinn Muirat, BAAKJIRA, QUIX THE DEVIOUS and some gold foil commons, and some decent epic. I have also sold some Gold Foils earlier for around $4-$8 and epics for $6-$9, and then I am now buying them for a much lower price, some are even below $1. So far I am pretty happy with how I am managing my investments so far and how I am getting lucky with my pulls.

    Above is the one I bought on presale and below is on general sale from a different account, I have used some of the earnings from my posts to buy this packs

    I also wanted to share what really is the best thing that happened to me just recently, for all my time in Splinterlands this is by far the best pull I ever had.


Yes, I got this Gold Foil Legendary, and what's really amazing was I just got the pack from a contest in @oldmanqt's discord, for submitting a match with a chicken kill. And guess what he said, before I open the pack?


That was what he said and I just complied, so maybe his words are blessed, LOL nonetheless thank you so much for the pack and this is not possible if not for you, since I think I will not be buying anymore packs moving forward, unless we got some crazy income, (which is close to impossible since the works on our house has already started and I need to save as much as possible)
Sorry about that, I just need to share it to you guys. Now let's go back

  • My go-to Bronze Decks and how much they are now possibly, this is the deck which helped me grind last season to reach 2k+ Rating with just this cards. It might also help you with your grind.

Please note that these are all regular foil cards, though I am using gold for some of them

My Water Deck:

------ Kelya Frendul | Level 2 | BCX: 5 | Burn Value: 100 DEC | Est. Value | $19.80

One of the best if not the best rare summoner for Chaos Legion, with +1 Speed and +1 Armor, for just 4 mana this is definitely a good deal and can be helpful in your water deck especially in the Wild Format. This is my favorite so far out of all released Chaos Legion Summoner. Synergize well with Djinn Oshannus and Axemaster which is great cards on both old and modern format.

Name of CardLevelBCXBurn ValueEst. Value
Flying Squid31470$1.12
Cruel Sethropod31470¢60
Kulu Swimmer31470¢50
Hardy Stonefish31470¢53
River Nymph25100¢87
Angelic Mandarin25100$1.15
Merdaali Guardian25100$1.77
Nerissa Tridawn11100$1.46
Igor Darkspear11100$1.5
Wave Brood11100$1.8
Djinn Oshannus11500$8
Torrent Fiend11500$7.5
River Hollendale11500$8.64
Wave Runner2550$1.9
Demented Shark314140$6.85
Pelacor Bandit31470¢55
Venari Wavesmith25100$1.04
Total (Price includes Summoner)--3910$95.48

If you notice I have not upgraded epic cards, even though I can use lvl 2 in Bronze, it is because they are kind of expensive right now in terms of DEC, I am looking to buy them when their price goes down to maybe at around 50% to 55% of their DEC burn value, though I do not apply this to all cards, since I also consider how useful and how often I am using them I am willing to pay more.

My Fire Deck

-----Tarsa | Level 2 | BCX 5 | Burn Value: 100 DEC| Est. Value| $19

Tarsa, could be I can say also one of the summoner I like to use especially now that Fire has some defense against Magic, which is not really the case before since Caladuum is too costly in terms of Mana. With +1 Melee Damage and +1 Health it can be a big boost to your Fire Deck. Good Synergy with most of the Fire Cards available in the modern format.

Name of CardLevelBCXBurn ValueEst. Value
Radiated Scorcher31470¢55
Lava Spider31470¢70
Scavo Chemist31470¢76
Radiated Brute31470¢85
Antoid Platoon31470$1
Scavo Firebolt25100¢68
Molten Ash Golem25100¢74
Djinn Apprentice25100¢85
Tenyii Striker (Work in progress)25100$3.50
Djinn Inferni11100$1.4
Tusk the Wide11100$1.921
Forgotten One11100$2.49
Scorch Fiend11500$7.21
Total (Price includes Summoner)--1,650$41.65

With both Water and Fire Deck with regular foils I can already stay at Bronze 1 without any problem, so they are enough to stay in Bronze.

But since I have pulled the legendary summoner Quix The Devious I have upgraded all my cards from Earth and Death to Bronze so I have versatility whenever I use this summoner, especially the Neutral and Dragon ones.
Name of CardLevelBCXBurn ValueEst. Value
Quix The Devious11500$32
Djinn Chwala24400$3.27
Naga Assain25100¢70
Twilight Basilisk25100¢70
Gargoya Devil25100¢65
Gargoya Lion31470¢48
Chaos Agent31470¢86
Supply Runner31470$1.54
Scavo Hireling31470$1.54
Xenith Archer25100¢68
Venari Spellsmith25100$1.1
Xenith Monk25100$3.25
Total (Including Summoner)--2,250$51.55

Please take note that even though I have included it here it is not necessary to have, and also most of the cards I have came from the packs that I have opened so if you were buying packs before, you can definitely get some discounts for this cards though I believe with their current prices on the market, it is already a sale! A SALE YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS. We can say that they may be gone down more in value, but the thing is we can never be too sure, and getting this cards at the current prices and comparing to other cards before, they are already a steal.

If you noticed I did not include any Dice or Untamed, since I don't have much of those cards and mostly using the Phantom Cards or the Ghost Cards that the game provides, maybe I will work with that later on.

Also, most of my Splinters now has mostly been maxed to Bronze League, and I am just waiting for some bids at @peakmonsters to complete and get the cards with even more great discounts. Or maybe I would change my plan if the Gold Foil Legendary sells off at my price then I would really consider upgrading my existing Water and Fire Deck for silver instead.

Totally, those cards and decks is almost about $200 this does not include the death and earth splinter that I am still trying to build up, but if you were to start now (Definitely not financial advice), and play the game and just take things slow and do things one at a time, you won't even spend that much money from your own pocket for all this cards.

P.S. I have rented some cards for the end of season to get into Gold League, also rented for a tournament which I have actually missed lol

Prices Source PeakMonsters
You can also use Card Auctionz and Monster Market to buy discounted cards.

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 3 years ago  

Oh man, such an amazing post but no !1UP yet? We have to change that!

Wopsie! Thank you so much for the 1UP Flauwy!

You're the man! LEGEND!

Nice! Congrats on the GF TF! Lol at not a chicken, well it's still GFL. Mine was also a chicken, the green one and it was just gifted to me so unbelievable when it turned gold.

And also, thank you so much for the delegations bro! I appreciate it!

You're welcome bro! I'm afraid I will have to take him back soon though after he's unlocked. I've decided to sell him because I'm low on funds.

No worries, bro, it is much appreciated!

Congrats on that bro! Green is better than other fiends or maybe not and they are all the same :D

Have some !PIZZA bro!

Great post and i like seeing the list of cards great for cross reference of what cards to look at

Thanks man, here have some !PIZZA

Congrats on the GFL, what a pull! I am also starting to build my collection with the water and fire splinters, though I am not quite as far along as you are 😄

Thanks! Yea I did not expect anything like this. Good luck on building your deck. !PIZZA for that!


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