Hey guys! Oh my gosh, it's been awhile since my last writing. I seriously missed a lot and I am excited to share some of the journeys I had recently. Yes! I have been busy trying to put everything to its place since my daughter came, and I wish I could tell you, right now, one by one, all the details.
But anyhow, one of the things I am excited to share with you is my daughter's natal day. I can't believe, how much she has grown. Take a look of her photo when I brought her home versus now.
You know they say that, as a parent it will be difficult for us to track the time, and I strongly agree about it. Most of the time, I am caught in thought of how much time really went by, and in just a blink or a snap, the babies you were excited about to share your journey in the future, is doing the present experience with you.
I just want to share the kind of blessings I have received since this young lady become part of my life. I always tell my daughter, that she is not UNWANTED, in fact, back when I was young, I never really thought of creating my own family. But fast forward, Sav came. Ever since she become part of my life, I am full of blessings. Well, some blessings are to show the kind of woman I can be and I am now, the mother that is in me, the strong woman I can be when Sav is around and how responsible I am as a person.
Savannah is an inspiration to me, to my siblings, to her cousins and sometimes, she is one, to people she gets to meet along the way.
Why did I say that she is a blessing? There are a lot of factors. I would never forget the time that I carried her for 9 months, and during that time the fear of being an entrepreneur is something I overcame. I worked as an ESL Teacher in a Korean owner company, and with a little bit of savings from my salary, I was able to sell products to add up for her birth. When I was looking for some stuffs as she turns 3 months old, an old neighbor from the condominium I was staying were selling clothes and baby stuffs, as they need to move to New York. Funny how I can still recall these things. I was able to buy their stroller for 500 pesos and a Lamaze toy that cost 100 pesos. When I checked the original prices, it cost 16K pesos, the toy coast 599 pesos. Would you believe how much would that cost me?, and yes I find it a great blessing.
Savannah is a kid who I never had trouble putting her to bed or sleep, she is very delightful, funny, clever, smart, and very understanding. While she was growing, I have noticed that she has this innate character, such as being the sweetest little girl who loves attention and quality time, she is thoughtful, to the point that she would want everyone to never feel left behind and is well provided with attention and love. I honestly, have no idea how to put these things into words. I just love how she's becoming, as a young lady, and yes, it's pretty hard to see that time just went by, from the time that I wanted to cherish every moment we have, even the little seconds, the next time I open my eyes, she's taller, smarter, bigger, and much more loving that before. Of course the almost teen-age and mum fight, happens now Hahaha!!
She's the kid that is not unwanted. She may never be the person I saw in my future, someone I have never planned or asked God with, but I am pretty sure she is destined to be in my life to make me the strongest woman I know now. She make me do things that are scary, and later on, I would realized how capable I am as a woman or a parent.
So, as a mom, I always wanted best for her. She needs to see the beauty of this earth, I would love her to explore whatever is within her environment, to know what love is someday, and praying that she will remain the beautiful characteristics I have seen in her. She is so precious, that on her birthday last 13th of August, we had a very intimate celebration at "The Henry's" here in Dumaguete City.
It is one of the places I like to go to, when I want a quiet place to meet with people. I would love to show you around with it, on my next writing.
It was a very intimate night with her and my mom. How amazing it is to celebrate her 8th birthday with my mom? The two most precious and important human beings in my life.
Just like the other parents, we can only wish for the best in life towards our kids, we can always share them our experiences, heart breaks, and guide or lead them towards their dreams. But at the end of the day, it will always be their decisions that matters. I hope that we parents understand the importance of allowing our kids to grow at their own pace, to never lose their selves because of our wants for them, or possibly, our frustrations that we might be passing on to them.
So to Single Parents like me, please know that your babies, our kids are the reasons why we have to think, speak, and act with love. When we do this, everything becomes easy, not just for us, but for our precious ones, as well.
I hope you enjoyed a little story I had tonight, as I miss writing. I have more things to share in the future, as they are all stocked in my mind and the memories or adventures are amazing!
Much Love
What a nice story @chamyoocjinspo 😘
Sav is very pretty, and from your description we see that she is not only beautiful on the outside, but also on the inside. We like your message very much, because parents should be aware that the mental health of our children should begin to be taken care of from a very young age, avoiding them ills as they get older.🙌
At the same time, we would like to remind you that the first rule of our community is to identify a feeling or emotion in the title. If it is the first word, all the better, because that way our authors can easily identify it. Perhaps, when reading your post, you can put Love, Happiness... You are the one who decides about your content. It would look something like this: LOVE - She's not UNWANTED✅
We wish the best to all our children, and may God bless all our efforts to give them the love and protection they need. 💓
Hugs to both of you😍