What you guys think about Twitter/X?

in Pixelartlast year

I've been around the internet since 1994, Twitter became a thing back in 2006 and it was always a HARD PASS for me. 😅 Why? Too much heat, I'm told 🔥.

Honestly, I have always avoided partaking in the trending topics on any social media whatsoever. This sounds so lame now that I am writing about it haha WHERE DO YOU FIND EXCITEMENT IN YOUR LIFE, GALIANT!? 🤣😅😜

GAWD... so many things. But getting myself into heated discussions with internet trolls is not on that list. Still, as an artist, we need exposure to potential clients, particularly as a pixel artist... Exposure is everything!

Well, guess what, Twitter (or X...are we calling it X now?) happens to be a great venue for artists looking for some clients. Lo and behold, after 18 years, your boi here has finally yielded. 😝

So... I created an account 😖

I think I'll use it mainly for posting pixel art. Even though most of my art nowadays is digital painting, it seems like the overall interest in pixel art is growing steadily due to so many people going back to the "retro game" look.

Twitter has this thing called PIxel Dallies where they give us a prompt and we have 24 hours to post our entries which are supposedly gonna be reposted by the big accounts in there. 😅 Who knows whether that is true or not? The first prompt given to me was Furnace, which allowed me to illustrate exactly how I feel on Twitter. Check this out:


Papa Galiant, feeling old like a goat (I'm 35, guys xD) trying to manage the heat menace at one of the most toxic social media on the planet according to the general opinion. (Made by me using Aseprite)

HIVE is just so much better 😎

The pixel art community over here is not among the most active ones around, but there is so much potential in every post. Folks are super talented and all. I am just eager for the community to grow so we can witness more and more business opportunities being born and fostered here. For now, let`s just contemplate one key element that enables HIVE to help artists who share their pixel art here:

Everyone who likes art posts such as this one is contributing to the steady growth and success of their favorite artist.

It's all based on the social interaction with the person whose art you are fond of. It removes the professional-client seriousness that we see in other systems like Patreon, but if`re being real... It makes it more intimate. Why? Well, you know for certain that this post was made by me, along with the art you liked, and you're certain that my account is not managed but someone else (which is true for so many bigger accounts on Twitter or Instagram).

As much as I don't want this to start a heated discussion on which platforms are better than another 😅 I do appreciate some pointers since I am a rookie on Twitter. Hive is such a pearl among other communities, and I am happy to be here and engage in healthy discussions with you all!

Here's a gift for you (so you know I mean it 😜)

HIVE is unique on its own, and I want you guys to feel appreciated by this post. Thanks for making the community a healthy environment for artists and art enthusiasts. (Made by me using Aseprite)

Talk to you soon, folks!
Curious to hear your thoughts on this!
Peace out!


Hive rules
Twitter sucks
Wish you the best luck with twitter 😂