Hello Hive community,
If you are drawn to the content of this article after reading the title, you may be constantly faced with incessant questioning that causes you anxiety and prevents you from finding inner peace. Your mind is racing, which can have a negative impact on your daily life. You may be preoccupied with your identity, your life in general, or other people's opinions of you. You may feel that your thought flow is inexplicable and that your mind is completely overpowering you. If you continue to let your thoughts absorb you in this way, you may become lost in a mental whirlpool and wonder who you really are.
The dilemma you face is that you have difficulty expressing your thoughts to others because of the mental clutter that plagues you. You don't know who to confide in, so you tend to withdraw into yourself. However, the more you isolate yourself, the more intrusive and difficult your problem becomes to deal with. You probably ask yourself questions like: Why am I different from others? Why is life so complicated for me?
Watching others on the streets, subways or trains, you have the impression that they are normal and at ease. However, the smallest problem can monopolize your attention during the day, because you are always looking for what is wrong with you. You often try to change to become like others, to adopt a more relaxed attitude, but you find it difficult to do so. You are constantly preoccupied with the idea of what is wrong with you, which causes you to question your own identity over and over again.
It is crucial to understand that hypersensitive individuals are often plagued by this incessant mechanism and even on difficult days, they rarely feel like they are finding inner peace. Their minds are constantly restless and relationships with others can be complicated and painful. Most discouragingly, when they look at others, they feel that they have a more relaxed attitude and are just going through the motions of life.
Learning to put things into perspective is essential to not let the little details of life invade your day. This will allow you to distance yourself from things and refocus on yourself, your energy, your body and your goals. To do this, it is important to find resources within yourself, rather than comparing yourself to others. Other people cannot give you the guidance that you need, they have their own lives and their own way of building their world.
Another very typical question we ask ourselves is why people don't understand us. Feeling alone and misunderstood can lead to a feeling of not knowing how to live. It can be difficult to know how to relate to events and feel like an alien. The gap between what you feel and what you perceive from the outside world can seem immense, creating a schism or a gap between yourself and others.
This feeling of strangeness can be so strong that some people resort to external elements, such as medication, drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, this can lead to addictions, as it is the only way they have found to calm their mind and their state of being.
It is unfortunate that such bad habits are put in place, as we all have the resources within us. However, we need to know how to connect to them.
What will help you is not to enter the mental flow, but to become aware of it. Becoming aware is already a first step to observe your thoughts passing like a cloud. It will allow you to take some distance, to anchor yourself, to understand that you are not your thoughts, you are much more than that.
Since we show a very strong interest in the moment and we also give a lot of importance to incessant questioning, there are good sides. We have a very sharp mind, very creative, we don't miss much, and we know how to react very quickly to everything that happens in our environment. But be careful not to get lost in the "we have to think" because it is your thoughts, it is your mind that will take the lead and that will drive your life. So it can cause major concentration problems, I think you know that. You can have trouble staying focused on a task, managing your time well, taking good care of your energy, but also knowing how to direct that energy in a direction without getting distracted. It is therefore necessary to learn to be in the present moment and in the flow of life.
For this, you really need to be anchored. There is no quick fix, just anchoring. It's not so surprising that we have so many anchoring problems because we live in a world that goes super fast, where we delegate our attention to all these peripheral objects, where we disperse our attention in any case, where we delegate time, where we spend energy.
When we connect to many peripheral things except ourselves, we are no longer anchored. Our mind is completely dispersed, and it's like opening clouds everywhere. We are constantly solicited. We need to come back to ourselves. So I am going to give you some anchoring activities that will allow you to reclaim your body, to re-inhabit your body, to re-focus your energy and to reclaim your energy.
I've collected activities so there is something for everyone. You will choose the activities you like best. To begin with, there is dancing. Dancing is an activity that has been around since the beginning of time. Dance is something that transcends us, transcends our existence. It allows us to reconnect with movement, and it allows us to anchor ourselves to ourselves, because we mobilize our whole body, all the members are in action.
Moreover, when I was a teacher, I did a thesis at the university where I showed scientifically, I did not show it, but in any case, I reread studies and I used studies which were made in Quebec on this subject, that when the body is in movement, we mobilize the upper limbs and the lower limbs. In fact, we mobilize the tunes of movement in our brain, and the tunes of movement are also the same tunes that are responsible for concentration, therefore focus.
By dancing, we reclaim our body, we reclaim our energy. You have already experienced dancing a little bit randomly, like this, all alone in your room, and well, by doing this, you notice that you are much more present to yourself, that you feel your energy. Better yet, it can raise your energy level.
Then, another activity, meditation. I'm not telling you anything new, you certainly all know that meditation will teach you to observe your thoughts.
In order not to be long I will not be able to talk about all the activities that help to be present and anchored in your body, such as sports, reading .... But if you search on the web you will probably find dozens of activities. I just listed the ones I do personally.
By practicing anchoring activities, you will experience a reduction in anxiety and an improvement in your physical and energetic state. You will be more present in the moment, grounded in your body and feel like you belong. You will be able to let go more easily and accomplish your projects more efficiently, without trying to complicate things.
In addition, you will be more inclined to accept life as it is, without unnecessary resistance. You will be more accepting and things will flow more easily. For this, it is important to continue to practice these anchoring activities so that they become a need and generate pleasure. This will allow you to be more present to yourself, to master your attention, your mind and your energy.
I hope that this article may have provided you with some important insights and solutions on this subject. The goal is to reconnect with your body in order to feel good about yourself here and now. Thank you for reading and take good care of yourself.
Most times we are so much clustered in our heart with a lot of thoughts and it begins to shape our life. One thing I have come to discover is our thought always shape us to either bring positivity or negativity