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RE: I think people need a partner

in Emotions & Feelings7 months ago

I think we should enrich our single lifes, people shun away too much of touch, of intimacy, not talking about sex here. I adore long hugs, long eye contact, holding hands, speaking truthfully about anything. It creates fear in +90% of people while it is just the lack of these things that makes singles looking for a partner because that's apparently the thing you can do only with your partner. These are new times, we need new horizons, new ideas, i am a touch-is-ok warrior :-)


Oh yes, completely. Our society is very relationship-centric in that department. I do contact improvisation which involves a lot of everything you said up here and it was a huge game changer for me when I started doing it. Kept getting hung up on the false idea that only lovers should touch or hug or look into each other's eyes like that. It's the best thing in the world and hugely therapeutic. I think it also strengthens you as a person, letting yourself be seen and touched and experienced without necessarily reducing it to sex.

Touch is definitely ok :)

Looooooove contact improvisation 😍

Big hug!