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Art and the hypocrisy of Facebook

in #censorship5 years ago (edited)

Hello, you might have to bear with me while I get myself to grips with this thing, It's my first post and all that.

I'm hoping that I can find a decent place to post my photos, without the risk of getting an instaban within seconds of posting an odd nipple..

Really fed up with getting banned on Facebook, and its double standards...

Anyhow, I'm a photographer in a loose sense of the word, and enjoy mainly model photography, shooting stuff along this kind of line.
guys cliffe413.jpg

guys cliffe39.jpg
Which, certainly in my mind is art, not porn, not smut.. Art..

I'd love to know what your thoughts are on this?? Would you rather see this, or the torture and abuse that you can view on Facebook all day long without and worry that it might get taken down??