There is not a person in the world who does not carry a story, their personal story.
La historia personal de cada individuo es como un tesoro que guarda un significado de gran importancia de su propia vida.
The personal history of each individual is like a treasure that holds a very important meaning for his or her own life.
Las historias personales guardan consigo alegrías, buenos momentos, experiencias bonitas, anécdotas de viajes, aprendizaje, etc... pero, también en ellas se encuentra la parte vulnerable, los quiebres, las grietas, la oscuridad e historias muy tristes que la persona ha vivido y con las que ha intentado seguir adelante para continuar con su vida
Personal stories contain joys, good times, beautiful experiences, travel anecdotes, learning experiences, etc. But they also contain the vulnerable side, the brokenness, the cracks, the darkness, and very sad stories that the person has experienced and with which they have tried to move forward in order to continue with their life.
Es bonito cuando empiezas a conocer a una persona porque de momento solo conoces su fachada y aparentemente todo está bien y eso es bueno, pero, es duro cuando a medida que esta se va abriendo (mostrando parte de su histora), te empiezas a dar cuenta de que no necesariamente su vida ha sido bonita. Darte cuenta de sus cicatrices a pesar de que no las ves en su piel hace que te vulnerabilices con la persona pues está compartiendo parte de su tesoro y es algo que simplemente te hace pensar en que somos más que una fachada, que toda persona guarda consigo una historia que seguramente aún le duele, aún le pesa y aún lo mantiene anclado en el pasado.
It's nice when you start to get to know a person because at the moment you only know their facade and apparently everything is fine and that's good, but, it's hard when as they open up (showing part of their story), you begin to realize that their life has not necessarily been beautiful. Noticing their scars even though you don't see them on their skin makes you vulnerable to the person because they are sharing part of their treasure and it is something that simply makes you think that we are more than a facade, that every person keeps a story with them that surely still hurts, still weighs on them and still keeps them anchored in the past.
No hay persona que tenga una historia sin un pasado que lo haya quebrado y pienso que realmente eso es lo más bonito que una persona puede tener porque en parte es lo que de alguna forma lo hizo tocar la realidad y al mismo tiempo es lo que hace que se vuelva más fuerte al intentar superarlo o sobrellevarlo. Y es que, por más que queramos toparnos con personas que nos brinden un rayito de luz, no existirá dicha persona que al mismo tiempo no lleve consigo su oscuridad.
There's no person who has a story without a broken past, and I think that's truly the most beautiful thing a person can have because, in part, it's what somehow brought them face to face with reality, and at the same time, it's what makes them stronger when they try to overcome or cope with it. The fact is that, no matter how much we want to meet people who offer us a ray of light, there won't be such a person who doesn't also carry their own darkness within them.
No importa lo fuerte que hoy en día te veas, lo seguro que aparentemente parezcas, lo insensible que intentas ser para que no duela o el intentar que las cosas no te importen para que no te generen peso, etc... Todo ello lo que indica es que eres vulnerable y que de alguna forma no lo quieres aceptar y mostrar en especial a tí mismo. Realmente no hay nada de malo en ello, está bien, de hecho es positiva la vulnerabilidad. Los quiebres llegan para volverte vulnerable, para recordarte que no tienes que ser un roble ante la Vida y ante tú pasado, y que mientras más te reconoces como vulnerable más fuerte te haces con mayor rapidez porque te estás reconociendo en su totalidad como lo que eres; un ser humano.
No matter how strong you see yourself today, how confident you appear, how insensitive you try to be so it doesn't hurt, or how you try to not care about things so they don't weigh you down, etc. All of this indicates that you are vulnerable and that in some way you don't want to accept it and show it, especially to yourself. There's really nothing wrong with that; it's okay; in fact, vulnerability is positive. Breakups come to make you vulnerable, to remind you that you don't have to be an oak tree in the face of Life and your past, and that the more you recognize yourself as vulnerable, the stronger you become more quickly because you are fully recognizing yourself as what you are; a human being.
A todos nos pasa que de alguna forma nos hemos puesto una armadura para cubrirnos de todo aquello que pueda lastimar aún más esa vulnerabilidad que no hemos terminado de aceptar y por ende nos cerramos, inclusive a personas que sí estarán para escucharnos y entendernos. En parte se entiende este comportamiento porque es nuestra vida y nuestro pasado y somos dueños de ellos, pero, que increíble y fuerte se ve una persona que por sentir confianza con otra se abre a mostrar su vulnerabilidad, es ahí donde entiendes que en su apertura por más dolorosa que suene su historia ya la persona la ha superado y la ha sanado y entonces es donde ves que su vulnerabilidad se ha convertido en una mera fortaleza que lo inunda. Entonces te das cuenta de que es una persona que ha aprendido a soltar rayos de luz a través de sus cicatrices. Admiración total.
It happens to all of us that, in some way, we've put on armor to protect ourselves from anything that could further hurt that vulnerability we haven't fully accepted, and therefore we close ourselves off, even from people who are there to listen and understand us. This behavior is partly understandable because it's our life and our past, and we own them. But how incredible and strong a person looks who, because they feel confident in another, opens up to show their vulnerability. It's then that you understand that in their openness, no matter how painful their story sounds, the person has already overcome it and healed it, and then you see that their vulnerability has become a mere strength that floods them. Then you realize that they're a person who has learned to release rays of light through their scars. Total admiration.
Definitivamente la grandeza viene de dentro y no de cómo te veas o actúes.
Greatness definitely comes from within, not from how you look or act.
-Al conocido del Gym (Vicente), que se aperturo a contarme parte de su historia en una de esas que conversamos y que me dejó pensando, ¿Cómo alguien tan grande y fuerte puede ser tan vulnerable?. Y de ahí, surge este escrito.
Gracias por la confianza Vicente.
Con amor desde mi ser. MC
-To my friend from the gym (Vicente), who opened up to me about part of his story during one of our conversations, and it left me thinking, how can someone so big and strong be so vulnerable? And from there, this post was born.
Thank you for your trust, Vicente.
With love from the bottom of my heart. MC
Gracias hermosa comunidad de "Emotions & Feelings" por tomar de su valioso tiempo para leer este escrito. Saludos.
Thank you, the wonderful "Emotions & Feelings" community, for taking the time to read this article. Best regards.