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RE: What are some things you realize as you get older?

One of the things that really stood out to me in that article was the importance of time. It's easy to take it for granted, but as we get older, we start to realize just how precious it is. We become more aware of how quickly time flies by and how important it is to make the most of every moment. It's a good reminder to focus on what truly matters in life, like our relationships with others and the memories we create, instead of material possessions or status.

So true, time does pass by quickly as we age. I'm about 10 years oldier than you and I can remember being 40 y/o and younger like it was yesterday. If we don't make best with our time it just all runs together and we feel stuck like nothing has changed or happened over time. Much described has a mid life crisis. Have to make memories and make good use of the time we spend with others. Possessions and status are temporary in my opinion and don't give us as much as the real things we should focus on.