Love in an Unfortunate Lover.

in Emotions & Feelings6 months ago

Hello everyone!

It's me again, dheannn. Ready to post and share things here on this platform for today. Now that we have more online classes schedules due to a higher heat index, I'll have my time posting things here that everyone can relate with.

In life, we believe that love is a mysterious thing and runs like a thief in the night. You really never never know when it will strike you and if it did, it's on your most unexpected moment. Nowadays, I believe that love can be expressed through a lot of wonderful ways. It really depends on the perspective of one another.

Photo from Pixabay

Well, that's not the case for me. I've seen how love destroyed my emotions and peace within me. I've experienced how it made me isolate myself in various means that would help me protect myself from getting hurt or being used. Therefore, I'm calling myself as the unfortunate lover. I've been from numbers of rejections when it comes to love. I never had really experienced that love thing as what I had experienced are all hurtful memories and heartaches.

It was always when I give all of my best to that someone I like but ends up being rejected or being the second option. It hurts and yet I led to the point where I have to ask myself if I really deserve the feeling of being rejected a lot of times when others are doing it easily. I came to the point where I have to ask if there's something wrong with me that's giving them the reason to not reciprocate. It felt like I was never lovable or even interesting to talk or even bond with. I asked myself a lot of times, bugged down myself to my most negative part yet I never found my answers on why or how does it keep happening to me.

Photo from Pixabay

As times goes by, I just came to realize that probably, love is not yet for me. Probably, it's not my time yet to experience the said feeling. And then probably, I was never the destined person for those persons I like. I came to the realization that love should not be rushed rather be waited in it's magical and correct time. Love is worth waiting for and worth the risked for. For love is the true gift of God to each everyone. After the realization, I provided myself with a better resolution to keep things happen knowing that it all happened for a reason. I will keep on waiting and finding that person destined to be with me. The person who deserves my love and sacrifices. The person worthy of my everything.

Well, that's it for me. There's a lot of things I can really share about my life yet I'll keep on sharing those on my posts. With this, I'd like to thank you for your time in reading my blog. I really appreciated it. I for sure will post more interesting blogs here that everyone can relate with especially emotion and feelings related. Thank you so much for your time!

Stay hydrated and God bless!


Hello @dheannn 🤗

We liked the relationship you make between God and love. So we can conclude that love is available to all, and by that we mean the different types of love. Life does not end yet.😀

Nice to have you here🍫