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RE: Combating and raising awareness of breast cancer

Thank you for bringing us this thoughtful and instructive publication, where you outline with wisdom and experience, the main aspects associated with breast cancer and at the same time reveal its clinical-epidemiological behavior. In my country Venezuela, diagnoses in incipient stages, unfortunately, have been in decline, limited mainly by the lack of diagnostic resources in the Public Health System, deteriorated equipment, diminished useful life, for lack of proper maintenance, coupled with the shortage of supplies, which makes inaccessible the imaging diagnoses, as methods of certainty, in most patients, who do not have the financial resources to assume expenses in the private health sector. I fully agree with your statements, that more lives will be saved to the extent that awareness and sensitization are collectively reinforced, raising the importance of surveillance, associated with confirmatory diagnoses in early stages, through specialized medical consultations. Until next time, health and well-being !PIZZA

marilourIt is a pleasure to greet you, colleague @jjmusa2004. #emotionsfeelings

Gracias por traernos esta reflexiva e instructiva publicación, donde esbozas con sabiduría y experiencia, los principales aspectos asociados al Cáncer de Mama y al mismo tiempo revelas su comportamiento clínico-epidemiológico. En mi país Venezuela, los diagnósticos en estadios incipientes, lamentablemente han venido en declive, limitados principalmente por la falta de recursos diagnósticos en el Sistema Público de Salud, equipos deteriorados, disminuidos en su vida útil, por falta de mantenimiento adecuado, aunado a la escasez de insumos, que hace inaccesibles los diagnósticos imagenológicos, como métodos de certeza, en la mayoría de las pacientes, que no cuentan con los recursos económicos para asumir gastos en el sector privado de salud. Coincido plenamente con sus afirmaciones, se salvarán más vidas en la medida en que se refuerce colectivamente la concientización y sensibilización, elevando la importancia de la vigilancia, asociada a diagnósticos confirmatorios en etapas tempranas, a través de consultas médicas especializadas. Hasta otra ocasión, salud y bienestar.Es un placer saludarte, colega @jjmusa2004.


Excited and grateful for the deference, the lion insignia shines giving value and prestige to my comment, my gratitude to the team @leo.tasks


This remains a collective efforts involving the health and non-health institution but majorly, lies on the drivers of the awareness and sensitization. Thank you always dear colleague.