Hi there,
This is my intro post for 1UP and Splintertalk community. I was active on Steem around 3 years ago, where I started playing Splinterlands at very beginning of the project in 2018. Then I dropped Steem and all related stuff and rediscovered it again few months ago when NFT hype appeared in mainstream. I just remembered that I have bunch of Alpha cards in my account and it was pretty nice suprise to see that my cards value are now worth much more than in 2018. Long story short - I am back and I have long-term plan to engange in NFT/ blockchain gaming projects, as I am passionate about it and see huge long-term potential. For sure, Splinterlands is my first game in portfolio and I joined 1UP recently to spot more promising projects. I will try to share with you my thoughts about Splinterlands and other projects which I plan to engage. For now, just hello to you folks, good to be back.
Stay tuned!
Welcome back! perfect time to rejoin, so much up and coming in the near future to do with NFT/P2E Games, 1UP community will definitely help you out :)
Welcome to the party!
Thanks and welcome!