My Discomforting Experience Due To An Ear Infection!

in Emotions & Feelings2 days ago (edited)

Every single part of the body is precious. None is less important than the other so each body part should be valued, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it might be.
Each of these body parts work together in a dance of intricate harmony to ensure optimal health, function and overall well-being of the body. But when a body part is down or afflicted, the other interconnected parts will feel the impact, In fact the entire system will be affected. illustrating the body's complex web of dependencies. That is why it is said that
"when the eyes begin to cry, the nose follows suit with compassionate sniffles", a clear proof of the interconnectedness of the body system.

Even when it comes to sickness or health issues, none should be treated with kid's gloves because we think it's not serious or it's "just ordinary", like some of us call it. For instance "ordinary headache". It will surprise you to know that this "ordinary headache" can result in mental disorder and other issues relating to mental health, if proper health care isn't given. This is why seeking urgent medical help is of utmost importance so that a proper diagnosis can be conducted and the right medications given, instead of indulging in self medication. Self medication has been the bane of many, but people won't still stop, myself inclusive, hehehe.

Some of us think we know more than the health professionals, and we go ahead to take all kinds of "mix mix" drugs after doing a guesswork of the signs and symptoms of the sickness, forgetting that we're doing more harm to ourselves. After being our own "quack doctors" and the issue becomes worse, we'll then go to the professionals, which will result in increased expenses, not forgetting the increased pains and discomfort. A lot of us are guilty of this.

About two years ago, I suffered an ear infection, so painful and discomforting it was. It all started with a slight feeling of pain on my left ear so thinking that it was nothing serious, maybe just a small boil (flatulence), I went to a medicine store ,bought painkiller and antibiotics. For the three days I took the medicine, I felt relief, after few days, the pain aggravated and then I realized that it was more serious than serious, lol.

I went to another medicine store. After explaining what I was going through, he also gave me painkillers, antibiotics plus ear drop. He said the drop will help ease the burning sensations. That night I took the first dosage and by morning, I felt a bit relieved. Next day, same thing and I was happy that the drugs were effective. They actually were because the ear started discharging light yellowish liquid, just like pores-. I was happy that at long last, the ordeal was coming to an end but I was mistaken again. The more I took the medicines and used the drop, the pain and discomfort increased.

There was no symptom that I didn't experience - blockage of ear as if it was plugged with cotton or something else, itching and tickling sensation right inside my ear canal. There was also the whooshing sound from altered air pressure, the warm and burning sensation of heat radiating from the ear. I began to wonder if someone was actually playing the drum right inside my ear because it was making a rumbling sound causing throbbing and aching sensations, intermittent pains, sometimes dull or sharp especially when in motion. I began to walk in slow motion, sometimes holding my ear to save me from more throbbing.

My ear was under intense pressure, causing me discomfort which often worsens at night. Frustration, worry and anxiety, all set in. The discomfort was having a negative impact on me, work and daily activities. I was losing sleep and my mind as well. There was chaos in my entire body system. Pain, fever, headache especially at the forehead. My eyes and mouth got the worse of it. Eating and talking became an issue as any movement of my mouth lead to more discomfort. I was mainly taking cereals and light food.

I was lost in thought one day when a call from a friend came in. Sensing my discomfort, he enquired what was amiss. After relating my ordeal, he directed me to one hospital to go see an E.N.T (ear, nose and throat) doctor. Luckily I knew the hospital and immediately he dropped the call, I made my way there. Getting there, I was told the doctor wasn't on seat, The nurse was kind enough to give me his number.

I called, told him about my challenge, and asked when he will be on seat. He replied "in another five days".

"Ha!, five days?". "How was I going to survive this pain?", I said to myself. I told him the pain was unbearable and asked if he could recommend any drugs but he said no, that it would be after examining the ear.

Well I managed to endure the pain and after five days, I went back. Other patients were already waiting. I filled the necessary papers and qued.
It got to my turn and I went in to see the doctor. After consultation, he examined my ear, said it was "eardrum perforation", which could have arisen from any of these factors:

  • direct blow to the ear.
  • loud noises
  • insertion of objects like cotton swabs, etc

I guess mine was from cotton swab. I recalled it days before the pain started. But it seemed like I touched the eardrum, which is rather sensitive.

Examination done, he said that the ear canal needs to be cleaned as there were some debris and mucus blocking it. It was a painful session altogether, I lost the feel of my ear. After, he used cotton guaze to cover the outer part of the canal, with strict instructions not to remove it until after three days or to allow water touch it. I should be careful with my use of cotton swabs, and to be wary of water entering my ear.
Finally he gave me some medicines prescription, and I left.

I followed the instructions to the later and I got the feel of my ear back again.

This experience had me imagining what those who have severe challenges and those who use hearing aids are going through. I was thankful that mine lasted only for a while. Now, I protect my ears with all carefulness. I don't want to go through the experience again. 😅

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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Hmm, this is an experience I don't want to go through. All the parts of the body are very important and when one part is affected,the whole body is in pains.

I'm happy you have moved past this.

Happy Sunday sis 🤗

Beautiful Sunday to you Sis.
No one deserves going through this experience, but you know mistake always happen.

@beckyroyal! @luchyl likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @luchyl. (1/20)

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Kind regards @luchyl
Our body is the sublime and distinguished representation of perfect harmony, synchrony that needs to flow in demanding balance, conformed by the exquisite conjunction of each of its parts. You had a health situation that could generate considerable complications, it was what you describe as a demanding and challenging experience. Most probably the otitis media was exacerbated by self-medication with inappropriate drugs, which increased the otalgia (ear pain) and otorrhea (discharge). I am glad that everything is over and without sequelae, only traces of a bitter experience remain in the memory. It is good that you have become aware of the risk of taking on treatments on your own, without specialized care.
Until another time, health and wellness !LUV

Saludos cordiales @luchyl
Nuestro cuerpo es la sublime y distinguida representación de la perfecta armonía, una sincronía que necesita fluir en exigente balance, conformada por la exquisita conjunción de cada una de sus partes. Realmente tuviste una situación de salud que pudo generar complicaciones considerables, fue por lo que describes una experiencia exigente y desafiante. Muy probablemente la otitis media se agravó por la automedicación con fármacos inadecuados, que aumentaron la otalgia (dolor de oído) y la otorrea (secreción). Me alegro de que todo haya terminado y sin secuelas, sólo quedan en el recuerdo rastros de una amarga experiencia. Es bueno que hayas tomado conciencia del riesgo de asumir tratamientos por tu cuenta, sin atención especializada.
Hasta otra ocasión, salud y bienestar.