The worst feeling there ever will be is(heartbreak)💔 an emotion that you have no control over it is also a devastating feeling where you don't know what to do, who to turn to or how to ease the pain you feel. I have been there trust me and I still don't know how to overcome it because it hurts so much, at times I can't even breathe I feel so suffocated inside my own body the worst is that the person who put me in that condition does not seem to care🥺. It is so not easy to pretend not to be hurting and to always be happy when around friends🥹 when all you want to do is just cry your heart out and you just can't save yourself (cause no one will understand).
The thoughts that keep going through my head are just to end it at least I would stop hurting. I used to think I could never be heartbroken (I thought I was tough and stronger on the inside and above being hurting) didn't know I was just fooling myself and now I can't help myself drowning to the point of no return, sometimes I ask myself why did I fell in love? If I hadn't I wouldn't feel things' 'cause it hurt so much, my chest is so heavy, my eyes hurt, my throat is so sore and my mind is too occupied with memories that are now forever stuck in my head. If you ask me if I dated the wrong one I honestly don't know or if it was the right one I still don't know because none makes sense anymore. But what if all this is just a nightmare?☠️ (I know for a fact I would be traumatized for a very long time) Please someone should try helping this aching heart of mine😢 cause I don't think I will recover anytime soon knowing fully well I didn't do anything to deserve all of this cause I gave out all the love I possibly could ever give, the all I had in me so how did I end up here? all broken beyond repair 😭 I honestly thought I was prepared for this, 😭 I honestly thought you wouldn't do this to me after all the caring, support and selflessness I showed. I know am not a perfect person we both had our flaws and I overlooked yours thinking you would do the same for me but instead, you manipulated and made me pay for your flaws (emotionally).
But I do know one thing for sure is that it might take a lot of time but I will definitely bounce back to myself maybe not to all of me but we will get there soon.
I know for me to start my healing process is by forgiving first, do I want to,? (NO) but do I have to (YES) why? (for my mental health to be at peace) so I will.
But did regret falling in love? My answer will be (NO) cause I have learned that there will always be ups and downs likewise pain in pleasure.