Proverbially launching nukes at the Sun

in Emotions & Feelings5 months ago (edited)

I get my inspiration from strange places just like my perspective. Most that know me in real life, just like the rest of you, probably don't know what to make of me. What you don't know is automatically the enemy, no questions asked. I'm a hand build mosaic of everyone else's broken pieces as they trow them at me mixed in with the constant shatered pieces of my life. I suppose how do you keep a positive perspective when you constantly get shit flung at you one way or another. I never care who I offend either. Why, because no one cares who they offend either. I just say what needs to be said.


Here on Hive, we started as a free voice, prided ourselves in being one of the last safe heaven for free speech, to attempt at making the world a better place. A place where we explored the real life experiences shared in a world wide connectedness unhindered by chains of the mainstream echo chamber. Exorcise our voice to exorcise the demons of society so we could all live a better life within our own culture of comfort or choosing? We even went to digital war with a giant crooked billionaire to maintain this so called PRIDE Maybe not our generation, perhaps the next? What happened? That hot air quickly turned into your are lucky we almost used to like you, the only reason we haven't nuked this stupid account yet...How mainstream of you. You haven't said it but yeah.


Too real too gloomy for our 3.0 rosy internet bubble of the future. The bubble and all our pritty gardens and mountains make headlines with our app innovations that mostly techies only understand. Same old stale message from years ago and a price below .20 cents per. Don't worry if I truly had rights under Canadian law, I would be able to chase my pritty flowers in my sundress lie usual but many males find that offensive, worth murdering instead of launching verbal grenades on the internet. Lets get this turd off this planet. Since doesn't matter what I do it's all offensive anyway no matter what I say so why fucking care. Yesterday I shared the voices of angels, that was too good so now I have to sully it with humanity...aka satan. Trying to live in peace in a world that hates peace. Prove me wrong.

Why just can't it catch? Must be something wrong with the internet users. Alright enough antagonizing the blockchain's redundant path like kicking a hornets nest on fire of those giant hornets. You are not allowed to nuke me until you read the whole motherfucking post. Nuke with dignity at the very least. My family crest translates into die by the sword for what's right, I suppose I'm not any different. My sword is my tongue I guess. It's in my DNA... just designed to burn like the sun. As someone from a work environment used to tell me every time I raised a stink about something collectively unfair...Is that the hill you want to die on? Yes, now that I survived, I realize that there is no hill worth living on anyway. Why did I survive? Seriously, why bother? This world is a depressing shitshow. I wish I had a time machine to go back to 3 years ago and just let go...nah, lets go all the way back to when I was 1. There is no point to life really.

I saw a post on facebook with a picture similar to the Moses parting water but with a sun representation with a song, this photo, it had a head and looked like a solar figure walking on water. Was it a real sunset or an AI generated thing? It's hard to tell these days. It caught my eye enough to look at what stupidities was in the comments. There was one long one that I wasn't sure if it was a stab at Christans or genuine questions. I tried to be nice but in my mind, with the age of the internet, it would have been faster to google all these questions then to type out that comment. There is no way this isn't a stab at Christians. It had me thinking nonetheless. One of the question was **If God exist...What would he think of human's evil and another question on Jesus and the notion that all sins are forgiven for all Christians. In the trade we learn no question is a stupid question and treated it as such. Just in case.

Interesting question nonetheless. I suppose it's like the more modern fantasy of aliens asking us to take them to our leaders. HUMM...Awkward. If I was God, what would I see when I watch humanity's mental development from a solar throne?

I'm not God or eternal but in my 40 years existence looking back the last 400 years as a country and analyzing my own ancestors and their impacts compared to their intentions. Ya know all that other weird shit... I have to say it that's what I think society and evolution looks like. Here we are with all the information at our finger tips and look what we do with it. We build a virtual shelter to protect our mind and distract us from the shityness of the world. Running away like a bunch of digital bitches. Mainstream or not. While the Western world sits in their delusional rosy demon bubble where everything is pretty and positive...Meanwhile around the world.

This series from W5, a crew takes the arduous migrant journey step by step along a South American migrant caravan and track the journey to America and the US border. This is raw but holy hot damn real journalism still exists in Canada's mainstream. Turns out no one cares. Society's apathy. Here what it looks like. It's a bit long with both episodes being full 45 minutes episodes. The reporting and stellar and kudos to the team that risked their life to bring us a perspective that the migrants may not being to communicate. Hence don't judge a book by it's cover or before judging someone, walk a mile in their shoes.

If you had enough respect to watch both full videos, is it sitting now? Are you one of those folks that petition the government to stop the pesky migrant flows at various borders? Why aren't these people integrating in our societies? Why doesn't multiculturalism seem to work no matter how hard we try? What are we doing wrong? What are the impacts of it all on many different aspects of society. Migrants and the communities they migrate to. Can we solve it? Can we at least look at it, acknowledge it? Find a solution? Have empathy? Compassion?

It had me thinking of the tensions between Natives and the French as a kid. Long after the war was settled with weapons, the spiritual one lingered for many years to come. I went thru a little bit of the history in the last post. The resonating effect of white settlements today, the narrative between cultures that pretty much still stand. If you are white and European looking, you should swim back across to Europe and leave our land. You all live on stolen land. M.Kay. That's nice. But hear our issues and care. Although not wrong either and we should care as Canadians. But swim back to Europe and leave our land. Then turn around and say we should welcome all the migrants with open welcoming arms. We should get rid of whites to make room for them. Is that every Native? Of course not but the messaging is still strong on both sides.

Perhaps that they refuse to acknowledge not all are from mass British immigration cause Canada looks like a fun place to rape and pillage. Although that is exactly what happened. Some were early settlers before the english, establishing the first shipping routes between continents. The shipping routes the the future settlers would use to try to find their own way out of misery and oppression. Just like the migrant caravans today. Came here early to assimilate, learn the life, the language. How to work at peace with the land. Well we all know that's not exactly how it all went down but sometimes disasters are caused with good intentions and running away from reality makes it worse and more likely to be repeated, even 400 years later...just a different demographics.

Perhaps we have forgotten our own roots, perhaps those who came here under to escape poverty and oppression rather than a chasing the dream in a healthy way, you know...The kind based on a dream and a future, not escaping a living nightmare. Early settlers of Quebec and New-Brunswick, more in New-Brunswick was a mix of French, Irish, Scottish all avoiding probably their era's version of what the various migrants across the world face today. Yes, it was once the white ppl the pesky unwanted migrants. We still get treated like we are. Now a new generation looking for the same, willing to risk it all if there is even a chance for safety and a normal life. Now as the whites that were demanding Natives be more tolerant and that we have every right to be here, now telling a new generation that they should stay on their side of the border and fix their own problems. Right...Right...ok.

Now lets step it up a notch merging in that 6 degrees of separation theory. I did mention some of the brief history about my region and the great deportation of 1755. Where did they go? You know white dissolves in color when it comes to genetic alchemy doesn't it. What does that mean? How many of them are the remanence of our long lost deported cousins, knocking at our doors for help. Help to flee the same type of oppression many of us came to North-America to get a fresh start from 300 to 400 years ago. Different skin color but shared ancestry indeed. Go ahead, prove me wrong. So in easy terms we are telling our long lost cousins to Go back where they came from and stay on their side of the border after a journey like this. Well fuck, did I just find a legit way to make Alanis Morrisette of the 90's message relevant in 2024?


It's probably the only song of hers I like to be honest. No shade. I get it now Alanis, you were just trying to warn me about the future. We spent our childhood wondering what their lives had been like to watch modern society call them pet eating dirty migrants for political clout or other personal reasons when it comes to individual. Weren't you or your ancestor a DIRTY MIGRANT someplace too at some point? Another reason I wish I would have died that day (z) with the attempts on my life and now wish I was 6 feet underground or with my body still waiting to be discovered in the forest of the Rockies. I could gladly participate with the ANCESTORS in ROLLING OVER IN MY GRAVE. What if karma was real?

I'm by no means taking lightly or making jokes/laughter at another's misery of anything but when I think of God's wrath, I think of ancestors rolling in their grave. When I try to visualize what that would look like, well...that paints a good picture. My heart still goes out to these people. It's a horrible tragedy that will likely go down in history in one of the costliest most traumatizing natural disasters in US history. The sickening part of it all. Social apathy at it's finest but it the midst of it all the glitz and glamor selling sensationalized news stories across the world. Why is it that more then a week after, people are still stranded? Struggling to find food and water, electricity?

In a country with a military stocked to the gills to handle just about anything, one with tons of money and influence to supply bombs in various countries abroad like some demented savior of the world and gain a few brownie points with other like minded foreign dignitaries that don't truly care about the society that elected them to govern them to prosperity. Over a week later, only local resources and small charities assisting. A helpful drop in the bucket when you have 5 counties and millions of residents affected.

Where is the Army Corp of engineers to help restore roads and bridges to trapped towns? Are they too busy building walls? I'm not American or truly understand your Army and it's various branches but, isn't something like this their specialty? Their job? Their oath? To secure, repair and maintain critical infrastructure needed to ensure the safety of Americans during a catastrophe or attack? I'm just some dumb curious Canadian. Any American in da house that can offer perspective on that? Just wondering from up here.

Where is all your fancy air gear to get ppl out to safety? Is it all in the middle east dropping bombs causing more misery and mass migrations of migrants you don't want at your doorstep or what? Obviously, people might not be living here for a while, maybe it's a good time to I dunno, find a more helpful and permanent solution rather then leaving everyone stuck in the wreckage. Some people had no insurance has it gotten too expensive and unaffordable for many. So their entire life's generational investment and hard work...gone. Just like that...Swept away. Where is the help? Society apathetic to their own brothers and sisters IN AMERICA.

Spend more time spreading your dumb wars and taxations for stupidities to support your disgusting "let them eat cake" lifestyles while preaching global warming. How about rich corporations, aren't these your long time valued customers? You can get shit delivered on their doorstep the same day in I have to admit a truly clever and modern business model, you don't feel compelled to help? Did the hurricane alter all of your product deliveries? Didn't that make you billions in profits over the years?

How about you Elon, rich self made billionaire crock of shit speech that is fucking morally and intellectually superior...How do you and you cult call it? God-like? I thought you came from struggle and understood the hustle. All your hard work build on tax payers dime to keep you rich while you launch cars and other space junk like an asshole just because you can and your rich. Can one do what they please with their hard earned money based on their contributions? Well yes of course but the ability to do so was provided by all those teachers, construction workers, small ma and pa shops and whatever else to at the very least help you get started to have a chance to develop your also clever innovations that also provides greater communication reach then we could ever experience in the whole existence of the earth. Where is your help?

I thought you called yourself a nice guy? One who gets it? You have a bunch of money to burn on useless pet projects because you can, how about a good deed and launch some fucking useless aircraft thing a majig to send food, water and supplies with your compadre Bezo. I thought you were god-like? The god I know does good deeds...Wouldn't it be a cool way to feed your over inflated savior complex egos, imagine that by actually saving people. Oh wouldn't that be a miracle if they exist. If not Americans because you are too bougie for that, how about your brothers and sisters in Africa? Couldn't they use some good doing billionaire giving them a hand instead of launching space garbage like a car. Talk about misdirected resources. Go South Africa! Elon knows the struggle, self made billionaire, the American dream to aspire to! I'm impressed, the American propaganda brochure looks just like the ?Canadian one!

How about you UN? Where are you and all our tax dollars you siphon out with your fancy meetings and personal jets to fly around the world on expensive vacation-like assemblies and meetings full of hot air that go nowhere. Now the idea of the UN sound nice in theory but it's current applications of it seems well, like trying to fill a spaghetti strainer with water as far as efficiency and effectiveness in ensuring fairness and a leading example around the world. The same stupid condemning Israel for improper blows that violate international law. The same washed up message for months. Now what are we gonna do about it? You had months to mull it over...What's the solution? I thought you ensured the fairness and stability of the world? My ears are open.

I'm trying to be open minded but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from as the worker with no rights to go to work because I'm the wrong gender in a country like Canada, despite my carter of rights. I'm kinda glad I'm not making tax dollars to fund that shitshow. As we would say at work, a leak in the payroll...a lot of them. What else is UN? UNESCO sites? Jasper? Forest mismanagement? Where was your help on your own site of maintaining it's natural and historical integrity all these years? The ones blocking the locals from coming up with a better pest control solutions then , awe just let it spread for research sake. You had a few decades now? What's the verdict to your complacent experiment? Do you truly care about the preservation, preservation of mankind and the planet? Concerned with global warming with all the added emotions that are generated from complacency in resource management. Don't we generate you enough cash to want to actually preserve it properly? Or are you just looking for some fancy title that affords you a fancy jet setting lifestyle and diplomatic immunity?

I mean, shit, we are human and mistakes happen but, I'm sure most of us remember covid and the weirdness that came out of that where it was ok to force unethical treatments that destroyed many lives financially with well , really bad information, advice and strategies. While the country is collectively looking at our leaders and the UN and so called experts on how we should handle such a sensitive situation. The country's chief health minister's advice? Use glory holes for sex and make out with masks. We all heard it on national tv. Oh yeah, all you mouth musical prodigies, you have to cut a hole in your mask to play your instrument, ya know, it's for the greater public's safety. I really wish I made that one up. My tax dollars. Hard to take anything seriously after that sound national advice! How can anyone say or enforce that with a strait face. No but seriously.

So lets spin back around the block to the war thing...What is your job again UN? Forced mass migration due to either war and other political or manmade economic circumstances? I thought that was your department? The world is still waiting for your wise council and leadership oh great expensive ones with superior morals? Yes teach us on proper ethical directions and stewardship, we have been patiently watching, one genocide and deportation at a time. Don't you think actually focusing on EFFECTIVE peace efforts. yes, key word EFFECTIVE...triple highlight that.

Maybe those "dirty migrants" didn't want to take a dangerous treck across a dangerous jungle that took weeks or froze fingers off to get to Canada, or sank off an inflatable raft on a two week journey across a see. Maybe they just wanted a safe and stable community build without all the fuckery. Citizens allowed to live peaceful lives, right there at home, where they were born. where they were happy before the fuckery, maybe it was always messed up and these are the brave that say enough. Risk it all just to say enough. Why must the world be so cold and apathetic? Just to feed oversized egos. The rest of us just sit, watch our baseball games, Hive about well lets call it hot air content.

Not that there is anything wrong with your collective fluff content but ya'll big wigs with expensive voices THAT COULD GET THE CONVO STARTED, ISN'T IT YOUR WORLD TOO? You know you are just waiting for yours or your kids turn. Doesn't matter what skin color or cultural background, generations of abuse just causes more generations of abuse. Why aren't you using your voices for something useful too like finding societal ills, calling out and holding accountable the leaders we put there. Holding ourselves accountable too because it starts with the man/woman in the mirror. We can't get along because we are at war within ourselves, our own shadows. Prefer running away from the ugliness rather then collectively work to resolve insanity once and for all.

Ya know someone posted a post a post a post that may have caused controversy or not, I don't know, things escalated quickly after that. Sorry not sorry but that's what the blockchain looks like comparing the last few years so I suppose for the haters, he just simply was honest about his effort level and proof of brain. So despite the haters, the joke made me giggle. Was it received how it was intended at delivery? Well we each have our own perception based on our current views I suppose. Just how it related with my brain. How about making Hive valuable with citizen journalism and free voices for change? Wouldn't that be a cool thing to be famous for a platform? The platform that cared about the state of the world? But wait, I thought that was our values in the first place? Well I suppose I might have grossly misread the room. My bad.

I like ya'lls coins, flowers, cool hikes and 3.0 fluff internet concepts of the future and all but I there is only so many times per year I can handle the same reworded messages or the same coin from a different angle every time you buy the most generically produced thing on the market, especially after almost half a decade. Complacency... Hence complacent price of 20 cents. Is it the hive reward or the ability for self expression you truly value?

Fuck the future, it's useless if we don't make thru the now as a society or as individuals is it. how will your millions of Hive serve you in the afterlife? You claimed yourselves to be different than the mainstream rich folk...are you? I thought your dollars bought you voices and influence besides your daily upvote expectations from your longtime buddies? I'm not suggesting they are not earned. Just USE THOSE VOICES FOR GOOD TOO, to help shed light on real life situations that could use fixing and your solutions instead on how to find ways to hush people that say unpleasant messages that make you a bunch of backseat driver living room Politians in our pijamas? It's 2024 we don't even have to leave the house anymore to do it! /so why much societal apathy towards what others are going thru and why?

Rally up digital troops! How can we help thy neighbor? How can we end war? How can we end mass immigration? Mass homelessness? If there really was a world full of love and empathy, one where we care for others, chances are it wouldn't be this fucking messed up. Maybe we would have time to build a life of value both financially and spiritually rather then constantly running like a bunch of rats or waiting for our turn to do so in 100 years or two. It never ends until we face the music and address it.

Since we are on the topic of roasting people that pride themselves in things they fail to deliver, How about you the do gooders priesthood of the Vatican? Where are your good values and society stewardship in these difficult circumstances and topics? Why aren't you feeding the poor. Gold is twice the price it was just a few years ago. The world knows you and your royal compadres are sitting on piles of then golden good stuff...You robbed it from the very poor migrants with authoritative rule over civilizations you didn't understand? Both in South and North-America?

Now it was sweet of you to organize a fancy grand apology tour of the continent with a formal apology, I do think all apologies are sent from god anyway and recognizing that there was harmful behavior that shouldn't of happened and inhumane that contributed to genocidal events for a few centuries. I thought repenting was also repairing the damage to? Not just hot air and cool photo ops? How bout some of that stolen gold to help the people you took it from? What is sorry without any action? I thought atonement meant action to repair our transgressions? Helping out in a time of crisis would be a good place to start as far as displaying a will to repair the past's wrongs.

Isn't part of atonement preventing these situations from happening? I thought the church was to support their local communities, not just a sunday mass we go to and judge each others shallowness while ignoring our own and hear the propaganda you don't even believe enough in yourselves to represent in actions? I grew up in the days where convents and the church actually had establishment in place to help all these local societal difficulties, the leaders of compassion and empathy. Isn't that the Christed values you teach? You used such to harm indigenous populations around the world, why doesn't it work to actually help? Sure you are a little bit, are you doing as much as you could tho? Love thy neighbor? Aren't them migrants our neighbor? As long as we treat our distant relatives like trash because we are too ill informed about history out of willful ignorance isn't an excuse to escape accountability.

In religious text, it mentions in the bible about Moses not making it to the promise land because he had blood on his hands. So now what Israel? I thought you wanted to restore her glory and bring back the Holy of Holies era? Your birthright? Still missing the fucking point thousands of years later. Leading the people out of Egypt was not for entry to heaven, just the cost to earning back God's grace. Leave it to King Josiah to see it as an opportunity to re-write text to suit his political agenda and sell a odd patriarchal ideology of violence that we all still drink like a Kool-aid that should be laid to rest. Fuck that play is as old as time isn't it. It's played out...seriously. For those who like to dig on little bible adventures, also when Wisdom's name was trashed as the Harlot and removed the woman as a relevant part of religious and temple practices. If I was a mother Mary statue, I would cry tears of blood looking at what our world has come to. That we still haven't learned to love and be nice to each other. Eliminate the role of the feminine and mother, men get to be in power and go play their blood games. Somehow thinking they will be granted first access into heaven as special because they kill innocents for their ancestors. No wonder ancestors are rolling over in their graves.

Just a thought, Didn't Abraham have a kid that went on to form the Muslim religion? So aren't you cousins? HUMM...interesting. Does grandma and grampa approve of you going to hunt your cousins you must ask yourselves. Why can't yall share? Both sides really. Oh yeah, just a thought, since you are so attached to ancestral land and values, what happened to Israel when her citizens forsake Wisdom? HUMM...yet still looking for answers. Do you have reading difficulties or did you not bother reading the text and values you claim to advocate. No we need some magical savior to salvage us into heaven with his piety or the restauration of ancestral land to make our ancestors proud. I dunno, would grandma be proud? How about Grampa? did he fight so his descendance can keep shedding blood like psychopaths? Like junior hitlers? It was wrong when it was done to you and it's wrong for you to do it to someone else. War can only come from the Anti-Christ. Let that sink in. Are you sure you are looking to redeem your ancestors and a place in heaven? What if the tree of life was the tree of living things? That would make too much sense. Eve ate from the tree of living things...there fore shedding blood. Gave Adam blood lust. Ate from the tree of living things, shed blood, no longer pure for heaven. Hence the expulsion. So Israel, why are you shedding blood? Somehow something so simple causes so much conflict over a self perceived birthright over another human being. You should fucking hear yourselves. My swearing and potty mouth is the offensive thing in life tho, in my posts. I must be a demon with an unholy mouth like that. Must be.

The rest of society, betcha learning about the Holocaust, how many of you said you would have spoken up and prevented the tyranny? Well? Why so quiet? No but really? But hello, this conflict isn't just in the idle east, our tax dollars across the western world funds this. Disrupting others, then judging them when they are knocking at the door begging for help and mercy. How can a human looking at this still be apathetic? Not care? Are you even human? Maybe we should make our leaders fill out a captcha each day on their entry to work to prove they are not a robot. Why don't we value life as a species? Yet we will go deliver flowers on their grave and how tragic the event was. Was it tho? If it was...why did everyone stay silent? Wrong skin color? Wrong gender? Who gets to decide who's more worthy of life over another? Why does there have to be a choice?

Imagine a world where all that money spent to destroy and displace each other was spent on making society actually healthy both physically and mentally, just imagine. I know it's an impossible miracle, everyone prefers throwing their dollars and attention at over glorified rich assholes cause they got money that they found a clever way to unfairly earn covered up by solid efforts to make it not look too obvious while the many forgetting they are part of the plebes getting trampled on. Maybe not now but a few thousand years of history says we all get our turn until we learn. Everyone racking their brains trying to solve the mystery of the next anti-crhist.

All along it was the human condition in general, human apathy, how we each contribute with a lack of ownership, incapable of doing the right thing when nobody is looking. Living in a place where the only way to make it is fuck each other over and destroy everyone's hard work out of jealousy. To blind to understand the most basics of words written down several 1000's of years ago. Leave it to humans to still be confused and fighting about it. It's not even just in biblical text, just about every creation story reflect the same concepts in their own way. Our own misdeeds we refuse to acknowledge or purposefully perpetuate. Sitting silent looking the other way is the same as participating. Isn't there some place in the new testament that states Jesus saying satan is a manmade concept? A manmade fabrication? Doesn't mean it's some weird invisible mystery force we must solve with endless quest for scholars. Fuckers, just learn reading comprehension. The great biblical mystery. human's lack of interpreting skills. Go ahead, go look...prove me wrong.

Who has it right and who has it wrong? Who has more claims where? Who deserves what more than another? While we harm and judge each other unfairly , we are all getting it wrong. But eh, maybe the next civilization can learn that...Then again probably not.

Why am I still going on my excessive rant on how useless our system has become, while we launch bombs on each other and blame humans that get taxed half their paycheck going to work trying to pay for shelter and food causing global warming in order to tax us more to support insanity that we should all be appalled by, we are collectively ignoring a big big elephant in the room. Sure I sound all gloom and doom and apocalyptic on a good day but perhaps there is a reason for that.

Is there climate change? Yes. Is it a big big problem? Also yes. Is it man made? Big fat no. Can we tax ourselves out of it? No. Can we fight each other over resources and survival of the fittest? Well we are all about to find out the hard way. And I mean the really hard and hot way. All that war money should probably be spent on fireproofing our world rather then burning it along with removing natural fuel sources. Perhaps not build so close to coasts and floodplains.

Why? nobody probably took a serious loo at it or probably read the book but a few months back I made a post on increase solar activity and it's direct correlation with our natural environment including an increase in ionized solar winds, the perfect ingredient for the massive hurricanes and typhoons also will be responsible for major unforeseen displacements and total ruin for some individuals. Why are we contributing to it with human carelessness? With each pretty display of northern lights on the internet that the sun kindly provides for us via solar flare, each impact slowly erode our magnetosphere aka earth's magnetic field causing more earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and all that sort of underground activity, also disruptive to society. They say it's common and we go thru that in cycles every 11 years or so, the sun switches seasons.

Are you sure? Are you willing to bet everyone's life on it for a propaganda and shadow war campaign cashing in one everyone's ignorance in the information age. Any real scientist left on this planet? I'm just a dumb welder with a hiking hobby here not a sun-ologist...Don't worry I know it's not a word.

Here is what I see as some dumb welder. When welding any metal, as it transition into liquid form, it forms a slag crust made up of the impurities that bubbles up to the surface leaving the inside pure and uniform. The sun is a gas giant, the black crust we see, that is sun slag. The same concept as the welding, it also acts as a protector form external contaminates from entering and destabilizing it's environment also acting as a retaining barrier for the molten or gas mass within it's solid-ish boundaries.

When we weld stainless steel, as the metal cools, the metal gets smaller in volume as it rests back to it's original crystalline structure. As it cools and shrinks, it causes stress on the slag to separate and "pop" off at any given point with no notice. In stainless welds , it's suppose to pop off. We also use that to determine who the rookie apprentices are. Bahaah. If you know, you know.

Nyways back to my old lady rambles and conspiracy dumb welder nobody theories. To move to the hiking relationship, shelf ice observes the exact same concept but able to analyze a different aspect. As ice is formed and water levels get lower with reduced flow, if the water levels recede during winter, it leaves an air gap that creates a vacuum that sucks everything in it's path underneath if the ice breaks. That air gap also means unsupported ice and weaker, easer to collapse. Why it's dangerous to walk on compared to a normal lake with consistent water levels.

Now picture all the gas that the sun has been belching out, it's reducing it's mass...aka shifting it's mass. Creating additional pressure on the solar slag crust. Normally the cracks where the sunspots form would seal back up as another opens up but looking at sun activity, I'm seeing more and more fractures and less and less recovery. A sun belching and reducing it's mass, wouldn't it create the same vacuum or air gap between the solid crust and the supporting material behind it that makes the weld slag pop or shelf ice to collapse easier? Is the solar slag crust in danger of crumbling? How do we know it's not? What can happen if it crumbles? Is it fair to compare how the sun might be behaving right now to hotel molten welding slag?

Now where would that solar slag go? We might wanna a hurry and find out exactly. That little solar tornado that we all awwed about a while back, well I suspect that was a piece of that crust and we dodged a really hot bullet because of where it was. It danced all the way to the top pole. That was one tiny piece no biggie right? What if it's the beginning of something bigger, more long term. Now the sun has a magnetism of it's own protecting it's mass much like the earth does but it too can only handle so much disruption before it gets a little angrier then usual.

For now, small chunks should get swallowed back up by the gaseous ball in the shelf vacuum effect and magnetic field but what about splash back? wouldn't an impact be able to launch extra solar gases at a fester speed towards an unsuspecting planet such as ourselves? Would that also cause that slag to further deteriorate? At what point is that slag capable of having wounds and staying solid enough to hold it's contents? If an entire large chunk representing even 1/10 th of it's round, how does the gas stay in? Wouldn't that open wound disrupt the magnetic field as well? Could be a total wipe out event. Maybe not, that we will never really know for sure, even after it happens.

Even if it doesn't cause worse case scenario and nothing unsuspected launches towards earth, solar radiation is an age old thing, the empty space thrives on it...just not so much live and other fleshy things. Now in the event everything launches away from our planet, it's still disruptive to our own magnetic field including our poles. It could also cause a shift in orbit in our round-ish/ oblong-ish planet. Meaning the ground would need to shift to reset itself to it's own gravity causing earthquakes and additional volcanic fissures. Meanwhile it's manmade global warming.

So instead of fighting and artificially incinerating our own world in careless explosive gun fueled apathy in all directions, should we kinda look at the giant gas ball elephant in the room and figure out how to best study and mitigate any additional hazards we might bring to the situation with our own stupidity. In other words, fire proofing, sun proofing, storm proofing our habitat in better ways so we can better withstand a more long term solar induced warming and the repercussions on every one. Including you rich asshats in charge, the ones that use our hard earned money, you can outrun our verbal pitchforks with your anti free speech legislations and other suppression tactics behind your armed security details to hide your overpriced incompetence but can you outrun the sun? For once we actually are in the same boat...Not just the same pond.

So rich fuckers? Leaders of the world eating fancy steaks on our taxes meanwhile solving no real problems with actions, only talks of condemning shit and provide or launching bombs...How do you like your fancy steaks and veggies? Well done to a crisp I hope. Cause that's what it might be soon. Your victory dinner after you have defeated all the dumb plebes that elect you todo a real job in good faith. Thinking you had morals, deep down we know. We have known for a long time. I don't know why everyone else likes playing tho.

So now that you started taxing us for the sun activity and every lemming jumped down the cliff like collective idiots, can we use it for what it was intended for. Not stuffing you and your friends pockets, not that secretly supporting war and destruction, human disruptions. You cause them and you know it. Can we dismantle the system? The beast? No that would be bad too. Why can't humans just have integrity? The ability to do the right thing? Just because it's our duty?

No instead we whine about government over reach too many laws, too many useless over paid positions, permit for this, permit for that...translate to yeah, we increase the income tax every time. Why are we oppressed by a system full of careless redundancies? Because nobody can do the right thing and respect others. Must always push the boundaries like a competition of who can go down in history as the biggest destructive asshole like it's a competition. We fund our own oppression and demise by not being trust worthy. Does the Libertarian concept sound nice yes. It would be a more efficient world and less costly, more money to spend on smart things, things that help move society forward. It's not that we don't have the money to do so, there just isn't a will to do so. So what do you want society? Fuck over your neighbors excessively for gain and entertainment, increase the need for so much government over reach, laws and a more stringent robotic way of governing society? Or do you wanna just behave and eliminate the useless redundancies that render our entire beast of a system a big expensive fucking complacent playground of perpetual fuckery.

You know everyone and anyone is one bad election away from being a migrant knocking at your cousins door and being told to fuck off dirty migrant, stay on your side of the wall. Hey asshat, after two weeks of walking in the jungle, no shit sherlock. About offer me a bath. Tell Presidential Candidate Trump I might let his pet live sparing it from dinner if he chips in a slice of bread thru the fence wall. ( I'm not suggesting that migrants do that although I wouldn't judge. To be real honest hungry enough I would at the very least probably start thinking about it.) I'm just saying, that's what "award winning campaign of political champions" have devolved to.

Or current President Biden... Maybe someone can sent a shipment drone airdrop of Scott towels to help soak up the leftover water from what's left of the basement foundation to help things along. In the middle of an election campaign and both sides are embarrassing. I'm glad I don't have to pick a politician in your homeland...two wings of the same sick bird. What I was trying to say, anyone throwing resources with a cool series of photo op could come across as the savior of America, your chance to display your skills and will towards the American people and their well being and progression as a society. America's climate change savior in the midst of a historical landscape changing election! Fuck what a campaign generosity and government care in their duties and the people they claim to work for. A political move towards a world built on integrity and values? Does society even want that to begin with? Probably not. Doesn't look like it. Can't even hold the self accountable.

Can we stop hiding from our own human complacency in our rosy bubble, the only reason your world is rosy is because you threw pink paint all over your demons you don't want to look at. You know how we make fun of cats for not being able to recognize their own reflection in the mirror? Who are we to laugh. Humans are no different. We could be but evolving requires work and growing. We are just not that kind of species. God is known to have flooded the Nephilim because they were giant assholes that overconsumed everything. Ya don't say. What's the verdict on humans? Do we have surviving information for comparison? My Christian and Catholic judges? What's your verdict? What does your book tell you on how evolved we are, are we going to heaven after creating hell for others? After shedding blood? After speaking lies and false campaigns to the detriment of others? Now maybe I was punking you with the ancestor rolling in their grave bullshit and it has a real scientific explanations that everyone ignores.

If the Church, Government, The UN, The Vatican, every so called leader can do it so easily, why the fuck not. At least I'm honest about it afterwards. But maybe I'm not far off to the truth either, what chooses the deployment of all this nature stuff? Like I said, if I was an ancestor in the ground fucking rights I would roll over in my grave, If I was God, I would make the ground shake too with a dash of excessive solar flare flinging pieces of burning sun crust in anger just to help the ancestors make their point. An ass whooping from sky daddy. Do you really want him to come visit now? Which embarrassing leader or alphabet organizations should I take him to? With those of you thinking how foul to use bad words and god in the same sentence? Isn't it blasphemy? No, not caring for our neighbor is tho. Bloodshed is.

Seriously tho, can we look at the sun thing and learn to share and work together to figure out how to make our world more resilient to the space insecurities and correlations with weather patterns and actually be transparent with citizens, perhaps educate on the different intricacies of our universe instead of fake campaigns full of lies and propaganda while the rest of us blog about our pretty photos in apathy as an escape pretending like we don't know or see anything, like creating a delusion so we don't go insane when we look around at the true conditions we live in. Unless you open your eyes and look around, how do you see what's wrong and needs fixing? If nobody speaks or acts towards the right thing, individuals or as a collective? How will we ever build anything better? Just wait for an honest politician? Haven't we been waiting a long time? Why can't we be our own saviors and holding ourselves accountable? Each of us and as a collective? The outward is simply a mirror reflection of the inward. everything you need to know is already there. It's just not important enough to look. Afraid of our own monsters.

A couple years ago, that might even be on steemit I posted a blog about mental health crisis on the horizon. Everyone probably laughed. Any experts psychologists in the house? How much abuse can a society handle before it collapses? Maybe we can ask the Romans. Except now we are all financially connected like dominoes with over reliance on globalization and the lack of proper executable contingency plans. The latest hurricane that devastated the United States is the proof of that. In your hour of greatest need...who will come to your aid? Nobody. Only the gentle heart of kinfolks also going thru it while everyone goes to work and carries on like you never existed. How about war, natural catastrophes? What does that do to mental health? Where are your professional opinions aired to help society? Oh wait that probably doesn't pay you as well. Why do we go around in circles century after century and call ourselves progressive? What is that?

Why am I so sad and depressed? How can you not be when you look at the real state of affairs? the world you block out because it's too uncomfortable to look at? I regret surviving because I realized there is no point to life, only fuckery until death. We get sent here just to get abused until you succumb, some of you are lucky some are not ... doesn't matter how hard one tries to build better when you're the only one to care. The only thing prominent on this planet is perpetual abuse of others as a dominant ideology, the mainstream way of life. Supported by many indirectly with their silence. With a solution as simple as integrity love and compassion to solve millennia old problems... WTF. The only reason it isn't fixed is because we don't want to.

Keep spinning around with your forehead on the baseball bat like a moron, I'm getting dizzy watching society spin around in circles and learning absolutely nothing. We laugh at the so called Dark ages and the lack of information and barbary. We have all the information in the world at our finger tips. What's our excuse? News flash, we are willingly sitting in the dark ages...We never left. If I could launch myself into the sun and burn my soul to never have to come back here I would. No thanks on the do-overs. This game of being human and good stewards of duality and all it's concepts is really dumb. We could do better but that's too much effort for anyone to even look at. Prove me wrong.

for those annoyed by my account still on the fence on nuking or not, I stopped caring. I know I push envelopes like it's an Olympic sport. Do what you want or looking for other rep measures to discourage controversial or taboo topics when usure if they wanna like the writer or not...well whatever. Yup, complete apathy. The pot calling the kettle black, at least I can admit it and pin point why. Why are ya'll so cold to one another? Maybe change things up and write about what bothers you in society? What makes you cold? I suppose nothing like a good dumpster fire to warm up. Was I a bit harsh on my Hive criticism? Maybe... ask yourselves honestly...Am I wrong tho? What does the 20 cent per say? I'm not trying to be mean just honest. Do you want growth, a purpose bringing additional value to the project or 20 cents per and play around? How's ya'll ideas working out? Not that mine are going anywhere. Just while we on the up an up. Could this place use a little rejuvenation and excitement? A purpose besides an escape from the real reality past the illusions that everything is alright. Wasn't the will to detach from the stale mainstream numbness of social media the whole point that gave birth to this place? Or are we just a different flavor in the same popsicle box?

Happy nuking for my silver tongued digital transgressions and insults, maybe it can warm my heart from all this coldness. Don't know what to make of me? Well guess what, no one else can either. Call it the divine antagonist at this point I guess, where I try to light fire under complacent asses for the sake of awareness of the world so maybe hope to stope being stuck in the same place perpetually...Generation after generation. Maybe I'm just tired of being stomped on by society from all directions in a world where there is no accountability as far as the eye can see. Trust me, it's flat here, we can see far into Saskatchewan right from our kitchen window. Surely I can't be the only one just sick of everyone's shit on a societal grand picture level.

Ce qui Sera sera, ceux qui vivra, verra


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Let a wrong-doing repeat itself at least three times: the first may be an accident, the second a mistake, but the third is likely to be intentional. - African Proverb

We are human, never learn from history, appear to repeat mistakes, or make ways of generating more wealth for the wealthy! Make excuses not to do right by our neighbours.

Perfectly said.

But we are the many? What if this is the do-over...I would put an F for fail but we all like a good comeback story, the end isn't written in stone yet but yeah, the path is easy to speculate until we change course. Keep doing the same thing yet expecting different results is the definition of insanity. That might ironically be Einstein.

Very difficult to change course when paddling upstream with one paddle!

lol well I just got an an accurate visual on going around in circles living in the land of pretty Lakes and canoes or kayaks. LOL

We must always admit our mistakes