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RE: The Thrill of the First Ride: the World of Love

in Emotions & Feelings • 6 months ago

Yes for sure the first weeks are always nice🥰
Buh so sorry you couldn't overcome the obstacle .

Relationships aren't kept based on Love alone. There must be commitment, dedication, intentionality, sacrifices, good communication, discipline and whole love of other things needed.

Truth is you will always fall out of love over and over and over but that's where the ultimate test for the proof of love comes.

Buh it's fine I hope by now you might have found or will find someone who is going to stand strong with you


Relationships aren't kept based on Love alone. There must be commitment, dedication, intentionality, sacrifices, good communication, discipline and whole love of other things needed.

I totally agree with you here. Nowadays, relationships also require resources; Time and Money. The truth is; it is rare to maintain a solid relationship without money. So sad.