
A: Charlie.
Seguramente en estos momentos habrás regresado a casa, y habrás dado cuenta de que mis pertenencias ya no están. Es evidente que me he ido, y no creo que eso constituya algo sorprendente para ti; pero en caso de que aún tengas dudas o el descaro de fingir que no sabes por qué me he ido de tu casa y de tu vida para siempre, te lo diré.
¿Recuerdas esa chica tan hermosa que trabaja contigo? ¿Sophie? Si te lo estuviera preguntando en persona, estoy segura de que con toda facilidad me mentirías a la cara y harías todo lo posible por hacerme creer que estoy exagerando, que simplemente no te he perdonado y por eso desconfío de ti todo el tiempo. Y, si así fuera, ¿pudieras culparme por ello? ¿Acaso no han sido ya dos tus infidelidades? ¿Cuánto debe aguantar una mujer por amor?
Ahora te debes estar preguntando qué se acerca de tu relación con Sophie, y cómo lo he descubierto. Para tu información: no, no he estado espiándote ni le he pedido a nadie que lo haga. Es curioso, ¿verdad? Cómo la vida va poniendo todo en su lugar justo en el momento preciso. Debo admitir que no hubiera sospechado si no hubiera sido por esa nota de voz que te envió a mi teléfono, posiblemente en una confusión fatal de su parte. No es que todas tus compañeras de trabajo te llamen "bebé", ¿no es así?
Entonces, he ido a confrontarla hace una semana, luego de que fueras de excursión con tus amigos -ni siquiera sé si sea verdad-. Parece que no sabía que tenías una esposa, incluso pensó que era una ex tuya con celos enfermizos. Es triste por ti, parece que ella no está muy contenta. Llámala, aunque no creo que sea tan tonta como para creerte y perdonarte, como yo lo fui.
Algo que me hiere profundamente es que se trata de una mujer, nuevamente, con un físico mucho más atractivo que yo. Eso me hace preguntarme: ¿por qué te casaste conmigo? ¿Por qué insistías en que te perdonara? ¿Qué viste en mí? Porque ella cubre todas las características que me hacen sentir insegura porque no las poseo. Y esto que hiciste... solo destrozaría aún más mi frágil sentido de mí misma. Como si eso fuera posible.
Durante todos estos años, Charlie, te he demostrado mi amor con mis palabras y acciones, apoyándote en todos tus proyectos, soportando en la adversidad junto a ti, respetándote pese a tus errores, y... algo de lo que me arrepiento... perdonando vez tras vez tus engaños y traiciones.
Todo el tiempo que hemos estado juntos has estado cayendo en lo mismo... y luego suplicando perdón y haciendo promesas vanas que de ningún modo has cumplido. Te he creído en cada oportunidad. Sabes que accedí a casarme contigo porque realmente creí en que tus intenciones eran diferentes esta vez... que serías más fuertes, que te mantendrías a mi lado hasta el final...
Mi corazón se llena de tristeza, porque solo hasta hoy puedo darme cuenta de que la verdadera culpa la he tenido yo. Sí, yo... al permitir que sigas en mi vida causándome tanto daño. Aunque digas que estás arrepentido... cariño, ¿ya cómo puedo creerte? Estoy destrozada, y ya ni siquiera de un modo que puedas reparar con regalos, días de muestras de ternura y palabras dulces. Si ni siquiera el matrimonio pudo reparar nuestra relación...
Fui realmente insensata al confiar en ti de nuevo, y de nuevo, y de nuevo... infinitamente tonta. El amor que sentía por ti me cegaba, la intensa necesidad de obtener tu auténtico cariño y no tener que quedarme sola. Quizá en parte tenía miedo quedarme así... sola. Pero nada justifica el hecho de no haberme querido lo suficiente como para determinar que, en el momento de tu primera traición, no había nada más que hacer aquí.
No sabes cuánto lamento todo esto, por mí e incluso por ti. Porque no puedo odiarte: has sido el centro de mi vida por tanto tiempo... eras mi todo. Mi cielo, mi luna y mis estrellas. Hubiera dado cualquier cosa por ti, pero todo tiene un límite; sí, hasta mi amor, Charlie.
¿Qué haré ahora que me he ido? No lo tengo seguro. Naturalmente, no te diré a dónde me he ido. Un abogado se pondrá en contacto contigo para arreglar los términos del divorcio. Coopera con él, por favor, si en algún momento te he importado realmente. Es verdad, no sé qué nueva orientación le daré a mi vida a partir de hoy.
Pero si de algo estoy segura es que todo será diferente, sin ti.
El texto fue traducido en
Las imágenes fueron editadas en App Lumii.

To: Charlie.
Surely by now you have returned home, and you have noticed that my belongings are gone. It is obvious that I am gone, and I don't think that constitutes anything surprising to you; but in case you still have doubts or the nerve to pretend that you don't know why I have left your house and your life forever, I will tell you.
Do you remember that beautiful girl who works with you, Sophie? If I were asking you in person, I'm sure you'd easily lie to my face and do your best to make me think I'm exaggerating, that I just haven't forgiven you and that's why I distrust you all the time. And if that were so, could you blame me for it? Haven't you been unfaithful twice already? How much must a woman put up with for love?
By now you must be wondering what it is about your relationship with Sophie, and how I found out. For your information: no, I have not been spying on you, nor have I asked anyone else to do so. Funny, isn't it? How life puts everything in its place at just the right time. I must admit I wouldn't have been suspicious if it hadn't been for that voice note she sent you on my phone, possibly in a fatal mix-up on her part. It's not like all your co-workers call you "baby", is it?
So, I went to confront her a week ago, after you went on an outing with your friends - I don't even know if it's true. It seems she didn't know you had a wife, she even thought it was an ex of yours with unhealthy jealousy. It's sad for you, it seems she's not very happy. Call her, though I don't think she's dumb enough to believe you and forgive you, like I was.
Something that hurts me deeply is that this is a woman, again, with a much more attractive physique than me. That makes me wonder: why did you marry me? Why did you insist that I forgive you? What did you see in me? Because she covers all the characteristics that make me feel insecure because I don't possess them. And this thing you did... it would only further shatter my fragile sense of self. Like that's even possible.
During all these years, Charlie, I have shown you my love with my words and actions, supporting you in all your projects, enduring in adversity with you, respecting you despite your mistakes, and... something I regret... forgiving time after time your deceptions and betrayals.
All the time we have been together you have been falling for it... and then begging for forgiveness and making empty promises that you have in no way kept. I have believed you at every opportunity. You know I agreed to marry you because I truly believed that your intentions were different this time... that you would be stronger, that you would stand by my side until the end...
My heart fills with sadness, because it is only today that I can realise that the real fault lies with me. Yes, me... for allowing you to stay in my life and causing me so much harm. Even if you say you're sorry... honey, how can I believe you anymore? I'm broken, and not even in a way that you can repair with gifts, days of tenderness and sweet words anymore. If even marriage couldn't repair our relationship...
I was really foolish to trust you again, and again, and again... infinitely foolish. The love I felt for you blinded me, the intense need to get your real affection and not be left alone. Perhaps I was partly afraid of being left like that... alone. But nothing justifies the fact that you didn't love me enough to determine that, at the moment of your first betrayal, there was nothing more to do here.
You don't know how sorry I am about all this, for me and even for you. Because I can't hate you: you've been the centre of my life for so long... you were my everything. My sky, my moon and my stars. I would have given anything for you, but there's a limit to everything; yes, even my love, Charlie.
What will I do now that I'm gone? I am not sure. Naturally, I won't tell you where I've gone. A lawyer will contact you to arrange the terms of the divorce. Cooperate with him, please, if at any time you have really cared for me. It's true, I don't know what new direction my life will take after today.
But if there is one thing I am sure of, it is that everything will be different, without you.
The text was translated at
The images were edited in App Lumii.

I hope that this a fiction ! What a sad story!But anyways the couple should have talked much before getting into this sad end...
!PIZZA @centtoken
Don't worry, it's fiction. And yes, there should have been more communication and many other things, thank you very much! 💙@gwajnberg
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Happy week
!LUVHi @daniellef it is a heartfelt story, with emotions and feelings running high. Sometimes dissolving these types of situations more specifically relationships, is healthier for both of you.
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Thank you very much! Yes, that's what it's all about. Sometimes relationships don't have happy endings.@marilour
What a write-up 😢
Emotions firing up my lacrimal glands...
I certainly know that it'll be well without Charlie even if not now, sooner.
Charlie on the other hand has lost his greatest assets, a loving wife.
Well constructed post
I didn't think she would spread emotions! It's a fictional story (although there are those who live this) and it was difficult to express it from her point of view, as I haven't lived it. I'm glad you liked it! ☺️
I surely did
Thank you for sharing this touching story, a hug @daniellef
And thank you for your comment. ☺️ @elisaday7