Hello to everyone on this platform, this is my first time writing here, I'm pleased to be among great writers from the world. This is one of best subject to address because we deal with it almost everyday and it's also a great privilege for me to say something about it at least with my own knowledge. I really hope it'll be of help each and every one of us here on this community and hive Blockchain.
Now we all have different types of definitions of stress and our perspectives about it. stress can be overwhelming depending on the kind stress one is going through. no matter how little stress is, it's not good for the human body ( health wise ) but the bitter truth is it's inevitable.
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Hola amigo @joshsticks28 saludos 👋
Bienvenido a la comunidad 🤗
Gracias por compartir tu publicación del estrés con nosotros.
Te invitamos a repasar este post que contiene, no solo las normas de la comunidad, sino también, como copiar correctamente las fuentes a tus post. Estamos seguros que te leeremos de nuevo por aquí ✨