I dont really play a lot battles with life splitter but i have found one build that i like a lot and used it in last season its composition where i mainly fight with melee attackers buffed by silvershield knight and sneak attackers.The opponents like to pick a solid front line and support them? Take out the ones in the back first thanks to which they are so tough this is my tactic!
Rarity: COMMON
Element: LIFE
Attack: MELEE
Abilities: Sneak
Summoner choosed for the battle:
I choosed lorna shine summoner with her GIAAAAANT SWORD why?
Because she costs only 3 mana and grants to all allies divine shield that prevent monsters from taking first strike damage so they have basically 1 more chance to life its super effective when you play a lot of monsters with low amount of hp
Just a 26 mana to play so its not too much aim true/eartquake i could play with some archers but they have low hp so i decided to pick Lorna was one of the best choices i could made because of divine shields on all enemies,my strategy for a fight was bring some fly units to avoid earthquake damage and sneak monsters to kill enemy from a back
So lets began with the fight recap!:
First position:
Pelacor conjurer-Because of high speed and fly ability its super effective can dodge a lot and doesnt take damage from earquake generally great card
Second position:
i choosed uraeus on second position because of his 1 armor that gives him most of times 1 bonus health and with buff from our silvershield knight he does also a lot of damage:)
Third position:
Our key to victory in this strategy his inspire ability gives +1attack to all melee attackers,all what he has to do is stay alive and let others win fight!With 5 health he is able to survive 3turns of eartquake and 1 armor is also a great key to survive some damage from enemies
Fourth position:
Silvershield assasin-my favorite card from this splitter double strike fast and sneak how awesome it is,with silvershield knight this card is beast!
Fifth position:
Celestial harpy strong and cheap card generally opportunity is great ability and she also has fly ability so eartquake isnt that scary there
Last position:
Our theme card Feral spirit!Why does people think he is that strong?Just look at his speed stat 4 almost in every fight he starts the fight with well compared composition he also deals 2 damage and takes down enemy last placed card down.
Take a look at the battle :
Battlee replay:https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_74dd78d523bde326a3adf4034a387b0d&ref=kws-squitoz
First round:
Just as i thought a lot of people when see earquake rules are going for obsidian summoner with healer and mustang because of his high hp value,thats why my strategy is strong there i will just take down the healer and fly ability card and at the last moment i will just kill unicorn
Second round:
Like you can see earthquake did like nothing to me because of divine shields while i allready killed most of enemy team.
Round three:
i would like to let you see round 3 but it didnt happened earthquake just killed him and thats how my team looks like at the end of round ^_^
Frequently asked questions:
Would i change any card in this lane-up?
-Deffinettly not maybe if i had more mana i would for sure add sand worm and shieldbearer for the front lane to stay alive for some more moments but in general im proud of my lane up i choosed there
Why do i like feral spirit that much?
-I very like cards with sneak ability and high speed stat,he has both and its cheap so i can add him to my laneup very often
All images taken from https://splinterlands.com/
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