Pixelart Halloween Contest Results!!!

in Pixelart4 years ago (edited)


First of all, from now @andielor will be hosting weekly/biweekly pixelart contests. I've increased the prize pool for so check them out! <3 ;)

If anyone else wants to host some pixelart contests, let me know about your idea in the comments and I'll send you some hive for your reward pool :D (You can keep your contest post payouts)

Contest Winners!!!

This was really hard xD So many incredible entries and thank you everyone who participated!!!!!! :D Beautiful work!!

You can check all of the entries here: https://peakd.com/hive-102502/@kristyglas/pixelart-contest-12-13-halloween-deadline-november-1st-70hive-prize-pool

1st place: @shookt


The froggy is so cute and really creative :D I love the attention to details. https://peakd.com/@shookt/jack-the-frog-and-the-moon-my-pixelart-contest-entry

Honorable Mention: @johndix



I love creative interpretations of the contest theme :D And animation is always a cool addition. :D

Everyone else who participated: I also sent you some rewards <33

@karinanunez @machiqui63 @wrsd54 @mariela53 @giocondina @khiabels @lisbethseijas @cetb2008 @atlantiss @librepensadora @guillez12 @pitina28 @kismeri @andielor @zhoten



Remember, if you own some dragon heads, you can sell them to earn some hive ;) The ones that I sold out a while ago are usually worth more.
You can log in to check your collection with the Hive keychain.Dragon head winners: @karinanunez , @giocondina https://nftshowroom.com/kristyglas/gallery


November Prompt list- made by @atlantiss <33



Thank you so much @kristyglas! I'm so happy to see new members and I can see their efforts to be active in the Community.

Here is the prompt list I created for this month of November

Dark Green Pixel Art Game Night Invitation.png

Hey, are you interested in trying to host your own pixelart contest? :D I can send you 20hive for reward pool, you can make the rules and everything.

Wow thank you for the chance to let me host a pixelart contest and I'm interested!
Maybe I will start my contest next week so that the pixelart community can focus on the contest of andielor. Thank you!

Awesome <3 Send and no rush, whenever you want to make it ^_^

Love it!! Thank you and I sent the reward ^-^ I also update the post to include the list.

Wow... my admired @kristyglas, I love your way of encouraging us and recognizing our humble work. You are special. Peace and Good.🙌

Thank you so much @kristyglas i will do my best so we can all have fun and extra motivation on what we love 💖

Awesome!! And thank you for hosting the awesome contests <3

Also if anyone wants to do more mini contests with smaller rewards, just let me know. Like 1 word theme per week ^^

Gracias por tu apoyo!

Thank you for participating!! :D

Saludos felicitaciones a todos los ganadores, excelente selección de pixelart. Gracias amigo @kristyglas. Greetings congratulations to all the winners, excellent selection of pixelart. Thanks friend @kristyglas

Thank you for participating <3 ^-^

Muy lindo pixelart del gandor. Buena selección. Saludos

Thank you for participating!! :D

Really, thank you very much @kristyglas and congratulations to all the participants, which were quite remarkable :)

Thank you for joining, hope to see more of your art ^^

Hi, friend @kristyglas

I love the winning work of partner @shookt

I am very grateful for your award.

I love this contest.

A big hug

Hug! Thank you for joining <3333 ^_^

Wait, is that my entry? Whoah!
I can't believe I won.

Yay 🤗. Thank you so much @kristyglas and congrats to the winners. Nice to meet you community.

Agradecida por el apoyo que das a mi trabajo @kristyglas , como puedo vender esa cabeza de dragón y donde la encuentro?

Hey, you need to log in with Hive Keychain

There are instructions here: https://peakd.com/art/@nftshowroom/nft-showroom-artist-guide-faq-and-whitelisting And there is discord for any extra questions: https://discord.gg/ajPffSvKys

You can sell your own art there too (but only original art without any copyright issues)https://nftshowroom.com/giocondina/collection

Mil gracias por la orientación!

Congratulations to the winners and very happy for the recognition of my participation. Thank you...Thank you @kristyglas, always so consistent in supporting our pixelart. You are a leader.😘🙌