Hoy cuando mi esposo @soychalbed llegó a casa, después realizar unas compras me trajo algo divino, un chocolate, definitivamente no siempre los detalles deben ser algo grande y ostentoso, pero cuando menos te lo imagines que llegue un pequeño detalle como este, es algo que enamora cada vez más.
Cuando se puede y se tiene la oportunidad de llevarle algún detalle almotro lo hacemos, no siempre le regaló una franela, un reloj, un perfume, soy de las que piensa que, traer un detalle pequeño después de un día laboral o después de una salida sin tu pareja, es hacerle saber que, siempre, la tienes presente en tus pensamientos a pesar de los que este haciendo.
Días atrás, por ejemplo, el iba a llevar a los niños a la escuela y mientras preparaba el desayuno, él se acercó a mi oído y susurrando me dijo "no prepares desayuno para nosotros" supuse que lo iba a comprar y así fue, esos detalles son los que llenan y recuerdan el amor día a día.

Pues les cuento que, el chocolate que me trajo llamo mucho mi atención, les explico el por que:
En mi caso primera vez que veía este chocolate, Venezuela es conocida por tener los chocolates más exquisitos del mundo, una variedad de ellos inmensa, que llevan consigo combinaciones extraordinarias, cómo por ejemplo:
- Chocolate de leche.
- Chocolate con pasas.
- Chocolate con frutas deshidratadas.
- Chocolates con nueces.
- Chocolates con maní.
- Chocolate con caramelo fundido.
- Entre otros.
Cabe resaltar que Venezuela es reconocida como territorio de cacao, uno de los mejores cacaos del mundo se cosecha en este país, se ha hablado de 3 variedades, 1 criolla y las otras 2 que es el resultado del cruce con otros tipos de cacao, puedo decir con orgullo que, dicho producto, en su mayoría se encuentra en el territorio donde vivo, en el estado Aragua, tanto en la localidad de Choroní, cómo en la localidad de Ocumare, ambos pertenecientes a las costas Aragueñas, famosos por tener una de las mejores playas del país.
A simple vista percibí que el chocolate no era de Venezuela, era turco, puesto que lo noté en las escritura del mismo, así que no dude en buscar la ayuda que me ofre mi teléfono en el buscador Google, dónde a través de una foto traduce los textos.

Era un chocolate de leche con trozos enteros de pistacho.

La presentación está muy bonita, realmente no puedo decir lo contrario, en cuanto al sabor, era bueno, la calidad de un chocolate venezolano es algo indescriptible, pero debo admitir que el sabor de este era muy divino y la combinación de chocolate de leche con pistacho le quedó excelente.

Una de las cosas que más me agrado de mi detalle fue que él no quiso, así que lo disfruté yo solita 😂😂😂

En conclusión sigo pensando que el amor es como una planta, se debe regar y dar cariño todos los días para que la misma florezca, si se olvida cada uno de esos detalles.... Puede morir...
Gracias por leer parte de mí, les mando un abrazo cargado de bendiciones.
Today when my husband @soychalbed came home, after shopping he brought me something divine, a chocolate, definitely not always the details should be something big and ostentatious, but when you least imagine that a small detail like this arrives, is something that makes you fall in love more and more.
When you can and you have the opportunity to bring a detail to another, we do it, not always gave him a flannel, a watch, a perfume, I am one of those who think that, bringing a small detail after a working day or after an outing without your partner, is to let him know that you always have it present in your thoughts despite what he is doing.
A few days ago, for example, he was going to take the kids to school and while I was preparing breakfast, he came close to my ear and whispered "don't prepare breakfast for us" I assumed he was going to buy it and he did, those details are the ones that fill and remind us of love day by day.

Well, I tell you that the chocolate he brought me caught my attention, I'll explain why:
In my first time seeing this chocolate, Venezuela is known for having the most exquisite chocolates in the world, a huge variety of them, which carry with them extraordinary combinations, such as:
- Milk chocolate.
- Chocolate with raisins.
- Chocolate with dehydrated fruits.
- Chocolates with nuts.
- Chocolates with peanuts.
- Chocolate with melted caramel.
- Among others.
It is worth mentioning that Venezuela is recognized as a cocoa territory, one of the best cocoas in the world is harvested in this country, there are 3 varieties, 1 Creole and the other 2 are the result of crossing with other types of cocoa, I can proudly say that this product is mostly found in the territory where I live, in the state of Aragua, both in the town of Choroní and in the town of Ocumare, both belonging to the coasts of Arague, famous for having one of the best beaches in the country.
At first glance I noticed that the chocolate was not from Venezuela, it was Turkish, since I noticed it in the writing of the same, so I did not hesitate to seek the help offered by my phone in the Google search engine, where through a photo translates the texts.

It was a milk chocolate with whole pieces of pistachio.

The presentation is very nice, I really can not say otherwise, as for the taste, it was good, the quality of a Venezuelan chocolate is something indescribable, but I must admit that the taste of this one was very divine and the combination of milk chocolate with pistachio was excellent.

One of the things that pleased me the most about my detail was that he did not want it, so I enjoyed it by myself 😂😂😂😂😂

In conclusion I still think that love is like a plant, it must be watered and given affection every day for it to bloom, if you forget every one of those details.... It can die...
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Tiene que ser bueno, pues es de pistacho 🥳🥳
🤭🤭bsi cariño, ciertamente es así jeje
Si bellísima al amor hay que regalo diariamente de chocolate 😂 Felicidades ppr ese regalazo y ida junto a un ser que valora hasta los pequeños detalles. Mi admiración y respeto para ambos
Jejeje regarlo de chocolate 😂😂😂 me dió risa esa frase, está muy buena. Saludos mi bella
Ups quise decir regarlo de chocolate igual es buenísimo

Nunca probé un chocolate de pistacho jajaja. La verdad que los gestos así aunque sean simples son los que uno valora, esas muestras espontaneas de cariño son de lo mejor. Espero que los hayas disfrutado 😋. Un saludo.
Uy amiga son divinos! Lo disfruté al máximo!
Gracias por pasar por aquí. Un 🫂
Sure, love is like a plant that grows day-by-day. For it to thrive, it needs water on daily basis and your husband knows how best to do that lolz.
There is this saying of yours that caught my attention:
You're funny. Don't you know that your husband sees you as someone that loves chocolate? He bought it to make you happy. And I like the fact that you appreciated his efforts despite how small it might look. If I marry, I will like to emulate you and same time copy his way of growing love. Lolz.
But, permit me to ask you this question:
Have you ever shown love to your husband through gifting?
While waiting for your cool response, am here to invite you to the most lucrative contest ever on hive. It's happening live and direct inside #leofinance. The prize pool for the contest is $10k and 200k hive delegation. I Know you'll not like to miss it or will you? Just come over. The contest is known as : zealy campaign. To join and to participate, click on this link:
Hoping to see your participation. Thanks.
Hello, how are you?
Yes, he certainly wanted me to enjoy it alone.
And regarding your question, yes, of course I have shown him my love, not only with gifts and details, I think the most important thing is that I have always been there, in the good times and especially in those not so good times when he needed me.
Thanks for stopping by.
That's cool. But what's your response regarding the zealy campaign invitation I threw to you?
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