Define your Success.

in Emotions & Feelings2 years ago (edited)

We all have our own view of success. For some, getting promoted to a particular title at work is success, to others, having a certain amount of money or house or car is success and so on. The problem is, even when we reach the targets we set, we don't feel successful or contented. And the reason for this is measuring success on things that don't drive our happiness or don't push us to our purpose.

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So what is this thing called success and how should we feel when we reach it.

What is success?
According to the Oxford dictionary, "success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose."
This aim can not be the same for everybody, it comes in many forms depending on one's particular goal. This means it's only you who can define your success.

Just like I stated in the first paragraph, one's aim might be an advancement in their career, possessing a luxury house or car, owning a particular business, learning a new skill etc. When they reach this aim, that is their success.

However, how people around us live has greatly influenced how we view success. A friend you grew up with posts an image of their new house or car on social media and immediately you change your aim to what he/she possesses. Or even when your already successful in your own way, you compare what you have with theirs and you don't feel successful any more because you feel what you have is less than theirs.

We have all fallen victim to this, comparing our achievements to others. This only leaves us dissatisfied with our achievements because their will always be somebody possessing more than you.

The funny part is that people who post their achievements, don't include their struggles or failures which they go through as well. You only compare yourself with the highlight of their journey which is not being fair to yourself. There are many errors, mistakes, disappointments behind someone's success which you don't see.

Focus on your own aims or goals and not on other people's achievements if you want to experience success. When you focus on other people's achievements, you end up chasing their dreams not yours. That's the reason you don't feel contented when you reach them. Remember success can only be defined by you, not others.

Find out what you want to achieve in life; is it in your career, for your family, something you want to possess. Make sure that it is your goal, not somebody else's and that it rhymes with your values. The best way to do this is making sure there is a strong reason why you want to achieve this goal.

Realize that it's going to take time to reach these goals; months, years, but your willing to work until you get to them.

And while it takes time to achieve the goals, there are small achievements along the way that you'll work towards step by step to lead you to the big goals. Acknowledge these achievements and celebrate when you reach them. They move you closer to your big goals.

When you reach your goal at the end of this journey you'll be fully contented and happy with yourself. That is success. There is no greater feeling than this.
I hope we are all working towards our goals. If not, it's not too late to start.
