If you’re wondering whether to invest in offshore development, ask yourself: can I find and hire the right tech talent at home?
If the answer is ‘no’, you should consider investing in it.
Generally, two types of organisations leverage offshore software development:
Non-technical core businesses. E.g., retail or hospitality firms that need help transforming their existing website or developing digital products for their customers.
Companies seeking to expand their in-house development teams. E.g., financial corporations that want to increase their business’s value and grow their tech proficiency.
The first type of organisations lack software expertise and require competent developers to maintain and build their technology. The second already have in-house development teams but want to scale up to take on more significant contracts, deliver more value to users or outpace their competitors.
In both cases, a dedicated offshore software development team is an ideal solution since talented developers are expensive and hard to find locally.
Source of content : https://thescalers.com/offshore-software-development-definite-guide-for-ceo/