Greeting to you and every members of this amazing community, I salute your courage through out the month of July, it was a wonderful month for me on the both side of it, the truth is that it is gone and never to return. Am also glad to welcome you the month of August, my month of Unusual Open doors and speed.
I want to say Happy New Month, My regards to your family, friends and all the wonderful men and women that we have been privileged to come in contact with in the last few days of years of your living on the earth, I feel good, am alive, am healthy and am blessed.
I want to really appreciate God for fully restoring my health, Like a joke it would have been forgotten, I would have also missed you guys and the amazing hive family, but thanks to God for the Divine intervention and restoration, Its been like 11 days now not being able to function on the hive platform due illness.
Stress, I made two articles on the topic Chronic Stress and Stress a Blessings in Disguise, This topic, drew my attention to something i would not have seen in a long long time, while going through the Stress articles posted in the community, I found out that I was doing something that was detrimental to my health without knowing, until i went through the amazing posts made in the community by the amazing members.I want to also take some time to say thank you to the #feelings and emotions community for the last month theme,
I did not know that I was gradually digging and setting up trap for myself, but as i was doing my research for one of the post i made then, I got to see that i was already a victim of chronic stress, after the write-up, i Had to check through and i found out that, i was already caught in the web of chronic stress, It was not known to me that, it is already at the peak of breaking out, Just in few hours, the stuff manifested, it was heavy but all thanks to God that am back in healthy.
I will be saying this to many who have been like me in the past, The truth be told, Our body is an amazing gift that God has blessed men with that should be taken care of, This body is doing so much to keep the soul and the spirit, we are alive as spirit on the earth because the body keeps the spirit in good shape.
Everyone wants to feel good at all times, but we have to take responsibility thereby having control over your feelings, emotions and as well regulating for effectiveness. This will not a day job but there is need for diligence, so that you will and can give attention to the basic details that has the capacity to promote a healthy feelings, emotion as well as the mind set.
I would not have known this, but my experience in the very subject of my consideration, has really opened my eye to a few thing that will bless me in the remaining years of my life and my generation in no small way. Lying down on the bed, in those few days of my, I learnt that life is so beautiful, tangible and most valuable assets that God has made available for man.
I was lying down there thinking if i will die or live, but then i could not help myself, i was looking forward doing many things but i was not allowed to have direct access to my device not to talk of doing anything with my hands, all was going through my mind but my hands could not handle them because the body was weak.
Am glad that, I have been given the opportunity to take responsibility of my life, health and body, Am glad to also be a part of what God will be doing this platform in this new month, Once again i welcome you to the month of August, i know that the last month may have been smooth to some but not all, I pray that this month of August will bring you your desired expectation, you will feel good and you will enjoy all that your life deserves on the earth realm.
Thanks once again for having me back, crave your indulgence to take responsibility of your life and for your health, I bring you blessings from my home and friends, Stay safe, may good health become your daily food. Amen. HAPPY NEW MONTH
Thanks for stopping by my blog. @ekotmordemy. Thanks so much to all my readers, for always stopping by my blog, Thanks @hive-102879, @appreciator and all my supporters for your amazing support, i do not take it for granted. please, stay safe and enjoy your love life.
Hello @ekotmordemy no doubt we have many reasons to be grateful, I am very happy that the publications published in the community have been useful to you, to realize something that hurt you, I am very sorry that you are sick and I hope that God gives you the strength to cope with your situation.
Thank you very much for your support last month and for sharing with us, we hope to read you again soon, a hug.
I am recovering fast, am strong and healthy. welcome to August, thanks for stopping byBless you dear @jemima1996, thanks so much, its really an awesome opportunity to be here in this community, I want to specially celebrate you guys for doing a good job.