Los sentimientos de amor me llenan más que el desamor 😊 💝

Greetings to all my dear Hivers ❤️ Today I want to share something that's been on my mind and that, although it may seem simple, has an emotional weight that is worth exploring. Sometimes, we find ourselves trapped in a sea of ​​criticism, both from ourselves and from others, and that can be a real mess... Since I was little, I grew up in an environment where bodies were talked about in a toxic way. In my family, it was common to hear derogatory comments about other people's bodies and, of course, my own. 🫠 Oh, how that bothered me! They made me feel really bad and without realizing it at first, it was very normal for an aunt to say something negative about someone and everyone to laugh out loud and so on... Anyway, I spent years dealing with that burden, with internal battles about self-love and acceptance. 💝 Sometimes I felt small, like I didn't have room to be who I really am (of course, I was a child and a teenager on that path of exploration...). But thanks to therapy and a lot of reflection, I have learned to close cycles, even with people of my own blood. And that, my friends, my friends, has been really liberating. 😮‍💨

Un saludo a todos mis queridos Hivers ❤️ Hoy quiero compartir algo que me ha estado rondando en la cabeza y que, aunque parezca simple, tiene un peso emocional que vale la pena explorar. A veces, nos encontramos atrapadas en un mar de críticas, tanto de nosotros mismos como de los demás, y eso puede ser un verdadero lío... Desde chiquita, crecí en un ambiente donde se hablaba de los cuerpos de manera tóxica. En mi familia, era común escuchar comentarios despectivos sobre el cuerpo ajeno y, por supuesto, el propio. 🫠 ¡Ay, cómo me fastidiaba eso! Me hacían sentir muy mal y sin darme cuenta al principio, era muy normalizado que una tía llegara a decir algo negativo sobre alguien y todos se rieran a carcajadas y demás... En fin, pasé años lidiando con esa carga, con batallas internas sobre el amor propio y la aceptación. 💝 A veces me sentía pequeña, como si no tuviera espacio para ser quien realmente soy (por supuesto, yo niña y adolescente en ese camino de la exploración...). Pero gracias a la terapia y a un montón de reflexiones, he aprendido a cerrar ciclos, incluso con personas de mi propia sangre. Y eso, mis panas, de panita ha sido realmente liberador. 😮‍💨


Recently, I took a selfie and started thinking about how I feel about myself now. In the photo, I saw a woman with her natural hair, no makeup, and wearing glasses that used to embarrass me. And, while there are still moments of criticism, they are no longer destructive. Now they are more reflections on how I can work on my health and well-being, but from a place of love and not demand.

Recientemente, me tomé una selfie y empecé a pensar en cómo me siento ahora hacia mí misma. En la foto, vi a una mujer con su cabello natural, sin maquillaje y con unos lentes que antes me avergonzaban. Y, aunque todavía hay momentos de crítica, ya no son destructivas. Ahora son más bien reflexiones sobre cómo puedo trabajar en mi salud y bienestar, pero desde un lugar de amor y no de exigencia.

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As a child, I was always criticized for my hair. It was a recurring theme in family discussions comparing me to my sister, which is absurd because we are two completely different beings. But today, I have learned to accept my hair as it is. I don't need to compare myself to anyone; everyone has their own unique beauty. And that's what really matters. We are all significant and have a body that deserves to be honored.

De chiquita, siempre me criticaban por mi cabello. Era un tema recurrente en las charlas familiares comparándome con mi hermana lo cual es absurdo porque somos dos seres completamente diferentes. Pero hoy, he aprendido a aceptar mi cabello tal cual es. No necesito compararme con nadie; cada quien tiene su belleza única. Y eso es lo que realmente importa. Todos somos significativos y tenemos un cuerpo que merece ser honrado.

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I have realized that acknowledging our emotions, both good and bad, is key to personal transformation. That acceptance brings with it deep healing. When I look at my photos now, I do so with love. I recognize myself and feel grateful for all that I am and for the people around me. Each of us has our own story and our own journey.

Me he dado cuenta de que reconocer nuestras emociones, tanto las buenas como las malas, es clave para la transformación personal. Esa aceptación trae consigo una sanación profunda. Cuando miro mis fotos ahora, lo hago con amor. Me reconozco y me siento agradecida por todo lo que soy y por las personas que me rodean. Cada uno de nosotros tiene su propia historia y su propio viaje.

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... I want to leave you with a reflection that life is full of simple moments that can be really meaningful. From the simple act of getting up and getting ready for yourself, to learning to love yourself unconditionally. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about mental and emotional health. It's something that should be worked on with health professionals in every sense, because health is love for yourself 🤍✨

... Quiero dejarles de reflexión que la vida está llena de momentos sencillos que pueden ser realmente significativos. Desde el simple hecho de levantarse y arreglarse para uno mismo, hasta aprender a amarse sin condiciones. No se trata solo de estética; se trata de salud mental y emocional. Es algo que se debe trabajar con profesionales de la salud en todo sentido, porque la salud es amor hacia uno 🤍✨

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When you look in the mirror or take a selfie, do it with love. Recognize yourself in your authenticity and celebrate who you are. Life is beautiful when we learn to see ourselves with love and gratitude. And that is something I want to continue sharing in this space.

Cuando te mires al espejo o te tomes una selfie, hazlo con cariño. Reconócete en tu autenticidad y celebra lo que eres. La vida es hermosa cuando aprendemos a vernos con amor y gratitud. Y eso es algo que quiero seguir compartiendo en este espacio.

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So here I am, speaking from the heart and reminding you that each of us is unique and valuable. Tell yourself "I recognize myself, I am valuable, I am love in all its forms and emotions."

Así que aquí estoy, hablando desde el corazón y recordándoles que cada uno de nosotros es único y valioso. Di a ti misma/o "Me reconozco, soy valioso, soy amor en todas sus formas y emociones"



everyone has their own unique beauty. And that's what really matters.

This right there. Too few seem to realize this. Instead they spread their hate in regards to what their personal feelings are, and it spreads like cancer in the larger community. People need to realize that everyone has their own unique beauty and not to spread their toxic thoughts about others.

Hermosa 😘😍 Nuera 🤩 Que viva el amor que transforma!!💕🤍

Thank you for sharing this

Sometimes people make criticism out of envy and jealousy, paying attention to them is a complete waste of time. I have learned not to always dwell on other people's point of view. Every one is entitled to their opinion, that doesn't make it a fact.