1UP Curation Service: A New Stream of Passive Income for Hive Investors

in 1UP3 years ago

Few days ago, the 1UP created an official 1UP Curation account that would be used to reward gaming contents with ONEUP upvote. The curation service via the @oneup-curator handle pools ONEUP stake from stakeholders by delegation and then gives back the curation rewards back to the delegators. The curation service charges 5% of the rewards as operator fee while the delegators do virtually no work, save receiving the curation rewards sent to them in form of liquid ONEUP.

The 1UP curation service seeks to give better incentives to quality blockchain gaming contents such that key articles would be pushed to the trending page for more visibility and rewards while also helping to removing rewards from abusers


The 1UP curation service is modelling after Monster curation on Splintertalk that receives SPT delegation from stakeholders and sends back the rewards to delegators. Services such as this remains one of the most profitable form of passive income to investors. Those who do manual curation especially with several stakes of hive-engine tokens would know how laborious it could be in terms of time and data. However, delegating to receive curation rewards allows the investor to make huge profits with no labour or cost.

Unless you are a very active curator yourself, this will create a nice passive income stream for all participants, as ONEUP inflation is high. You might even end up with a higher payout, despite our fees, because we will will make optimal use of your delegated voting power.

The juicy part of the curation service is that there is an additional 15k ONEUP curation from the community curator slot. That delegation would not attract a reward, rather the reward would be added to that shared to other delegators. At the current level, everyone got a 50% payout boost because of that additional community delegation of 15k ONEUP.

According to @Flauwy's submission in the 1UP Discord, the Curation service would run in phases. He outlined the expectations of the first three phases of the service as follows:

Phase 1

In the First Phase, the @oneup-curator account is managed by @Flauway and maybe a few more curators. The curation only gives ONEUP token to curated post as the little Hive Power delegated to the account is just to provide enough resource credits for the curation activities.

At this stage, there is no minimum amount of ONEUP to be delegated. Every delegator begins to receive payout after 24 hours of delegation. Note that the amount of reward received will be based on your percentage of the daily total delegations to that account.

Phase 2

The Second Phase of 1UP Curation Service would involve a HIVE delegation program, that would reward authors with HBD in addition to ONEUP. The delegators would on the other hand be receiving ONEUP rewards instead of HIVE.

Phase 3

The third Phase of the 1UP Curation Service will a larger curation service that will benefit the 1UP community as well as other HIVE communities and other tribes. More curators would be whitelisted to get access to our curation accounts and that would mean a larger coverage in curation.

Final Thoughts

The 1UP community lead team is committed to giving value to the community members and to Hive users at large. Within its first 100 days, we can see the massive development that has given investors enough reasons to stick around. ONEUP is a token every Hiver should hold as it promises some big moves in the weeks ahead. Blockchain gaming has come to stay and 1UP is here to make it a more rewarding experience.

Thanks to the team of developers @Flauwy, @steemcafe, @daveonarrival, and @kevinli for all the creative buidl for the 1UP community.

How to Participate

  • Buy some ONEUP tokens from hive-engine market
  • Power up the ONEUP token to your account
  • Delegate the staked ONEUP to @oneup-curator
  • Start receiving your daily ONEUP curation rewards after first 7 Days.

Note: You can always undelegate and receive your voting power after 5 days.


Some of my recent 1UP posts would inspire you top consider an investment option in gaming assets.

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Contact the 1UP Team

The 1UP team are so open for discussions, ideas and contribution regarding to the growth of the blockchain gaming community on Hive blockchain. Utilize these handles to reach them.

 3 years ago  

The first rewards will go out NOW! We just double checked the distribution bot and made a dry-run, looks fine so far. We will now run it and see how it behaves with a live situation. If all works out, @Monster-Curator will be changed tomorrow as well.

Just delegated what 1UP I had to there.

What changes in Monster? Is there anything we need to do?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

The only thing that changes for @monster-curator delegators is that we will take the same 5% fee we take with @oneup-curator now. For the past two years we gave back 100% but this has become such a large service and responsibility, it makes little sense to keep that up. An official announcement will go out tomorrow. Other than that nothing changes for delegators and no actions are required.

Ah okay thanks for the clarificaion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really an amazing addition to the 1UP ecosystem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, this is pretty cool, because I am active in the 1UP community. The community is very active and engaged.
I think these are great incentives and 5% is not bad at all. Some services charge as much as %15 :-)

Everyone that contributes to that curation pool earns on the long run because the bonus from the community stake is not taken but distributed to delegators.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks so much @uyobong for sharing, its always an awesome privilege going through your post, am glad to know about the ONEUP curator service,

How to Participate

  • Buy some ONEUP tokens from hive-engine market
  • Power up the ONEUP token to your account
  • Delegate the staked ONEUP to @oneup-curator
  • Start receiving your daily ONEUP curation rewards after first 7 Days.

I love the phases of engagement and am glad about the participation approach. thanks for having me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is awesome option for lazy investors who just want to cash out. It pays off greatly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

sounds pretty interesting,..sure to engage in....I'd give it a trial straight up

Looking forward to see your improved engagement of the gaming communities on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i am more than willing to learn and engage...thank you so much for the enlightenment

The 1UP community lead team is committed to giving value to the community members and to Hive users at large. Within its first 100 days, we can see the massive development that has given investors enough reasons to stick around. ONEUP is a token every Hiver should hold as it promises some big moves in the weeks ahead. Blockchain gaming has come to stay and 1UP is here to make it a more rewarding experience.

This is very true about blockchain gaming, they're very interesting and since many young people will want to earn as they play that's how Oneup will grow as they play. I've already started stacking some Oneup tokens because in few weeks to come I'll smile. Nice content @uyobong

If you are not regular in curating #oneup tokens with your stake, delegating your staked tokens to oneup-curator would pay better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll do that immediately