My feelings

in Emotions & Feelings6 months ago

Hello my friends here in E&F!!
I would like to share a little here what I felt

Recently, I've been feeling confused about what I should do because it feels like I'm being left behind by time. I'm already old, still studying, but I'm in my 4th year. I think about working, but I don't have many skills yet, so I decided to focus on studying more because I still lack some knowledge. I also got into crypto, but I told myself not to focus on it and to concentrate on my studies. However, my mind keeps going back and forth between studying and crypto. When I do focus on school, I tend to get addicted quickly. I ended up learning another branch of my course, which is good. I also wanted to upload my past websites, but then I got lazy. That's my problem – I'm lazy, but once I start something, I don't want to stop. Now, I'm okay with just doing what I can and not worrying about what I can't control.

Then I said I will do my best and God will do the rest

This is part of life accept it !!