Astral Entities Daily Pack Opening 12/23/21

in 1UP3 years ago (edited)

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All Images property of Hella Rad Games unless otherwise noted. Cover Image by Scaredy8at before I mangled it with text and a pack graphic.

What is Astral Entities?

Astral Entities is a universe of games in development by Hella Rad Games @cryptoreaper and @tanzofett that will use the same NFT's available now at for all their games in the Astral Entities Universe. The purpose of Astral Entities is to release a number of games with a cohesive lore all utilizing the same NFT's. Developers will also have the option of creating in network official titles and unofficial titles using the NFT's.

There are three games currently in development:


Taergyn is like playing Go with D&D inspired Fantasy characters with an array of stats, classes, and an epic depth of lore. This is the flagship game of the series and is expected to launch Q1 2022.

Discordant Adventures

Developed by @kiokizz, is a text based adventure on Discord. Alpha testing for the program is live now on the discord server, but there is no cryptocurrency attached yet. This will be the first game released with a goal of Q1 2022.

The Hunter's Guild

The Hunter's Guild will be a Gamified staking game with an emphasis on the Gamified. On timed adventures, you will be forced to make a number of hard decisions that could take twists and turns in this choose your own adventure.

Many, Many more games planned for release down the line with options being developed for developers to create their own unofficial or official games.

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Today's Pack

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Pack Odds and Colors

  • 67% White= T1 Common 173 Attribute Points
  • 25% Green= T2 Uncommon 175 Attribute Points
  • 5% Blue= T3 Rare 177 Attribute Points
  • 2% Purple= T4 Epic 182 Attribute Points
  • 1% Orange= T5 Legendary 190 Attribute Points
  • T6 Not available in Founder Packs.

Alpha Founder Pack Odds will be higher than Alpha Premium packs at launch.

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What I pulled Today

I'm never going to complain about a pack where I pull a T3, and I am very much a fan of the Orc Marauder. Orc Warriors seem very scary to me in both stats and raw furious appearance. For some reason, I have an insane affinity for pulling Marauders, I have three Human Marauders, and this is my second Orc Marauder. RNG can be so funny sometimes!!! I suppose I should take this as a sign and become a Viking!!! Enjoy reading. I'm off to steal, kill, and plunder!

Daemon Grunt

Daemon Grunt is probably my favorite card art of the set. I love the way he's hunched with his sword, and the art just hits me somewhere special. For a T1 he seems to have decent stats.I'll be honest, though, till the games are out, I have no idea what is actually good or not. We have to really play around for a good while with each game as it's released to get a good feel for what works and what doesn't That said, I do really like his stats for a T1: 13 Might, Vitality, and Endurance are some stats that are typically quite good for warriors across many, many games. Whether or not he's useful in a T1 spot and worth leveling, he'll always have a special place in my heart though.

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Gnome Wanderer

The Nosey and Agile Gnome Wanderer is a T1 warrior with very impressive awareness. This guy is in the Nose. Awareness is a stat that I hope is quite good for hunters, and I have a hunch the 13 Dexterity will help him well even if the 13 wit doesn't. This is the kind of guy who doesn't just hunt deer, but He knows everything the deer did for three weeks prior to the kill.

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Human Healer

The Versatile and Calming Human Healer is a T1 Priest, and his stats seem a little more spread out than the last two cards. He does have 14 sprint which is probably useful for a healer who has to dash in a pinch to save an ally on the brink of death. Humans do seem to have a more even spread of stats than two or three really high stats-- I'll be very interested to see if more generalist cards or min/maxed cards really excel in combat.

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Human Wanderer

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The Versatile and Agile Human Wander is a T1 Hunter with a pretty even spread of stats like the Human Healer we looked at before him. He has 13 sprint which makes me think Humans in general are really good at sprinting with a sense of urgency when needed. Other than that all other stats are 11 or 12 which is pretty low for a T1, but certainly not terrible. Humans seem to be more general use/versatile than min/maxed. I really hope the games make use of both quite well or even strangely/non-classically min/maxed stats.

Elf Trapper

The Fleet and Agile Elf Trapper is a T2 Hunter with an astonishing 15 Agility at T2. It seems that Elf Hunters have stats that synergize very well in traditional games-- I'll be very curious to see how it plays when Taergyn comes out!!! He also has 14 awareness, which is quite good. I am curious to see how much that 9 perseverance holds him back-- could be nothing at all, or it could be his Achilles heel. Hard to say at this stage of development with the information the devs have revealed to us.

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Daemon Healer

While humans seem to be more generalist in stat spreads, they are definitely not the only ones. While many Daemons are well min/maxed like the Grunt we looked at first, the Daemon healer has a more even spread of stats. Perhaps the 13 Intelligence will be good for the Daemon Healer, but it's also possible this is a card that won't see a lot of play. Then again, till we see the mechancis and see what role the traits play, this could be an amazing T1, and I just don't know it yet!!! I just can't wait to find out.

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Orc Marauder

OK OK OK OK. I adore this card. This card is so cool, and I'm so glad I pulled another!!! Her highest stats, 16 Might, 14 Agility and Vitality, and 13 Speed and Awareness are the classic stats you look for in a good warrior. Oh my goodness, this card is just a work of art from the card image to the spread of stats in a beautifully min/maxed spread that would cause even the most seasoned DM to roll his eyes. She may not be the most charismatic, but I will be shocked if this Furious, Tough, and Skilled T3 Warrior doesn't see a ton of play.

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Dward Tinker

The Dwarf Tinker is a very interesting card to me because she seems min/maxed in a way that is strange to most games stat systems and especially strange to D&D. Her best stats are Dexterity, Endurance, and Wit at 13 with decent Luck and Intelligence at 12. It's really hard for me to picture how this card will play, and she's not quite like any character I think I've ever played. I'm cautiously optimistic, and will be sure be giving her or other Dwarf Tricksters a whirl.

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Where to Buy Packs? or on the wax market. Please don't pay more than 6$ while they are still in stock at the shop. Gold Foiled Sets can also be purchased through the Alpha Presale channel on their discord, and they are also for sale on the wax market above official sale price.

For more information, please check out their official discord and

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Thank you all for Reading my post today. I appreciate you all checking this out and celebrating with me if it was good or grieving with me if it was bad. See you all tomorrow!!! Also special thanks to who I got all the dividers from. Thank you so much!

Also thank you @flauwy-1up for giving me feedback on shrinking my images. I have no idea why my mind didn't register just how ungodly big they were before. If they were Splinterlands Cards, Legionnaire Alvar would be chasing them all down with his fearsome Giant Killer ability.


Wow. Amazing detail in here, thanks for taking the time to elaborate on the cards. All I know is bigger stats means better cards.

haha, I hear you!!! I can't wait till some of the games are at to evaluate them for real!!!

Not a bad pull brother @sketchygamerguy !!

how to do upvote? anyways, im excited to try this game coz of your in-depth description of it!