Hello everyone! Welcome to the third Pixelart community contest! The main goal is to have some fun <3 This week's theme is "Collection", you draw a coin collection, or post stamps, gems, toys or anything you want ^_^
The winner(s) will get this post's total payout number but in Hive. Any donations to the prize pool are appreciated and will receive a shoutout. Minimum prize pool is 5 Hive.
I'll pick the winner, your post quality can influence my choice.
Depending on the prize pool size I'll pick winner(s) and possibly honorable mentions.
Extra: if we have 3+ entries- 1 random entry will win 2 hive(from me).
● Most important- Only Original Art!!
● No copying other pixelart
● You can use photo reference.
● Non-traditional pixelart is welcome: like color pencils on paper
● No auto-pixel filters allowed
● At least 1 in progress picture
I'm more lenient for the rest of the rules.
● Make a post
● You must post or cross-post in Pixelart community.
● Share your art preview and post link the comments
● Use pixelart as one of your tags.
● Recommended: comment on at least 1 other entry in this contest
● ヽ( ・∀・)ノ Remember to put some effort into how you write your post- OCD is watching ;)
Deadline is Wednesday 6.8, 23:00 UTC/GMT (not strict, you can basically enter until I choose the winners ;) )
I'll announce the winner and next contest theme on Thursday, around same time as this post.
Feel free to ask any questions or add any suggestions in the comments.
This week was again so hard to pick but here it is! I spent more time on this post than my regular posts xD
I hope you all enjoyed this contest as much as I did <3
Previous Week's Winner: @cesarisaad
Google translate is great and I really enjoyed the post ^_^ The 1:1 image looks so adorable!
Winner #2: @jungleonion
I love the amount of details and the crystal variety :D The blue one is so mesmerizing <3
Honorable Mention: @karinanunez
Random: @cetb2008
Let me know if you'd like me to tag you so you get notified whenever new pixelart contest is out ^_^
More info
There are only 10 Squip heads left out of 30 :D Can't believe how fast they went!Dragon Head Winners: @creativemary & @hiddenblade
I've tokenized a few new artworks on NFT and tomorrow I'll tokenize the next dragon head :D I've also tokenized the cover image- the coins collection. I drew it for Pixel Dailies in 2018 ^_^
Feel free to request specific pixel art tutorials, and I'll see what I can do ^_^
If you liked these drawings, please don't forget to check out and support the awesome posts in Pixelart Community
I'm looking forward to your entries!!! ^_^
Congratulations to the winners
Thank you for participating and hope you join again :) Cheers
That is how I will join the contest. Regards
MIl thanks for honorable mention. Congratulations to @jungleonion and @cesarisaad, as well as to the rest of the participants. I'm happy, already working on the new Pixelart Contest # 3- Theme: A Collection contest.
Thank you for participating and looking forward to your next art :D
Felicidades a todos los demás participantes.
Nos vemos en éste próximo concurso.Wow, increíble. Muchas gracias @kristyglas por el premio.
Welcome :D Hope you will participate again
Greetings friends congratulations to all the winners, thanks for the prize
Thank you for participating :D
Thank you for the prize 🤗
You all did amazing!
Thank you for joining, hope you you enter this time as well :D
Hey @kristyglas:) In this contest, can I use minecraft as a means of creation? Because the minecraft structures is still on a pixel style.
Thank you! Hoping for your response:)
If you're talking about stuff like this:

Then sure :D However it has to be original design (you can't draw minecraft items for example).
Ahh yes, is it okay like this minecraft house that I build recently but I get ideas from a house design ideas?
Thank you:)
The house looks amazing! :D I guess if you can make something that fits the theme collection would be good ^^ However, to be clear, you can use photos as reference but not other pixelart or minecraft creations ;)
Mi participación :D
My entry!
Thank you for the opportunity, and for bringing the community. I am really happy to see quality Pixel-Art at Hive
My post
My pixel art

Posted using Dapplr
My entry