My story is a challenge between my self and an unjust society with sick people who
make fun of a girl just because she is not so pretty . I will tell you my childhood story
when bullied me and on my appearance even my family.I am different from my,I felt less than her because I am ugly not like her...
I suffered lack of self confidence.Honestly,I do not blame my family but blame the
whole community 's outlook
Since I was young and I always heard their painful words about my appearance. The
comparasion between my appearance and my, they said :oooh your sister is
very beautiful and smart , we can not believe that she is your sister.
All these commets made me feel ashamed and not talk to any one at
all.furthermore,I can not speak with my teacher in the school or with my friend. I
was so confused when I took to people. I was a sad girl in my childhood because of
how people looked at,I suffered a lot.
The hardest feeling for a childhood to feel "you are unwanted"in ten years old. So,I
used to hold my feelings inside and never tell anyone.
I liked to sit alone ,felt lonely and became introverted. I started to hate myself"it's
When you are in childhood and it is supposed to bethe most beautiful stage in your
life to be pessimistic
I asked another time why????
Really I do not know if any of you know please let me know
Why....hurt an innoncent child with these cruel immoral worlds
I did not choose my appearance
After years I decided to challenge myself ,my family and society .I decided to break
this bad thinking.I shutted muy ears from all the hard ,every day I look in
the mirror and tell myself I can
I am beautiful
I am strong
Do not listen to bad people.
I do not let anyone under estimate.
After along and difficult journey I became a social counselor,solving people 's
proplems and achieved many things in my life .I fell in love with handsome man and
we had two nice children also had a nice job.
Today I look at my mirror and say I am beautiful and smart.I am proud of my self and
happy but I am still feeling sad in myself when I remember my childhood stage.
Telling my story to be as a lesson every father or mother must love their children in
the same way"equally" without discriminating or comparing between them.each
one is distinguished.
Do not destroy the personality of your children .
We do not need children with a psychological contract. I suffered a lot in my
childhood I do not like any child to feel like me.
Make sure to build balance person to able to live in this difficult life...
In many ways, first it starts from inside the house.
Parents must love their children as they are in both appearance and mental abilities.
Compliment your child without comparison with others.
Evaluate his/ her behavior not his /her appearance you said: you did a bad thing , do not say
you are a bad on.
Do not describe your child as you are ugly
Listen to him /her with love and concern when he / she talks
Give him/her simple tasks according to his /her age for example: child in 6 years old can tidy
his/her room or throwing the rubbish into the container.
The most important point is that respect your child in front of others people.
Have a special time with your child. In this ways we increase the child 's self confidence and
make him/her a strong child and able to achieve his /her dreams in the life
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