Hello Hive community!
I hope you are all doing well, wherever you are. Before I begin writing this article, I want to wish you a great day or night, depending on when you read this.
I'm delighted to have you back today to discuss the topic of daring. Dare to be yourself and don't worry about what others think of you. The only people who drive their boat of life and steer their boat are you and nobody else. The only people who are responsible for their own lives are you and not others. So, dare to look at others.
I am personally concerned about this. Am I going to be criticized for the content I give you? I absolutely and royally don't care. I am me, Redwan, authentic. I bring with a lot of love what I want to share with you and what I want to give you. I am happy to be myself, and I am comfortable with my imperfections! This is me! I am not otherwise and the people who know me, the people who surround me, know that I am like that.
Dare to look at others, because it is the change and daring that will surprise you, make you grow and make you even happier than those who do not dare. Others can think what they want, but that's their problem, not yours. You have a line of conduct, you know where you want to go, how you are going to go and with whom you are going to go. So, dare to look at others, dare to get out of the patterns that have been instilled in you since you were a child and that do not correspond to you.
You don't want to be an ordinary person, you want to be an extraordinary person. You don't want to be like everyone else. Children are not afraid of anything, they dare to do anything and don't care about how others look at them. Find your childish soul, dare everything you want to do.
In short, be true, be yourself, listen to yourself and dare.
I look forward to seeing you in a future article.
As an editor, my goal through my articles is to share my knowledge, my reflections and my phases of introspection on sensitive and interesting subjects that humanity needs in our days. I hope to be able to help people to transform their lives better and better, to regain full power over their lives based on my own experiences in life, my long trips around the world and my discoveries of different cultures, also thanks to the books that I have been able to read on many fields: Spiritualities, psychology, health, emotions ..... Life has taught me that by collaborating together, we can strengthen our consciousness, this will help us to deploy our inner power and therefore to converge towards our truth. If you like my contents and seem to you to be useful to other people, do not hesitate to share them. let's create a more harmonious and love-filled world together.